*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

Im deliberately avoiding it until the LoN nerf comes in. Thet also need to fix St Andrews Gage as people are just abusing those broken mechanics to get high GR clears.

None of the testing in this first iteration is of any use, have been avoiding diablo for a few days now playing Fallout 4 :) Season 5 cant come soon enough
I'm getting lag outs that last 5-10minutes (without DC'ing!) both last night and this evening - makes anything completely unplayable :(

Definitely not my internet connection as it's all fine and I'm pinging sub 10ms to the actual servers :(
Coming back to this after a long lay off. Rightly so got kicked from the clan but if theres any spots available an add would be nice.

Need a quick rundown of changes over the last year. Just got the cube but whats all this seasons stuff? Help what have I missed lol
Bloody hell, just re-installed this after upgrading and wtf, was getting mullered in greater rifts!

I take it there's been some hefty changes! :D

I'm guessing Kanais Cube will be new to you then, plenty more diversity!

Anyone heard any dates on when 2.4 and next season is dropping? I'm hoping its before christmas, as I have a few days off work then :D
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I'm guessing Kanais Cube will be new to you then, plenty more diversity!...

Did hear about it, but not what it did.

Anyways, for someone who's not played in months, am i best just running normal rifts and gear up with all that new loot available to me? :)

Tend to swing between my WD/Warlock.
I'm guessing Kanais Cube will be new to you then, plenty more diversity!

Anyone heard any dates on when 2.4 and next season is dropping? I'm hoping its before christmas, as I have a few days off work then :D

Season 4 is due to end late December with a couple of week break before Season 5 starts, so id expect the 2.4 patch will drop during that downtime late dec/early Jan

They always give a 2 weeks notice of season ending
I'm guessing Kanais Cube will be new to you then, plenty more diversity!

Anyone heard any dates on when 2.4 and next season is dropping? I'm hoping its before christmas, as I have a few days off work then :D

I remember seeing video that they plan to end the current season around december then wait about a week or so before releasing the next season.

So my guess is mid january. Would be nice if its december.
Yeah December is a bit of a bad month to end a season, from Blizzards point of view at least due to the holidays, especially if it'll be mid to late December.

Still, looking for to next season, had to scrap this season due to the lag, it was too infuriating to play. Had some great groups with Sharpy and Smudge, but playing a WD was ruining other peoples game.
I played quiet a bit of PTR, it's going to be so easy to get access too t6 from scratch. You get 2 set items once you hit 70 then another 2 once you kill zoltan kul on t2 and the last 2 when you beat a solo GR20. This is of course subject to change, but I think the whole idea is to make certain set items more accessible to newer players.

My expectations for season 5 are 50/50 mainly because they're some really fun to play builds available in patch 2.4
Been away for 6months and got my account back today , could someone be so kind to advise me on what I need to do first when I get back in to it ? As im sure a lot has changed in 6 months.
I haven't played for a while now, a little PTR testing builds etc but not much on live, busy with other stuff and been playing through grim dawn's new content.

I'm up for the new season though! Lets hope the lags fixed!
:D I always avoid PTR as my system doesn't like it :D I prefer staying on the none seasonal server as my system doesn't die from it haha!
Seems a few people are disappointed in the new item updates forcing you to have to use that item to be in any way competitive and removing a lot of diversity in builds available!
Seems a few people are disappointed in the new item updates forcing you to have to use that item to be in any way competitive and removing a lot of diversity in builds available!

It's not like it's out of the blue, the devs have been doing it for a while now. It's just with the addition of the cube it made the problem 10x worse.
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