***The Official Dying Light 2 thread***



13 Mar 2008
Greater London

Not had one issue with Far Cry 6 since launch, very polished and well optimised game. :cool:

Guess what I just found out Matt?


Everything was fine for ages until I hit a in game cut scene with Hakon. Suddenly fps dropped from 57 to 19-21fps slideshow :cry:

Went from DX12 Ultimate to DX12 and turned off the RT effects and boom everything back to normal. Can't say I am surprised to be honest. That said as soon as the cut-scene was over I turned RT back on and everything went back to 57fps again. Going to leave RT on and see when is the next time the fps tanks again and let ya'll know :D

AMD users can't have RT on anyway so all that extra vram is wasted in this game anyways :p:D



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Here are some screenshots of how it looks for me :)




4 Jun 2009

Guess what I just found out Matt?


Everything was fine for ages until I hit a in game cut scene with Hakon. Suddenly fps dropped from 57 to 19-21fps slideshow :cry:

Went from DX12 Ultimate to DX12 and turned off the RT effects and boom everything back to normal. Can't say I am surprised to be honest. That said as soon as the cut-scene was over I turned RT back on and everything went back to 57fps again. Going to leave RT on and see when is the next time the fps tanks again and let ya'll know :D

AMD users can't have RT on anyway so all that extra vram is wasted in this game anyways :p:D

Yeah RT is very vram heavy in this, with it off, vram usage at 4-5GB but on, 9-10GB for me (seems it doesn't "build up" the vram usage as soon as RT settings are enabled, straight away jumps up), not had any issues though. I am playing with dlss balanced now as want to keep everything maxed and so far about 70/80+ fps, so rather good. Will upload some gameplay later.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom

Guess what I just found out Matt?

You are preaching to the choir TNA. I've been in the know in this area for a long, long time. :cry:
AMD users can't have RT on anyway so all that extra vram is wasted in this game anyways :p:D
I'd wait and see how patches change things, might improve. :)

EDIT - My key just arrived. Small download, maybe I'll have some footage up by tomorrow afternoon/evening. :D



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
You are preaching to the choir TNA. I've been in the know in this area for a long, long time. :cry:

I'd wait and see how patches change things, might improve. :)

EDIT - My key just arrived. Small download, maybe I'll have some footage up by tomorrow afternoon/evening. :D
Haha. Well this is the frist time I have had fps dropping into a slideshow because of lack of vram and that was due to RT. At least I am honest and say it as it is. Not had an issue since then and had at least 2 other cut scenes.

Yeah RT is very vram heavy in this, with it off, vram usage at 4-5GB but on, 9-10GB for me (seems it doesn't "build up" the vram usage as soon as RT settings are enabled, straight away jumps up), not had any issues though. I am playing with dlss balanced now as want to keep everything maxed and so far about 70/80+ fps, so rather good. Will upload some gameplay later.
Was just typing saying you are full of **** until I just remembered you are not playing at 4K. Makes sense now :D

Basically it seems the game does a good job of steaming textures in and out as I am managing fine at 8GB apart from that one incident. Have had at least 2 more cut scenes since and no issues and game is running very smooth. If it is like that and just get a frame drop every few hours in a cut scene then I will just leave RT on :D

Worth keeping in mind though I only have RTAO and RTAI on. The other two are off as they make much less of an impact an IQ but push my fps down. Maybe having them off is also helping with the 8GB vram situation :p
4 Jun 2009
Haha. Well this is the frist time I have had fps dropping into a slideshow because of lack of vram and that was due to RT. At least I am honest and say it as it is. Not had an issue since then and had at least 2 other cut scenes.

Was just typing saying you are full of **** until I just remembered you are not playing at 4K. Makes sense now :D

Basically it seems the game does a good job of steaming textures in and out as I am managing fine at 8GB apart from that one incident. Have had at least 2 more cut scenes since and no issues and game is running very smooth. If it is like that and just get a frame drop every few hours in a cut scene then I will just leave RT on :D

I might give it a go at 4k on the oled later but no hdr sucks, although, will have to use dlls performance anyway to get a locked 60 since lack of grunt ;)

Sounds like 8gb is plenty if only an issue during cutscenes, who knows, maybe it is something the devs or/and nvidia can fix!!!! :eek: :p ;) :D :cry:
25 Oct 2013
WaB's review means no purchase for me yet

The nighttime timer would drive me crazy.

