***** The Official Division Thread *****

I watched that video earlier, and he explains more in that 20 minute video than Massive has ever done, especially in respect to the difficulties Massive have balancing the game. He makes such good points that I would actually support nerfs for Sentry's, Pulse and Smart Cover if it meant that Massive would have an easier time balancing the game without them being so powerful.
I see his point and agree with the notion.

You shouldn't have to run max power smart cover and pulse to cope with the demands of level 35 NPCs.

When you run in a group, and perfectly synergise a DPS character with sentry, 1 to 2 skill characters with max pulse / smartcover DZ5/6 and heroic incursions are no problem at all. It makes perfect sense that when you run that perfect combo, the game becomes balanced.

its a self fulfilling prophecy that if you balance the game around those insane buffs, the only way to complete the content is running those insane buffs.

Its just another indication that massive have no real strategy with this game and are lost on how to fix the mess they've created.

-Some Gearsets are outright pointless and need removing and they admitted on SOTG they aren't viable at end game but are "looking into it"
-the damage mitigation inbalance between PVE and PVP makes PVP a mess right now with nobody able to shoot each other. But they are "looking into it"
-the scavenging system was designed around the level 1 to 29 grind and didn't cater for end game and is pointless for end game players. But they are "looking into it"
-the level 35 mobs have too much health and do too much damage and they've got the balance of the level differences wrong. But they are "looking into it"
-that same level 35 imbalance means you now need stupid amounts of ammo to take out players, and is why everybody is using the lonestar trick just to get enough bullets to be able to kill people. THis is even worse for solo players for whom end game is now non existent. Again they are "looking into it"
-there is no communication between the community managers and the game devs, resulting in community managers being completely unaware that some weapon balance designer had decided to nerf the optimal range, recoil and accuracy of the G36 in addition to the base damage. The community managers looked into this ... but only after the players found the changes and told him about it.

Its a mess. The only thing that keeps me going in this is the chase for better loot. I know that loot based shooter do this deliberately to keep you hooked and I know it. But whilst i'm still having fun chasing that loot I'll keep playing.

State of the game ?? more like the state of looking into things.

As I said on chat last night. It took destiny 18 months up to the april update to get things right and make the end game feel rewarding and enjoyable. Its possibly going to take massive a similar amount of time !
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Frodders I dug out and had a read of the reddit thread you mentioned with regards to the suggestion of being able to combine gear. Its a superb idea, and would also get rid of needless dumping of decent kit for one piece of fabric etc. It wouldn't feel as much as a grind if you could use a lesser piece for something as simple as maybe buffing an armor stat on another piece. Upgrading existing gear stat by stat would make the game ten times better imo and also make some more unique builds.
The only thing I'm looking into right now is uninstalling the game from my PS4. I don't think I'll even be back for the Underground update unless they make significant changes to make playing worth my time again.

Only reason i play this game for dark zone, its great fun with group of 4 with risk vs reward.

my view first weapon update was very good move, our group now using all weapon types (SMG rules now over)

Heath system now needs work on both side ai and players (both need reducing) + everything in video

Problem they now have everyone crying about nerfs.
I agree with the idea of DZ being great with 4 decent guys who you can play with regularly. If you matchmake a lot (I do a lot!) its very hit and miss and I also saw that skill up video and it makes a lot of sense, unfortunately a lot of randomers have no bleeding idea how to spec out a character and just equip the highest possible gear score items purely to not get kicked from the groups.. Then theyre moving around likes its a call of duty and totally ignore my smart cover only to go splat :D

On the flip side though, when you get a decent group with cover/sentry/pulse its an amazing experience.

After playing both sides, Id be quite happy with them changing the required buffs but i fear they would nuke them to near uselessness and then you run the risk of the game being totally bland. I do not think Massive is capable of saving the game, they clearly have no real direction they want to head in as they keep putting more and more stuff into the game which must make it pretty difficult to balance things well, it says a lot though that 90% of people are aiming for the original sets :(
I agree with the idea of DZ being great with 4 decent guys who you can play with regularly. If you matchmake a lot (I do a lot!) its very hit and miss and I also saw that skill up video and it makes a lot of sense, unfortunately a lot of randomers have no bleeding idea how to spec out a character and just equip the highest possible gear score items purely to not get kicked from the groups.. Then theyre moving around likes its a call of duty and totally ignore my smart cover only to go splat :D

On the flip side though, when you get a decent group with cover/sentry/pulse its an amazing experience.

