***The Official Dying Light 2 thread***

12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Yeah just thinking there Matt, I don't think RT works with dx 11, in fact can you even put on the ray tracing settings with dx 11? The highest quality one will specifically state ray tracing.

I think the most telling thing to do with that video is how long it is compared to his other video comparisons where games have lesser ray tracing i.e. there is a considerable difference with RT turned on DL 2 thus a lot more to show off.
I would not go that far..

Weird how all this goes from one extreme to the other. You obviously see a HUGE difference. Yet Matt plays it down and says there is not much difference.

From what I have seen you are both wrong as the truth is somewhere in between, at least for my eyes anyway :D
So what this tells us, it's completely subjective. :)

RT only looks good in some examples because without it looks so bad. I mentioned this above. Let's be honest and admit it's more that than it is the 'best ever' RT implementation. :)
I mean he should try it again, it needs to be on DX12 Ultimate and just to be sure restart game manually.

But still, does he not see much difference in that video either? That’s my question which he seems to be dodging :p

:cry: Give me some credit guys. As soon as you enable RT the game forces you to restart and run in DX12 mode, so it's not possible to try and run it in DX11 mode if you have any RT setting on and enabled.
3 Jan 2006
Chadderton, Oldham
I would not go that far..

Weird how all this goes from one extreme to the other. You obviously see a HUGE difference. Yet Matt plays it down and says there is not much difference.

From what I have seen you are both wrong as the truth is somewhere in between, at least for my eyes anyway :D

Game looks horrible to.me without. I remember metro exodus with HDR on Xbox series X, looked horrible and broke, this game without RT looks like that.

Maybe I'm also trying to justify the extortionate amount spent for a 3080ti as well :p
25 Nov 2011
I haven't even bothered to switch RT on no point for me because I know that 100fps will not happen. From DF video RT defo if you can push that 100fps with it enabled go far it.

What I do not like is the extra darkness but I totally get why it happens "More Realistic Lighting"

But I will never take the performance hit from RT alone still honestly think we are a few gens away from really seeing this tech shine.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I haven't even bothered to switch RT on no point for me because I know that 100fps will not happen. From DF video RT defo if you can push that 100fps with it enabled go far it.

What I do not like is the extra darkness but I totally get why it happens "More Realistic Lighting"

But I will never take the performance hit from RT alone still honestly think we are a few gens away from really seeing this tech shine.
I was getting about 20 FPS at 4K native with RT on at max settings at the start where you get to first control the character. Didn't move, just stood there.

That jumped to 72 with all RT off, DX11 mode but everything else maxed out at native 4K.

Game did not look that much different with it off, but maybe that changes as you go further into the game as mentioned above.

You might be able to convince me that RT makes a big difference in the game, but you'll never convince me that it should be played much under 100 FPS with a high refresh rate monitor. :)

I am also finding the darkness a bit annoying. Can't see anything, just looking at darkness at times. Guess those nice RT shadows would be wasted in the darkness. :cry:
4 Jun 2009
What I do not like is the extra darkness but I totally get why it happens "More Realistic Lighting"

I was pretty concerned about the game being too dark but not finding it to be an issue at all as with the flashlight, things are lit up nicely and "realistically", you can see what I mean at the 17 min mark and then from 28 min mark onwards:

Definitely some areas still look darker than what they should be but sadly that is the limitation of only having 1 bounce. If HDR was properly supported, dark areas would have been a hundred times better without a flashlight.

Reduced fog to medium and that has got me about 5 fps extra, putting dlss to balanced instead of quality nets me another 10-15 fps so fps on average is around 80 now, that'll do for me. Roll on next gen cards already :p


Another reason why TAA is pure ****:


Can be turned off but then the game will look pixelated badly:




13 Mar 2008
Greater London
So what this tells us, it's completely subjective. :)

RT only looks good in some examples because without it looks so bad. I mentioned this above. Let's be honest and admit it's more that than it is the 'best ever' RT implementation. :)
Exactly. All depends on the tint of your shades I guess :cry::p

Give me some credit guys. As soon as you enable RT the game forces you to restart and run in DX12 mode, so it's not possible to try and run it in DX11 mode if you have any RT setting on and enabled.
Just giving you the benefit of the doubt and trying to understand why you can’t see the difference. As I say, go watch the video and tell us your thoughts ;)

I was getting about 20 FPS at 4K native with RT on at max settings at the start where you get to first control the character. Didn't move, just stood there.

That jumped to 72 with all RT off, DX11 mode but everything else maxed out at native 4K.

Game did not look that much different with it off, but maybe that changes as you go further into the game as mentioned above.