Let's wait and see

Used to like his reviews but he has become just over the top negative now - unless its a genre or publisher that he likes and then mysteriously the same issues he usually rants over get quietly ignored.
2 Jul 2008
Near London
Yeah, just watch Wab for some entertainment now. Dont take him at all seriously.

Why did they put a nightmare timer in, that turns me right off. Loved the first Dying Light.
23 Apr 2014
Used to like his reviews but he has become just over the top negative now - unless its a genre or publisher that he likes and then mysteriously the same issues he usually rants over get quietly ignored.

Doesn't seem true to me, plenty of positive reviews in there. Even the dl2 (which isn't a full review yet) video has plenty of positives.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Used to like his reviews but he has become just over the top negative now - unless its a genre or publisher that he likes and then mysteriously the same issues he usually rants over get quietly ignored.

In a way, the xray complaint doesnt really even make much sense, if you dont like it then just dont press the key for it. Simples.
29 Aug 2006
In a world of my own
I'm really liking this game. I never played the first one.

I'm running 4k raytraced and it looks *really* nice.

DX12 Ultimate.
DLSS, Quality
Async Computer = on
Antialiasing Quality = High
Motion Blur Quality = Low
Particles Quality = High
Sun Shadows = PCF
Contact Shadows = Very High
Ambient Occlusion = Raytracing
Global Illumination = Raytracing

Getting 60 FPS at these settings, which is that max my screen can do anyway.
27 Jan 2022
I was gonna wait but managed to get it cheap. Had a few laughs along the way so far, like being unable to climb some walls coz I appear to be too close to them - I'm sorry game, it won't happen again. And like TNA mentioned with the beauty shots that we saw in some of the trailers the game went from 80fps to what my monitor thinks is 40 but I suspect is 20 as the framerate is being drawn twice so the gsync continues to work.. But such is the risk of playing a game so early on. I'm 2 hours in and think they have just given me the sandbox world to explore for the first time. I wanted to check how its running for people.

ok so the menus.. settings, video, F for advanced, enter to OK 'this might break things' message every time, this is a list of some settings but not all, I can't find some settings that are in the nVidia optimise experience, within each screen like this there are other menus to scroll left/right though low/med/high etc but make a change and now I'm in custom ether menu that us popped into existence, but be careful coz if you go left/right again it pops out of existence and forgets all custom settings.

Quake games felt like silk, this does not, but no one seems to care. His Tom Cruise arms flailing around the edges of the screen are distracting :)

Feels like mouse acceleration is on sometimes.

Now I'm into the normal sandbox world I might be able to have another go with the graphic settings, but earlier I could only reach 80fps by turning ray tracing off and DLSS performance on. The games looks the same as it did in 2015 maybe that's the smearing from the DLSS.

What does Async Computer do? Anyone that uses Motion Blur in a game should take a long hard look at themselves in a mirror. BUT SLOWLY.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I'm really liking this game. I never played the first one.

I'm running 4k raytraced and it looks *really* nice.

DX12 Ultimate.
DLSS, Quality
Async Computer = on
Antialiasing Quality = High
Motion Blur Quality = Low
Particles Quality = High
Sun Shadows = PCF
Contact Shadows = Very High
Ambient Occlusion = Raytracing
Global Illumination = Raytracing

Getting 60 FPS at these settings, which is that max my screen can do anyway.
That is quite good fps you are getting with those settings. Basically I have those settings also, but motion blur is off and DLSS is on Performance instead.

After around 4 hours of playing now I can safely say I am really enjoying this game and can see me getting lost in it for weeks. The first thing I got annoyed about was the first side quest I came along, guy wants me to go find his fish or something! Wtf... I think I will pass thanks :cry:

Not had any sudden drops in fps since the first one so happy to continue with RT on :D
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