***The Official Dying Light 2 thread***

12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
5) expectations: players and expectations have gone wild lately. Here we have something against the grain of your standard gaming experience (free running, 4p coop, zombie fighting, story heavy, tech pushing) and when it does finally come out, reviewers and gamers are quick to compare it merely to other AAA games rather than on its own merits.
Expectations are high because of a) the price and b) the first game (2015) set the bar high. So far, the second game falls short of the first.

18 Dec 2004
NE England
To clarify, when I say Valve don’t expect people to pay that price, I actually mean I believe they’re artificially inflating the price. Firstly to make a £30 preorder seem more attractive, secondly to justify future sale prices remaining high. Thus it’s only the cash rich or the financially mentally lubricated who pays these inflated RRPs.

CD key sites who activate on Steam are still paying Steam their 30% stake, and I assume Steam has began factoring this in to its RRP pricing structure directly on the client.
11 Oct 2015
Expectations are high because of a) the price and b) the first game (2015) set the bar high. So far, the second game falls short of the first.


1st game still looks wicked, I love the 1st one and im hoping this one will drag me in
1 Feb 2009
Let's be honest, they both look bad. The devs put no effort into non RT. RT is nothing special in this game, it's just without it looks bad. I guess that's one way to try and promote the feature. The graphics in the game are just very ordinary, the textures are bad too, and no HDR.

I don't care about HDR, but the game definitely does not look bad with RT. That second shot when viewed in smaller viewport looks near photolike.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Okay my thoughts having plays circa 6 hours or so.

1) - 6)

Good post! After some of the recent feedback posts, I don't think I am in a rush to buy it just to participate in a thread. :)

Whoever raged about the side quest about finding the guys fish; the joke here is, you don’t. You just talk to him, he tells a long story, quest complete.


30 Dec 2011
This is a slow burner for me. The first maybe 6 hours were terrible plot, and the bugs were annoying and still are. For example rebinding jump does not work 100% and when jumping from ledge to ledge you have to use space again. I literally got stuck trying to follow Hakon because of this bug before I realised that my my jump rebind only works partially. And as a left hander this is not good. It's the same for the mouse button rebinds not working. If I had not got one of the cheap pre-orders I would have refunded.

So a mix of annoying bugs, good but not great graphics, lots of low polygon models and ropey animations (I mean those grab and search animations are so poor). No HDR is a big loss for many. It has a poor unintuitive UI that is a chore to use. It also suffers of one of my pet peeves in "open world" games, where the game removes all control so you can get sucker punched or knocked out to "advance the plot". I have also been "left for dead" at least 3 times now and it really is cheap story telling.

It's hard to give a crap about the Bazzar populace when the first thing they did was try to hang you. So I will be making sure that every map location I liberate with go to the PeaceKeepers. Even when the plot has progressed and their motives were revealed, I still don't care... help Sophie and by extension Barney, "hell no I would rather stab her in the throat thanks".

So it is starting to grow on me but it is nowhere nears as good as Dying Light 1 and the parkour is not as fluid or enjoyable. Not to mention it has none of the nighttime tension the original had and relies on a very gimmicky timer to create some mild tension. In fact during the day I end up just walking along the streets between main quest waypoints and ignoring all enemies as they don't actually pose any threat. Just passing through, don't mind me.

From a gameplay perspective it is a large regressions for me. In fact I thought maybe I am being harsh, so I reinstalled the original just in case I was being nostalgic. And yep, far more fluid to play and at night there is a genuine tension and fear and staying at street level during the day is suicide. I really do wonder how some people are saying "if you liked the original you will like this". Because apart from the name and the fact they have zombies this plays quite a bit differently. Well at least I can be thankful it is not that horrible DL1 DLC where you had the driving... now that was an utter pile of tripe.

7/10 for me and at least I am starting to enjoy it as the plot progresses.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
So the question on my mind is "is this game worth £55?" and I'm struggling to find anyone raving about it. There's a lot of "it's pretty good" comments, but to pay top dollar... Well it has to be bloody special. Can't remember if I've ever paid that much for a game!
I would generally not be happy paying that for any game (unless it is physical and I can sell on), but there are always some exceptions because I liked the previous games in the series. Like I think I paid £50-£55 for the Digital Deluxe version of Deus Ex Mankind Divided. They that did include both DLC’s also which usually cost £10-£15 each. But I was happy to support the devs of one of my favourite game franchises.

Would I have paid £55 based on what I have played so far for this game? Absolutely! These kind of games do not come out often. On PC the next games on my radar come out at the end of the year (Starfield, STALKER 2). That said I paid £25.99 only back in December as I preordered. People go on about preordering being bad. It is not black and white though, if the price is on such discount it makes sense to preorder. You have all the way up until release day to cancel your order, why not lock in that price? I preorder all the games I have been wanting to play from CDKeys and get it at a nice discount. Usually £30-£35 they cost which I am happy with.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
People go on about preordering being bad. It is not black and white though, if the price is on such discount it makes sense to preorder. You have all the way up until release day to cancel your order, why not lock in that price? I preorder all the games I have been wanting to play from CDKeys and get it at a nice discount. Usually £30-£35 they cost which I am happy with.

