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So I've spent this evening soldering together an EDTracker. Computer recognises it, but their software has some issues so I can't flash anything to it with their fancy GUI too, only command line
It's too late and I've breathed in too many solder fumes for me to start with that. So, partway there, but not fully yet.
Still, looking forward to getting it properly set up.

I was thinking of just paying them to do the job for me, not much more expensive than getting the parts plus I don't have a soldering iron, still way cheaper than an alternative!
still way cheaper than an alternative!

nope, freetracknoir/opentrack is cheaper.
PS3 Eye (120FPS camera)@CEX = £3.50 in store.

If you want to use IR point tracking instead of face tracking.
3 x IR LEDs @auction site = £2.97
resistors @auction site = £0.99
Old wire coat hanger to fashion headphone/cap clip.
USB cable cut off old broken USB device for 5v power.
old floppy disk, remove film disk cut up to use as IR filter.
Can anyone recommend a tracking option for those who can't fabricate things themselves. Only solution I saw was about £150 and for that I'd rather do without
Oh that's interesting, forgive me for being naive but I presume I need something to slap on my headset as well to track ? Or is that the thing and you use a camera such as the PS3 eye listed?
This is a totally new area to me.
Edit: I see it's the tracking bit, oh and no camera needed. Worth a pop for £25. Don't care about wait time, game isn't out for ages.
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Whoops, my finger appears to have slipped on the buy button. :D

Does anybody use a DS4 for this? I've used my DS4 for other games on the PC but was getting myself a bit confused setting up the control bindings last night.
Facetracknoir doesn't need anything on you, it recognises your face and uses that for tracking. I've used it and personally didn't find it that good but if you have any of these things it causes problems with Facetracknoir:

1. A beard or strubble.
2. Spectacles.
3. Light source behind you within the camera view.
4. Reflective source behind you i.e. mirrors, windows, glass door etc.

Unfortunately I had all 4 lol. It does work, but not reliably enough, using the DIY IR point tracking would have improved it vastly though as mentioned by hyperseven earlier in the thread.

I've since got a TrackIR 5 off members market and made a little mod so I don't need to use the Trackclippro (http://imgur.com/a/5iWfH#0) no cables, nothing extra to wear other than my headphones and works perfectly. Similar sort of thing would work for the free options too.
Whoops, my finger appears to have slipped on the buy button. :D

Does anybody use a DS4 for this? I've used my DS4 for other games on the PC but was getting myself a bit confused setting up the control bindings last night.

I don't but I can't see why it couldn't be used to work, what bindings/functions are you having trouble with?
I don't but I can't see why it couldn't be used to work, what bindings/functions are you having trouble with?
The pad is detected fine, I think I was just a bit tired when doing it yesterday
so wasn't sure what to do. After some more reading I think the pad with yaw setting should work, although I may need to rebind the sticks as they're not called the same thing.

A 6 month old and the sleep deprivation it goes with is not good for configuring controls :p
Someone or several people could make a killing on kickstarter. By creating ED specific joystick, head tracking and other related things. Imagine a logically set out dashboard/joystick/throttle with small displays for ship systems etc.
nope, freetracknoir/opentrack is cheaper.
PS3 Eye (120FPS camera)@CEX = £3.50 in store.

If you want to use IR point tracking instead of face tracking.
3 x IR LEDs @auction site = £2.97
resistors @auction site = £0.99
Old wire coat hanger to fashion headphone/cap clip.
USB cable cut off old broken USB device for 5v power.
old floppy disk, remove film disk cut up to use as IR filter.

There's a CEX by work, I'll grab one today. Thanks.
Someone or several people could make a killing on kickstarter. By creating ED specific joystick, head tracking and other related things. Imagine a logically set out dashboard/joystick/throttle with small displays for ship systems etc.

There's a guy designing a 6DOF device, he posted it on reddit a few days ago to get feedback and the feedback was..


