***The Official Dying Light 2 thread***

27 Jan 2022
It's growing on me. Kicking people off roofs never gets old.

What sharpness level are people using? I'm not sure if its that (default is set to 45, mines on 55), but the loading screenshots show a much higher sharpness level which I think I prefer. I'm not sure if its that or DLSS but if you move the mouse slowly so the screen moves 1 pixel at a time do you get a shimmer effect? Like the screen is being drawn first, then a frame later the sharpness filter is applied (or DLSS).

I've gone to DLSS balanced over performance. It's mostly a high enough framerate around 80 but it would feel nicer at 100, hopefully some fixes/tweaks will come.

Btw my VRAM usage is right on the limit at about 7800 or 7900MB used, you have to close all your apps before loading this game, but again, tweaks incoming hopefully.
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12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Feel like I have just wasted 3 hours playing Dying Light 2 4 player CO_OP to just find out only the host progress through the story :cry:
Load up your own single player save and you left at the point before you started playing CO-OP but you do keep all the loot you have gotten.

I just do not understand how the game can not save progress for all the players? Is it really that hard?

Game running at maxed out setting without the RT at 4k FSR Quality mode boosts frames to almost double.

Sure if you go and zoom in I think you will find some issues with FSR but running it while playing its so smooth most of the time close to 100fps


It looks fine in those screenshots, but it would look better with the UQ mode. That said, the game just looks much better native. Image reconstruction makes it worse no matter what and the graphics are not the best in this game. HDR missing is really bad, as everything looks a bit bland without a good HDR implementation. I hope it is added, HDR is just a standard and important feature for any modern game.

There's very little difference too between low and high settings in this game if you compare screenshots, but there's a couple of settings which really bump the FPS up if you move them down to medium.

The grunt is definitely there to have FPS well over 60 at 4K with RT off at mid-high settings. Just needs a little tuning. Performance perspective it runs well with RT off so no complaints here.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Few screenshots from the very start of the game. 4K native, max settings but with all RT off, everything set to very high or high.
Click picture twice for HQ original.

Bit short of my 100FPS target, but can maybe get near there with a few tweaks to the settings. Seems to run very well, definitely feels more fluid with higher FPS over 60 from the short play I had.

Will have a proper play tomorrow and get some footage up on YouTube, bed time now.

Here's the same two scenes, with a couple of settings lowered for a small drop in image quality, but a 20 FPS gain. It seems like really only grass quality is a little bit lower. In the second screenshot it is really hard to tell any reductions in quality at all.

Side by Side comparisons:
Dying Light 2 Image Quality Comparison - Imgsli
Dying Light 2 Image Quality Comparison - Imgsli

4K Max Settings

4K Tuned Settings

4K Max Settings

4K Tuned Settings

4K 100 FPS target achieved and the game does feel great at triple digit FPS on a 120HZ panel.

I suppose you could argue that 70-80 FPS is fine anyway at 4K max settings, but good to see you can get another 20FPS by changing a couple of settings down one notch with very little change in the quality.
4 Jun 2009
Not had any perf. issues yet, do get the odd blip every now and then where frame latency spikes but I get this in the majority of games anyway (regardless of gpu usage, vram etc.). Wondering if there might be some throttling as my 3080 sound like a jet taking off :p Temps are even hitting 75 at times (that's with an undervolt of 1815 @ .825 too and it is pretty cold in my room) :eek:

Youtube footage (recording as per usual takes of a few fps)

Foliage areas definitely hits perf hard with RT maxed but thankfully it's not too often, may just go back to dlss balanced as it's hard to tell the difference between it and dlss quality in this as mrk pointed out. Whilst 4k is nice, ultimately having to reduce RT is not an option imo as it considerably worsens IQ "overall".

21.9 cutscene fix update via flawless widescreen now available too. Quite a poor show from techland in terms of graphical options choice and missing things like full 21.9 support and no HDR (tried auto hdr with w11 but it just doesn't look right). Pretty sure chromatic aberration is there too with no option to disable it, much like the first game too! Although iirc, they did add an option later?
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Played a few more hours today. No frame drops. Seems like it was a one off in that cut scene :D

Did a couple side quests and another main quest, plus I keep saving people and killing bandits in between. Definitely living up to expectations so far.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I've captured two videos at the start of the game, one with 4K max settings (no RT) and one with optimised settings (a couple of settings lowered one notch). Uploading to YT now.

Having played the game some more now and progressed to the first safe house, you need a 60 FPS absolute minimum and averages need to be 70+, 80+ is perfection IMO. Otherwise the game just feels sluggish. Frame time graph is flat no spikes etc. The game just feels bad unless FPS are high, kind of like you are moving in mud.

Agree with Nexus on the graphical options. I find Auto HDR to help fix some of the excessive darkness and general blandness of the game, but it's no substitute for true HDR support. Game would come alive with a good HDR implementation and it's quite a shock to go back to SDR content again having become accustomed to good HDR support in games.

