*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

I really struggle with the galaxy map, and maintaining any sense of continuing direction. I've not gone outside the bubble, so currently to maintain a direction I just pick a system a long way away, and plot a route to it.

Is there a simple set of tips which make the galaxy map more usable? Am I just being dumb or lazy?
Personally, Ive zoomed out on the Galaxy Map had a look around and then I picked some coordinates and aim for them, plotting routes in 1000ly going towards those coordinates.

Currently aiming towards 5000:1000:27500.. For no good reason. :)
Just thought I'd blow my own trumpet a bit :)

So last month I completed a 75,000LY trip in an attempt to get to the remotest systems from the core ever reached :)

If you want a full account - https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=231416

If you want to just see a "Video Postcard" -
Here's a little "postcard" from some of the video footage I took... Apologies for the odd stutter, my video card is getting a tad old :) I recommend turning up the volume and watch it in 1080p on a PC!

Note: This video will not play on a mobile device, or if you are in Germany! Sorry! It's because of the backing track I used...
If you simply cannot watch the above version (on a PC) for some reason, here's an alternative with free music from youtube which therefore has no limitations on access - [click]​

And here's a couple of little extended videos of asteroid rings etc:-
Nice vid that Neil and really enjoyed it :)

As for ED, I am itching to get back but promised myself I wouldn't play it again till I have my Oculus Rift and trying hard to stick by that but it is getting harder to stay off. The Division should keep me occupied for a bit though, so that will help :)
Nice vid that Neil and really enjoyed it :)

As for ED, I am itching to get back but promised myself I wouldn't play it again till I have my Oculus Rift and trying hard to stick by that but it is getting harder to stay off. The Division should keep me occupied for a bit though, so that will help :)

That's a good idea actually. But Vive for me :)

Is Division any good?
I'm really interested to see how they implement multi crew. I keep trying to work out how it will function in a way that adds something you couldn't do yourself (diverting power to specific shield quadrants maybe?)

Also, I really can't wait for huge multi cannon. Huge dakka dakka incoming!
If you want to just see a "Video Postcard" -
Here's a little "postcard" from some of the video footage I took...​

Beautiful footage, great work Commander! *applause*

Playing this game has really made me envy the inhabitants (assuming there are any, but that's a whole other debate) of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies; can you imagine looking up at the sky and seeing the full majesty of a spiral galaxy in all its glory? They don't know how lucky they are, and I suppose they just take it for granted because for them that's just how things have always been!

Also, I really can't wait for huge multi cannon. Huge dakka dakka incoming!

I just purchased a Federal Corvette a couple of days ago and have to say that I was underwhelmed, I can see the potential of the ship though: those huge hardpoints are perfectly position right behind the pilot's head, if you could only fit a pair of huge multis or beams then the ship would be a straight-up killer!​
Nice vid that Neil and really enjoyed it :)
Glad you enjoyed it :)

In some ways that trip way my farewelll to the game. It just seems to be treading water adding more and more inane mini-game mechanics rather than the bold interesting stuff that was implied back at kickstarter... Ultimately the professions and gameplay are paper thin and I just can't be doing with it anymore...

Even exploration has been ignored since release. If they just added in more visual phenomena to encounter (eg: common envelopes or electrical storms or aurora borealis etc) that would help, but instead we get bobble heads and a clock! And then 2.0 basically spat in the face of exploration with the new points of interest. If you take my exploration for example... so I jump nearly 80lys into areas further away from the core than anyone else has gone, and every planet is covered with rubbish every few kilometers. It's nonsense... I don't understand how they even considered that mechanic as viable, yet alone it even reached development! Scary!

I've not played really for a month now, and not missing it...

As for ED, I am itching to get back but promised myself I wouldn't play it again till I have my Oculus Rift and trying hard to stick by that but it is getting harder to stay off.
I didn't think they were supporting the OR now?
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I'm really interested to see how they implement multi crew. I keep trying to work out how it will function in a way that adds something you couldn't do yourself (diverting power to specific shield quadrants maybe?)

I'm still battling in my head trying to work out how this will actually be fun/worthwhile?