Not just for Elite:Dangerous though, Star Citizen needs exactly the same peripherals. I'm happy as larry with my setup now but it's been expensive and I've had to go to different manufacturers to get the peripherals I thought were best for me (after lots of testing and visiting peoples houses to try theirs out!)

Thrustmaster T.16000M Joystick (best cheap stick I could find, movement/accuracy is incredible).
CH Pro Throttle (insane amount of HATs, lovely analogue thumb stick and smooth as butter throttle.)
Saitek Cessna Pro Pedals (for precise, comfy roll control.)
TrackIR 5 (needed my mod as TrackclipPro is dire)

I couldn't be happier, honestly I never thought I'd have the level of control I do and it's actually easy to fly now compared to my old X52 (RIP).

I'm not sure about ED but Star Citizen is going to have a companion app for ship systems, would love that to come out in ED or even have an API we could use to create our own apps.
Im loving the beta thus far, put in around 10-15 hours or so, 1 of my main niggles atm though, is traveling.

Jumping from System to system at first was very exciting and the stars looks beautiful. But after one week of trading traveling became a bit repetitive.

Supercruise feels very tunnel vission/auto piloty (if that makes sense) Im not getting the feel of exploring in anyway while doing missions/cargo hauling etc.

I think if in Supercruise there would be some space anomaly, asteroid fields etc, some sort of danger covering a bigger area in the system or something to explore so not always the straight line to the station would be the best way that might would break the monotony of travelin and sometimes.

Perhaps im playing it wrong, but this is my only gripe so far with the game, im sure there will be features released which may change this etc.
nope, freetracknoir/opentrack is cheaper.
PS3 Eye (120FPS camera)@CEX = £3.50 in store.

If you want to use IR point tracking instead of face tracking.
3 x IR LEDs @auction site = £2.97
resistors @auction site = £0.99
Old wire coat hanger to fashion headphone/cap clip.
USB cable cut off old broken USB device for 5v power.
old floppy disk, remove film disk cut up to use as IR filter.
The disadvantage of camera based tracking is that it's pretty CPU hungry and usually incurs a fair amount of latency. Latency is reduced by choosing a camera with a high refresh rate (which is why the PS3 camera is good) but at the cost of extra processing cycles. TrackIR deals with that by doing the calculation offboard using dedicated hardware. You can set up FTNoIR to be networked, so use a separate PC to process, but you still have the processing latency and extra latency from the network (though on a LAN this should be minimal). Using LEDs to track will reduce processing power required.

The EDTracker uses accelerometer and gyro (IMU) to determine orientation, and exposes it as a HID on USB (specifically a 3-axis joystick). It doesn't suffer latency in the same way as a camera-based system, but does have some filter lag and the disadvantage that the yaw axis will drift over time. I think the EDTracker guys are looking at ways of integrating a magnetometer to correct for the yaw drift. Ideally a hybrid camera / IMU solution would allow you to have low-latency orientation with the camera used to add accurate linear motion detection. I believe this is what the newer Oculus Rift solution does.

There's no ideal, robust, cheap method of doing head tracking right now, but EDTracker is good for what it does, as is the FTNoIR solution. I wouldn't buy a TrackIR based on what I've read about the company (and the price is too high for me) so I'm using an EDTracker.
Supercruise feels very tunnel vission/auto piloty (if that makes sense) Im not getting the feel of exploring in anyway while doing missions/cargo hauling etc.

I think if in Supercruise there would be some space anomaly, asteroid fields etc, some sort of danger covering a bigger area in the system or something to explore so not always the straight line to the station would be the best way that might would break the monotony of travelin and sometimes.

Perhaps im playing it wrong, but this is my only gripe so far with the game, im sure there will be features released which may change this etc.

Still plenty of functions to be added, I'm hoping players can pull others out of supercruise and attempt to ambush etc. :D I agree about the exploration side it doesn't feel as involving as even Elite: Frontier did
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