***** The Official Division Thread *****

An extension of the tip that someone posted in here re. the Underground caches you get from levelling up: the caches will provide you with an item to replace whatever the lowest equipped item you have. So this can be manipulated to get yourself weapons, chest piece etc.
Ok, so my actually stats are currently as follows;

Primary DPS - 230,359
Toughness - 413,216
Skill Power - 12,010

Primary & Secondary Weapon - 229
Side Arm - 204
Body Armor - B.L.I.N.D 268
Mask - FireCrest 268
Knee Pads - B.L.I.N.D 268
Backpack - B.L.I.N.D 214
Gloves - B.L.I.N.D 268
Holster - B.L.I.N.D 268
Total Gear Score - 246

Currently Underground Rank 12.
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Also another trick is too pause the download briefly and then start it again. And finally change your Networking settings too use Google DNS ( and The DNS change helped me a lot with downloads, now its never over 1 hour.
Also another trick is too pause the download briefly and then start it again. And finally change your Networking settings too use Google DNS ( and The DNS change helped me a lot with downloads, now its never over 1 hour.

Yeah a console restart cut it down massively but I'm only on 5 meg so hopefully I'll get some time in tonight. :D
Well that was an annoying evening. Decided to get some new gear for the Mrs as her character was only at ~130 gear score. Everything was going fine until I started one of the assignments and bang, blank screen followed by loading into the safe zone dead. This was repeatable trying the Hudson Yard Docks assignment regardless of the approach taken. Now I am not sure if it has completely bugged out or will be ok on the next load...

Switched back to my character and attempted Lincoln Tunnel Checkpoint on Heroic. It was a bit of a struggle - only one guy above 200 GS amazingly - but we got all the way to Benitez (sp?!) only for the next part of the mission not to trigger. Tried the usual die and respawn back at the previous checkpoint to no avail*. By this point I was getting tired and we went out separate ways.

*Note to self, don't trying killing yourself with a sticky bomb when you have; A) Low Electronics stat and, 2) 75% damage mitigation

All round quite odd...
Is there anything to prevent being kicked during missions now?

It seems you can invite someone in once the mission is underway which seems new with 1.3.

Although it was a headache when someone left a challenging mission and left you a man down but the penalty of one less seemed to prevent people kicking you for the sake of it.

Same principle that they can kick you mid mission to bring one of their buddies in?

Definitely feeling motivated to play some more now as there is a use for PH credits and some new drops.
^ from what I've seen, no, as I've joined lots of missions and incursions halfway through now. From my experience, it's a positive as you can fill the spot when someone leaves and the number of times this happens must far outweigh the occasional ****s kicking people before bosses?
Well that was an annoying evening. Decided to get some new gear for the Mrs as her character was only at ~130 gear score. Everything was going fine until I started one of the assignments and bang, blank screen followed by loading into the safe zone dead. This was repeatable trying the Hudson Yard Docks assignment regardless of the approach taken. Now I am not sure if it has completely bugged out or will be ok on the next load...

Switched back to my character and attempted Lincoln Tunnel Checkpoint on Heroic. It was a bit of a struggle - only one guy above 200 GS amazingly - but we got all the way to Benitez (sp?!) only for the next part of the mission not to trigger. Tried the usual die and respawn back at the previous checkpoint to no avail*. By this point I was getting tired and we went out separate ways.

*Note to self, don't trying killing yourself with a sticky bomb when you have; A) Low Electronics stat and, 2) 75% damage mitigation

All round quite odd...

Yeah the bugs are starting to mount up and are making the game far to annoying, two big ones for me yesterday -

The 58 intel HVT mission failing as we were on our way to it ... ouch, i will never do a HVT mission again.

Pulse not working! good god, as if adding lvl 35 enemies wasn't hard enough now we can't pulse them ...

I was really looking forward to 1.3 but have been left a bit deflated, try again tonight i guess :/
Damn, I need to add some of you PS4 chaps, as I've not touched this game for donkeys! Think my gear score is 182, most of my mates aren't playing this much, so I end up running solo and get either bored of pitiful drops, or get my *** handed to me.

Expect a random request from me at some point :D
Is there anything to prevent being kicked during missions now?

It seems you can invite someone in once the mission is underway which seems new with 1.3.

Although it was a headache when someone left a challenging mission and left you a man down but the penalty of one less seemed to prevent people kicking you for the sake of it.

Same principle that they can kick you mid mission to bring one of their buddies in?

Definitely feeling motivated to play some more now as there is a use for PH credits and some new drops.


They've added a feature that means you can't be kicked near the end and the beginning I believe. Nothing to stop you from being kicked half way through however.

Yeah the bugs are starting to mount up and are making the game far to annoying, two big ones for me yesterday -

The 58 intel HVT mission failing as we were on our way to it ... ouch, i will never do a HVT mission again.

Pulse not working! good god, as if adding lvl 35 enemies wasn't hard enough now we can't pulse them ...

I was really looking forward to 1.3 but have been left a bit deflated, try again tonight i guess :/

Pulse is being fixed as we speak in today's maintenance.
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Gah it's hard to believe we had an empty dz server last night!! Think we spent more time sorting our stashes out than finding bosses to kill !!

Xmas came early :D Still disappointed that I only got one green 268 out of it, and Nomads to boot lol. Took another hour just to sort out all the extracted bits, full stash and no space on the toon!
I got a nice GS 268 tacticians holster with awesome stats, and a GS240 strikers knee pads. I've already got a set :(

Still got loads of nice weapons though. Got 3 x G36s including 1 GS229 G36C. Also got an SVD, some M1as, some nice level 32 mods ..

Not a bad night for me. Wish they did a PVE only dark zone. Would be so much less stressful.
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