I'd much rather see more involved/interesting missions Wings can work within, than the opportunity to sit at a new console moving Pips around :rolleyes: eg: An convoy escort/protect mission, where your Wing has the job of protecting a group of ships travelling in normal flight from A to B (eg: even in an asteroid field). Or imagine a group of you going to a platform, and using fighters there to protect the platform (think CQC)... And then imagine counter missions being given to other CMDRs to attack your target (thus giving a PvP element too if you're interested in that).

So I'm worried what depth will be added by me allowing a friend to sit in a turret doing nothing for most of the time, or us just doing that same old mindless RES farming...
I'm still battling in my head trying to work out how this will actually be fun/worthwhile?

I'd much rather see more involved/interesting missions Wings can work within, than the opportunity to sit at a new console moving Pips around :rolleyes: eg: An convoy escort/protect mission, where your Wing has the job of protecting a group of ships travelling in normal flight from A to B (eg: even in an asteroid field). Or imagine a group of you going to a platform, and using fighters there to protect the platform (think CQC)... And then imagine counter missions being given to other CMDRs to attack your target (thus giving a PvP element too if you're interested in that).

So I'm worried what depth will be added by me allowing a friend to sit in a turret doing nothing for most of the time, or us just doing that same old mindless RES farming...

Couldn't agree more. I'd love to take on a capital ship as a wing mission or do missions in big floating cities like cqc. If multi crew is all combat oriented then it will be pointless for 99% of the game. That's why I'm interested to see how they do it. Hopefully they have sussed that out
Couldn't agree more. I'd love to take on a capital ship as a wing mission or do missions in big floating cities like cqc. If multi crew is all combat oriented then it will be pointless for 99% of the game. That's why I'm interested to see how they do it. Hopefully they have sussed that out

But all to often they seem to go down the "this will be a nice idea" route, without seemingly considering the resultant gameplay.

So like yourself I'm intrigued how multi-crew will work, but I have a horrible feeling it will will quickly fall flat once the novelty wears off, and it will end up a bit like the debacle of Powerplay - a clunky mechanic enjoyed by a minority and ignored by the vaste majority.
The problem I find with ED and its updates is that im usually left with a sense of "really, is that it after all their hype"

They do have good ideas, but I find them poorly implemented, and usually lack in details/quality, usually followed by some clunky mechanic or other.

Ive not touched this since Christmas, I was going to try again with 2.1 beta testing, but I see that's been put back till May now (which means they'll rush to fill their quota for the year?). So I think ill leave it till next year now really, I enjoyed my time from beta till Christmas (year+) but they've failed to meet the idea's they talked about in beta etc for me.
I think David is always pushing what can be done and that’s a good thing but should rein some ideas till the game fattens out. Maybe some talent from the recent Microsoft team let go will find there way to frontier as they are hiring. Seeing a buggy on the surface drive in shadow with the lights on while a ship follows brings up moments when you think “Wow this can be stunning at times” But its still way way to empty. Players need to feel apart of something, able to effect things like building bases.

Players have been ingenious finding ways to bring that humans touch, that community feel like the “Truckers” and “fuel Rats” not to mention the various exploration groups making their way out into the dark reaches of space. Obviously Frontier has packed stuff in that has still to be found like the barnacles. The first crashed Thargoid ship or sighting for instance will be a huge point in the game. Inhabited planetary surfaces could be three, four years away. Interesting steps on the way like cloud Cities in Gas giants, weather systems all effecting your ship.

The game will get better optimized and bugs tracked down as well.

Lave radio Podcast keeps me up to date as does ObsidianAnt on Utube who does great round ups of what new and coming.
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So we went pirating tonight. It didn't end well. It turns out I managed to get a wing of corvette pilots interested in us, and I did the honorable thing and dropped in to help my wingmate despite the odds. I promptly forgot my fire groups after rearranging them earlier, and then we died together.

And I was streaming it for the amusement of a friend, so that means you can watch 17m of insurance money go flying into space too!

It all kicks off at the 20min mark. Video is still processing so will be live soon enough.

In the meantime, I did a terrible thing. Blame Ice for goading me into it.

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