Cheers very much Melbourne, i only noticed the BIOS revision after posting my problem, F2 does seem pretty old considering i am using F11 on mine (spec in sig).
Unfortunately there is no way to change the multiplier on this board, but will give flashing the BIOS a go and see where we are from there.
I bought this chip due to the fact it is excellent value for money consideringt the overclocks ppl have been getting, but only having an increase of 200Mhz is a bit of a pain.
I got an S3 rev3.3, I flashed the bios to F11/F12 (can't remem) straight away.
Been very easy overclocking for me, don't need to increase vcore until past 2.8Ghz. You can change the multiplier, but in my experience there's no need to. No need to increase PCI-E voltage, increase FSB and GMCH voltages both by 0.1v. Ram voltage at stock is 1.8v, my ram need 2.2v so I increased that by 0.4v. Also running my OCZ ram at 3-3-3-5.