After playing both sides, Id be quite happy with them changing the required buffs but i fear they would nuke them to near uselessness and then you run the risk of the game being totally bland. I do not think Massive is capable of saving the game, they clearly have no real direction they want to head in as they keep putting more and more stuff into the game which must make it pretty difficult to balance things well, it says a lot though that 90% of people are aiming for the original sets :(

you can join us, we have big dark zone group always welcome ;)

plus fodders knows everything about gear stats :D
I'm pretty bored of underground already.

With my friends we can run dx05/06 pretty easily (we rarely die, just have to reload more often) and unfortunately it's still the best way to get loot.

We can run underground heroic, make a mistake or it's too random, you get nothing. If you don't make it to the end of a phase you lose 30 minutes and have no loot.

Heroic incursions. Same deal except it you can lose 40-50 mins (on fl anyway).

At least if you die in DZ you lose 5 minutes work.

I'm currently on 255k dps, 410k toughness and 20k sp. Sure, I can improve on that a bit but it doesn't seem like it will make much of a difference to anything.

I get this is a loot based game and I like loot based games (I still play wow) but there just doesn't seem to be any reward.

Essentially I'm doing the same thing I've been doing for the last 6 months. Running DZ for loot.
Patch Notes
Here is the list of changes to be implemented with the July 14th maintenance:
Modified PvP weapon damage modifier so players will deal about 20% more weapon damage to each other (note that this change does not impact skill damage)
Added more kill volumes to Dragon’s Nest map. When exiting the map area, characters will be automatically killed

20% vs players will fix unable to kill each other mode :)
Probably laziness or the fear if they changed one knob on their settings, itd screw something else up.
Wouldnt be surprised if they run the update and make it so that players take 20% LESS damage from other agents! :D

Shotgun users are going to be having a great time with this!
Hopefully they will focus on the end game balance next - specifically TTK of elite level enemies (above character level) for the average player (linking into balancing specific talents & perks as well as mentioned above).

I note this was alluded to in the most recent state of the game. :)
If they've always been able to boost PvP damage separately from PvE, why has it taken them this long to do it? Good change though, should make killing Tankticians a bit easier.


Its utterly bizarre that on the state of the game the day before they had absolutely nothing to say and were "looking into it" but then apparently the very next day they're ready to release patch notes saying they've just bumped up PVP damage by 20 %

instead of "we're looking into it" why wasn't this "We can change PVP damage separately to PVE, but we're testing what value works best as we want to get the ttk right"
I literally haven't played it for about 2 months now. There is nothing drawing me back in to it. Funnily enough however, I've been playing loads of Destiny. So hopefully they can try and accelerate their learning of Destinys mistakes and implement them asap.

Rather than doing whatever it is they are doing right now to 'fix' it... :D
season pass events announced



We come to you today with news on a topic that has generated a lot of discussion in the community: the “monthly events for Season Pass owners”.

When we first announced the content of the Season Pass before the release of the game we wanted to give you visibility on what to expect. At the time we were working on a fun bonus on top of the other activities, a token of thanks for your loyalty and commitment to the future of the game. We soon realized however that the expectations far outreached what we had initially envisioned and quickly decided to work on a more developed version.

With update 1.3, we implemented the first version of the Season Pass events. Twice a month, Season Pass owners will see an exclusive supply chest drop outside of the Dark Zone in the streets of New York. Its location will be indicated on the map, and the chest will be protected by a group of level 32 NPCs. By opening the chest players will receive 3 items of High-End or Gear Set quality adapted to their Gear Score. A new chest will automatically drop and replace the old one on the 1st and 15th of each month, so make sure to claim yours before the next drop!

Update 1.4 will bring more variety to these exclusive drops with random locations, as well as increased frequency.

Once again we want to thank you for your loyalty, commitment and patience; working on The Division and its passionate community is an incredible learning experience for all of us!

The Division Team

Free loot !
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