*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

It's not like it's out of the blue, the devs have been doing it for a while now. It's just with the addition of the cube it made the problem 10x worse.

I don't mean that as much the items have been changed to not effect core stats in a way and simply tac on 350% damage increase on that item

Quin has a video about it I think it's called Diablo itemisation rant he explains it very well
So you don't have anything in the cube at all?

I don't know much about WD's but you could massively improve with the cube :D For instance you could put your unity in there and have a more powerful damage ring on. Or you could put in a convection of elements to give you huge damage buffs. Ooooor a ring of royal garanger so you can effectively remove some set pieces for stronger parts and keep the bonuses.

Someone else will be better of telling you how best you could improve :D

hmmm just had a second look and WD's are quite poison based? You could do with some elemental damage buffs on your gear i THINK but again :D not a WD
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Nope and it seems i even called it by the wrong name too. :P

It's really the main sticking point atm in what to do with the cube to improve things.

:D Yeah it's called Kanais cube a tribute to a great level designer who went by the name Kevin Kanai Griffith He worked on D3 and made some of the amazing maps on it sadly passed away recently. When you got the cube there was a ghost near by and a skeleton in the throne room. Both of these are replicas of his main character too. I do love blizzard for the tributes they do. Better than what most game company's do. Adds a massive game changer and a physical reminder for everyone of the work he did.

Convection of elements is a strong bet for the cube :D the furnace is good too for the extra damage against elites. I think there is a item called the grim reaper too for WD's that spawns a load of minions when you attack. That might be interesting too :D.

Stick anything in whilst you find what works best for you. Get the benefit from anything even if it's not perfect :D

Also the helltooth armor set is really powerful IIRC
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If you're going pet based with your WD, you want to get yourself into the Helltooth set and the Zunimassa set.

Although it doesn't show it in the link, I have the 4-piece Helltooth bonus going and the 6-piece Zunimassa bonus going as I have the Royal Ring as my Jewellery slot cube power...


combined with the Uhkapian Serpent power (which you are wielding), my WD is very, very tanky whilst my pets (the Fetish Army is permanent, thanks to the first Zunimassa bonus) do the work with their physical damage.

I've found the Belt of Transcendence to be essential for this build for getting 15 Fetish Sycophants out quickly and at 15 constantly.

I use Plague of Toads and Acid Could to apply the Helltooth debuff and to trigger the belt to get my psychos out.

Although my raw damage output number is low, 670k shown there, it's my pets that do all the damage, I'm just there to survive and debuff the enemy, with damage redirected to my dogs (who I have never seen die!).

I've managed to solo GR35 with this build and can survive, easily, in a group at GR39.

Once you get those 2 sets going with their bonuses, it's amazing how much damage you can sit through! Spirit Walk is still essential to get out of those 'teleported into a room of spinning lasers" moments, though.

I'm sure there are people doing better solo with their WDs, so am looking for tips to improve the above, too :)
Just been doing some work on my yangs bow :(


To expensive D:
I would really love to get some Paragon levels before the season ends, does anybody want to group up? I have done all the seasonal achievements and don't have anything left to do at the moment but only play solo - I need some people for that xp boost!
Hi guys,

I love Diablo, and just wondering im a busy man these days (3 kids and a hectic job :o) but...

Is Diablo 3 a casual game for solo play? I mean literally logging in for maybe an hour leveling up, killing bosses (like the old games) and play it that way?

Or does this game require multiplayer..which I dont really have time for :p
No you can solo pretty much everything if you like. I don't think it's as good story wise nor gameplay wise as D2 but then that's down to personal preference.

Hi guys,

I love Diablo, and just wondering im a busy man these days (3 kids and a hectic job :o) but...

Is Diablo 3 a casual game for solo play? I mean literally logging in for maybe an hour leveling up, killing bosses (like the old games) and play it that way?

Or does this game require multiplayer..which I dont really have time for :p

You can play as and when suits you. If you want to you can also jump in a public game instantly for a small xp boost. But if solo is your thing nothing is stopping you. In fact 50% of my D3 time has been solo
Ugh, DHs got a big nerf in the latest PTR patch.

Shadow set got tanked by about 3 GRs, and M6 got hit right in the nostrils with the cluster arrow nerfs and the manticore nerf.
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