This. The cult of anti-preorder seem to forget this. You literally got the game over 50% off by doing that. IMO, Smart Preordering is a good thing but preordering is all about being smart about it
4 Jun 2009
I'm enjoying it a lot. In terms of gameplay, it's just dying light 1 with improvements, which isn't a bad thing. No doubt it is a bit repetitive (what game isn't these days tbf) but given how stunning the design of the game world is with top end visuals (thanks to RT), it's a pleasure to just run around and explore. Decent story with likeable characters so far helps too. No bugs, no performance drops/issues at all so far. Can't complain for £35
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Yep. Been doing it for years. No need to pay full price on release @gpuerrilla ;)

Its a good call thanks for the pro tip! ;)

In my man maths defence, having three kids, built a house and regular job means my time spent on researching internet games and paying for them up front is very low on the list (as endless tasks take priority) when it comes to the sparse spare time. Also a lot of other forumites would point out you are paying for a game where you dont know what state it will be in come release. Nowadays your a free beta-tester to them so the model of picking up the game a few months in with 'patches' that fix their poor testing phase and optimised gpu drivers seems to be the better hedge (ofc just IMO). :p
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I don't care about HDR, but the game definitely does not look bad with RT. That second shot when viewed in smaller viewport looks near photolike.
I could pick it apart for many reasons (eg the light does not look right shining through the gap at he back of the truck, never mind the 1998 textures etc etc) but what's the point when it looks so bad anyway with it disabled. That's my main gripe with it. It only looks okay because the alternative looks so bland. Someone else make a good point though, it's a small developer so the quality was always going to be low and that is a fair point. Shame it's priced like a triple AAA title though.

@ICDP Makes some excellent points. I am going to keep preserving with it in the hope it gets better. What you said about the first game and watching that clip I posted earlier from the first game has got me wanting to play that again. That true tension of going out at night, that is missed. I never actually completed the first game either, so I am tempted to revisit that magic again.
Makes sense Mr Fishrager! Seems a lot like the FC6 critique where people either preferred the previous versions or complain its samey, buggy. I dont buy the games at full release price as we all know they shave off some within weeks on the online key sites. Will pick it up later on discounts.
Lol, was that @TNA ? :cry: Clearly not listening to the scripted cut scenes, the yoof of today.:p
18 Dec 2004
NE England
I didn’t like the night time mechanics of the first game. The volatiles were super strong and there was far too many of them, so sneaking wasn’t much of an option. So you just end up blindly running back to the nearest safe house. I suspect the devs changed the night time process because the majorly of DY1 players simply slept the night away unless the quest necessitated it. I found it was tense because it was unnecessarily difficult, not because it was well designed.

Edit: it seems a lot of the things around clunky freerunning are now unlockable perks, so this is a design choice rather than regression of game design. Don’t agree that this is a good choice, but you do unlock the ability to make running through certain obstacles a much smoother experience.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I didn’t like the night time mechanics of the first game. The volatiles were super strong and there was far too many of them, so sneaking wasn’t much of an option. So you just end up blindly running back to the nearest safe house. I suspect the devs changed the night time process because the majorly of DY1 players simply slept the night away unless the quest necessitated it. I found it was tense because it was unnecessarily difficult, not because it was well designed.

Edit: it seems a lot of the things around clunky freerunning are now unlockable perks, so this is a design choice rather than regression of game design. Don’t agree that this is a good choice, but you do unlock the ability to make running through certain obstacles a much smoother experience.
That was part of the challenge, and it was super tense. That's how a game like this should be.

Regarding the difficulty, it did have various levels of difficulty so I don't buy that it was too hard. It was about using the environment, the traps, the UV light, hiding. If you just stood and tried to fight them, yeah you would lose and die. :p

The unlocks are what are keeping me going in 2 atm, so good to hear it gets less clunky as you progress.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Its a good call thanks for the pro tip! ;)

In my man maths defence, having three kids, built a house and regular job means my time spent on researching internet games and paying for them up front is very low on the list (as endless tasks take priority) when it comes to the sparse spare time. Also a lot of other forumites would point out you are paying for a game where you dont know what state it will be in come release. Nowadays your a free beta-tester to them so the model of picking up the game a few months in with 'patches' that fix their poor testing phase and optimised gpu drivers seems to be the better hedge (ofc just IMO). :p
That’s fair enough, but it does not take any more time than to post here to be honest. I mainly just monitor cdkeys especially when sales are on. As I say, when it is a game I have been waiting for ages which got delayed multiple times, I did not want to wait. Good news is I have not come across any bugs that have bothered me. I also usually wait for beta testing to be done and price to drop considerably. But there are always exceptions. For me it was this game, for you it was Far Cry 6 :cry::p

Lol, was that @TNA ? :cry: Clearly not listening to the scripted cut scenes, the yoof of today.:p
Yea yea. Far Cry 6 awesome. Dying Light 2 boring 1998 graphics bla bla :cry::D
4 Jun 2009
Don't know how people can say there is no tension in this, probably need new pants after my playthrough there :p Uploading video now (probably be a hour or so till uploaded and hd version processed). Had my first "bug" there too, a howler that was frozen/stuck and not taking any damage, not exactly a gameplay breaker though.

Where possible, I skip to the morning :p

Expectations are high because of a) the price and b) the first game (2015) set the bar high. So far, the second game falls short of the first.


That is a good example of where RT has really enhanced this game and the atmosphere for me, watching that video, you can see all the issues with the rasterization methods of lighting and shadows especially the flashlight, it just doesn't look good or feel grounded, hard to describe, obviously the game is super old though and still looks good for todays standards.

In terms of gameplay, parkour in this does feel a bit floaty, same with when you hit some zombies with the way they just almost float away, essentially could do with a bit more weight to the animations.
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