You might be able to convince me that RT makes a big difference in the game, but you'll never convince me that it should be played much under 100 FPS with a high refresh rate monitor. :)

I am also finding the darkness a bit annoying. Can't see anything, just looking at darkness at times. Guess those nice RT shadows would be wasted in the darkness. :cry:
60fps is plenty smooth for me personally, anything more than that in a single player game like this I am happy to dump into better image quality. But that is for sure a subjective thing.

As for darkness, press T, your flashlight will turn on. But maybe you have not got that far in the game yet where you get the flashlight :)

One last thing while on the topic of subjectivity. Would you agree that the amount of vram needed is subjective also? I mean I moved from 12GB Titan, to a 10gb 3080 and now 8gb 3070 and for me it has not presented any issues with it. I can say for me it is enough (for now) and I can’t see a difference. Would that be also a valid thing to say? :D
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
One last thing while on the topic of subjectivity. Would you agree that the amount of vram needed is subjective also? I mean I moved from 12GB Titan, to a 10gb 3080 and now 8gb 3070 and for me it has not presented any issues with it. I can say for me it is enough (for now) and I can’t see a difference. Would that be also a valid thing to say? :D
I mentioned my feedback on the video above.

Depends on the resolution and settings used. Sure if you tweak and turn down settings to avoid the original debate, 8GB/10GB is fine. Even 4GB is probably fine in that regard if you change enough things. Bring your 3070 round to my house, and I'll personally show you plenty of issues with 8GB. :p

In all seriousness, let's not get into that debate here in this thread and keep on topic. If you think 8GB is fine, I'm perfectly okay with that. :)



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I mentioned my feedback on the video above.

Depends on the resolution and settings used. Sure if you tweak and turn down settings to avoid the original debate, 8GB/10GB is fine. Even 4GB is probably fine in that regard if you change enough things. Bring your 3070 round to my house, and I'll personally show you plenty of issues with 8GB. :p

In all seriousness, let's not get into that debate here in this thread and keep on topic. If you think 8GB is fine, I'm perfectly okay with that. :)
Haha. Fair enough :D
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats

Can you two see the difference? By you two I mean Matt and Shanks :p




Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Is it an nvidia sponsored title?

No, it just uses DX12 Ultimate's arsenal of RT features to good effect in the right situations where it makes a difference, like outside where the sun is out etc. If AMD cards supported RT to the same level they'd look/run just as good.

I agree with RTX off, the game looks washed out and pretty junk for modern AAA title.

Luckily we are at a stage where even at 4K you can get RTX enabled all over with DLSS and get 60fps. But you need a higher end 30 series card for anything 3440x1440 or above ideally which is the sticking point given current situation with GPUs :p

RTX on:

RTX off:

RTX on:

RTX off:

anybody been getting random crashes ?

I've had my first crash to desktop last night, only 1 so far but was just walking about then suddenly crashed.
Last edited:
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
No, it just uses DX12 Ultimate's arsenal of RT features to good effect in the right situations where it makes a difference, like outside where the sun is out etc. If AMD cards supported RT to the same level they'd look/run just as good.

Good to know, I never played the first and been really busy at work recently as a colleague has been off too. I did mention it in the FC6 thread that the games being released going forward will be the best showcases for this tech, its about time (since Turing launched) that RT actually makes the game really lift which is good to see.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Yup that's true, if we didn't have the GPU supply issue that we currently have, then imagine RTX in the hands of so many more gamers with 30 series cards and up. DLSS makes it possible now and you can keep 60fps with everything up or mostly depending on the card I guess).

It's a great time to be a PC gamer.
6 Aug 2009
Decided against this, have enough games still to play and compete (CP2077 and RDR2 to name just two)

From footage, the game at least graphically doesn't really impress me much, very hit or miss with it all, I can totally see the difference with RT on vs off though, I just wonder if that difference is so pronounced because the standard lighting is just poorly done? It doesn't look great from the screenshots and clips I've seen with RT off.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Decided against this, have enough games still to play and compete (CP2077 and RDR2 to name just two)

From footage, the game at least graphically doesn't really impress me much, very hit or miss with it all, I can totally see the difference with RT on vs off though, I just wonder if that difference is so pronounced because the standard lighting is just poorly done? It doesn't look great from the screenshots and clips I've seen with RT off.

It could be a case of the devs putting less effort into regular screen scape/mapped out GI effects in order to hype RT up even more I guess but I think it's more to do with the art style. Look at Cyberlunk for example, the standard maps in that game are so well done that you can have a great time with RTX off but when you turn them on you will notice the little RTX bonuses throughout. It's not as big difference though just because normal lighting/shadows etc are done so well in that game, but it does have a very different art style too.
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