Despite those gripes, I'm enjoying (what little I've played of) the game so far. The main characters voice sounds like a less deep Crane too. :)
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12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Is there no RT at all for the AMD cards then?

Cant see any sign of them on the recommended specs sheet?
Yes it's there you can select it. Performance is not very good though and neither is the FSR implementation so I would not use it until patches come.

I've tested various scenes with RT on and off and for the most part there is very little difference visually other than tanking the frame rate. There are some cherry picked scenes where it clearly looks better, but then you look at non RT scene and realise it only looks better because the non RT scene looks bad. It's not a case of wow, the RT looks great and that's why the RT off scene looks so bad. It's just the RT off scene had clearly not had any effort put into it, so by default it makes the RT scene look better. Mrk posted some good examples earlier which show both of these IMO.
3 Jan 2006
Chadderton, Oldham
Getting between 35 and 60fps at DLSS Quality with ray tracing turned on with a 3080ti.

This is at the beginning of the game.

There doesn't seem to be much lowering with ray tracing, either on or off.
4 Jun 2009
Getting between 35 and 60fps at DLSS Quality with ray tracing turned on with a 3080ti.

This is at the beginning of the game.

There doesn't seem to be much lowering with ray tracing, either on or off.

You should be getting more than that.

Although the start of the game is probably the most demanding from what I've played so far.
25 Nov 2011
FSR is terrible in this game man, surprised anyone uses it to be honest. You don’t need to zoom in to see it. It is as bad if not worse than DLSS 1.0 which was **** imo. Running FSR Performance vs DLSS Performance there was a huge difference to IQ for me. There is a much smaller difference between DLSS Quality and Performance at 4K for example.

The only thing I can think of is AMD cards are able to run FSR better somehow? Nothing else explains to me why you would use it.

Well I guess native must be terrible then because I honestly can not see any difference between FSR on and off while playing the game. Even in the screen shot I posted its very difficult to see the difference.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Well I guess native must be terrible then because I honestly can not see any difference between FSR on and off while playing the game. Even in the screen shot I posted its very difficult to see the difference.
I'll share a video later, you should try copying my settings. Just run 4K native (it'll look much better than using FSR/DLSS) and tweak the settings. I think there were three settings i lowered from High to medium.

You'll have FPS 70-90 at 4K (with a 6800 XT) and in my side by side comparisons there is almost zero difference between max settings and optimised settings, other than an extra 20+ FPS. Enable Radeon Image Sharpening works wonders too for improving IQ with no perf hit.
4 Jun 2009
I was playing it via moonlight so it was streamed to my laptop at 4k, would that hit performance?

I've literally got the game maxed too.

Oh at 4k then yeah that be why. Seen your sig with 1440p so thought that was what you were playing at.

At 4k, you'll need to either use dlss performance or/and reduce RT settings if you want a locked 60.

That tides in with my post above.

Subjective so I'm sure you'll disagree and that's okay, but those are cherry picked scenes and none of them really look that good (on or off) do they.

Maybe if the game was better graphically it would help I guess.

Of course we could find any area where RT makes little to no difference, much like how I'm sure we could find areas/textures in FC 6 for example where HD texture pack makes little to no difference. The way I would look at it is the % of the game where said graphical effects would make a difference i.e. RT in say godfall makes extremely little impact "overall" for probably about 98% of the time where as on the other hand in dying light 2, based on what I've played so far, I would say it makes a noticeable difference at least 80% of the time (main areas where the difference isn't as noticeable would be during the day in big open areas).

That's kind of why I am sticking with RT maxed as per DF comments, the lighting etc. all improves the overall look of the game including how textures etc. are perceived too.

Of course, each to their own but given all the examples we have now by users, reviewers etc., you can't really say that RT makes "very little difference" for the "majority" of time, plenty of other games, it definitely could be argued that but definitely not in dl 2.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Of course we could find any area where RT makes little to no difference, much like how I'm sure we could find areas/textures in FC 6 for example where HD texture pack makes little to no difference. The way I would look at it is the % of the game where said graphical effects would make a difference i.e. RT in say godfall makes extremely little impact "overall" for probably about 98% of the time where as on the other hand in dying light 2, based on what I've played so far, I would say it makes a noticeable difference at least 80% of the time (main areas where the difference isn't as noticeable would be during the day in big open areas).

That's kind of why I am sticking with RT maxed as per DF comments, the lighting etc. all improves the overall look of the game including how textures etc. are perceived too.

Of course, each to their own but given all the examples we have now by users, reviewers etc., you can't really say that RT makes "very little difference" for the "majority" of time, plenty of other games, it definitely could be argued that but definitely not in dl 2.
I've only played up to the first safe house so far, so not seen much of the game yet. Maybe it'll change, but my side by side comparisons with it on and off show very little difference. The same goes for bumping a couple of the settings down from High to Medium too, no big visual difference other than the increase in FPS.
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