*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Make sure one of you has a wake scanner because he will invariably high wake to another system before you can finish him off...be sure your wing beacon is on, scan his wake and follow him while his shields are low/down and re-interdict and your wing man should drop straight in on you
Sorry if this is teaching you to suck eggs but there is nothing more infuriating is building yourself up for revenge then failing because you don't have the right equipment on board

I look forward to the video

Don't worry, I have planned ahead. Interdict module on the python (my Anaconda is too sluggish in cruise) and wake scanner. If he logs out we'll punish him for it
Sorry this may have been asked half a billion times before - I wouldn't mind giving this a try, how hard will it be to pick up? I also notice that they live on "micro"transactions - can the game still be fun without sinking a ton of real life money into it?
There are no real money transactions at all - none. Sure you can buy skins for your ship and stuff but they have zero bearing on performance.

You buy into a 'season' which gets you all the updates for features in that season. You only need to buy the next season IF you want features that are part of that season.

If you enjoy sandbox games and space sims I'd recommend it.
Sorry this may have been asked half a billion times before - I wouldn't mind giving this a try, how hard will it be to pick up? I also notice that they live on "micro"transactions - can the game still be fun without sinking a ton of real life money into it?

As mentioned, you just buy the game and play it. Buy skins if you want, but there is no way to buy anything else.

The system is Iota Persei and the guy hangs out at walker city. He didn't show up today and he was just afk in the port last night . We've gone mooching about doing bulletin board missions to mix it up, mining materials and scooping up escape pods in our srv. Nice change of pace. We've worked out that we should be able to knock maybe 2 rings off his Shields in one full pass, should we get the chance, but he was running chaff so it could get more complicated. I definitely saw a plasma accelerator on him last night and a boat load of lasers, so I would need to be careful of those.

Oh yeah, how do you deal with the heat from SCB? Firing one 6B puts me at 120% heat!

Edit: just read up on the SCB nerd so that seems to be as it should. Gives me back a ring of Shields if I get desperate at least
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As mentioned, you just buy the game and play it. Buy skins if you want, but there is no way to buy anything else.

The system is Iota Persei and the guy hangs out at walker city. He didn't show up today and he was just afk in the port last night . We've gone mooching about doing bulletin board missions to mix it up, mining materials and scooping up escape pods in our srv. Nice change of pace. We've worked out that we should be able to knock maybe 2 rings off his Shields in one full pass, should we get the chance, but he was running chaff so it could get more complicated. I definitely saw a plasma accelerator on him last night and a boat load of lasers, so I would need to be careful of those.

Oh yeah, how do you deal with the heat from SCB? Firing one 6B puts me at 120% heat!

Edit: just read up on the SCB nerd so that seems to be as it should. Gives me back a ring of Shields if I get desperate at least

I have A6 SCB's on my Python. If you fire off a heat sync then your SCB, you will not see more than a 10-20 degree over ambient. My macro sort it all out for me but it can be done very easily on my X52. My load out is a full combat Python so I have 2 shield boosters and 2 heat syncs which for me
, is more than fine for PvE. However your PvP assassination needs to have a clear plan. Good luck commanders

I have A6 SCB's on my Python. If you fire off a heat sync then your SCB, you will not see more than a 10-20 degree over ambient. My macro sort it all out for me but it can be done very easily on my X52. My load out is a full combat Python so I have 2 shield boosters and 2 heat syncs which for me
, is more than fine for PvE. However your PvP assassination needs to have a clear plan. Good luck commanders

He fights like an npc. Just does long strafing runs and FA off turns at the end to try and stop you getting behind him. The plan is that there are two off us and one of him, so we'll stay separated to make sure one always has energy going into his shields
Elite Dangerous

I am very very very disappointed with the new Elite Dangerous.

the graphics are very nice.

but everything about the game is pants. the missions are rubbish, with highly vague description and literally no excitement.

the worst of the lost are the extremely complex controls and the all manual work docking/srv/boarding etc etc. its maddening.

I played elite in 95-97 and it was fun cos i was able to basically do a lot shooting etc. all the non-sense stuff like docking etc are automated.

been on this for a week, and just learnt the basic controls. One of my frustration is that there is so little onscreen prompt in game for a starter. the land vehicle and space vehicle got completely different set of controls etc its so weird. and docking and board ships are so painful its beggars belief why they made the game so not fun...AHHH. I am going to ask my money back. anyone else find the same?
The control complexity killed it for me - I've not had time to put together a proper setup controller wise for it and can't easily just jump into it for a bit of quick casual gameplay as I spend most of it trying to get upto speed on the controls.

The rest is a marmite thing - some like to just explore and make up their own gameplay around a basic framework for some it just gets old quick.

You can get an auto docking computer module for most ships IIRC.

I was hoping to be able to play it far more easily and fluidly control wise - even if at a disadvantage in competitive PVP against those with a proper setup so that aspect of it is a real disappointment for me.
I liked the controller complexity, I LOVED the sound effects and how the game worked, I think it's a pretty sweet game all in, but it's one problem for me was interaction with other players even friends. It was too limited and typically only negative (being attacked or attacking), very little outside that.

Controller complexity is to be expected of this genre of games.
Backed this from the off on Ks but have not played my copy. Looking forward to playing as the game is shaping up extremely well before the next major update. While I might not go the whole hog with Track IR or VR yet I’m certainly not going to play this till I have a X52pro Joystick as I need to experience it that from the start. When VR becomes mainstream this game will be even more up there with the best.

Its one of those games you need to make your way and fun in and those who are a bit boring and not get on with others may find it a bit dull but for the ones willing to put in the effort it rewards in buckets. Your nothing, a squirt, you're in a **** starter ship and have to make your own way. Mummy and her purse can’t get you ahead. Hacking would be the quickest way to waste £30 and get your commander banned. Great stuff, none of this walk me through the game or I need a kill every two minutes scenario.

My only regret was I was not there in space from day one but then again space will have got a whole lot more interesting. Looking forward to the June Patch. Love how Guys have teamed up to explore and mine in this and it even has Fuel Rats if you ever need them. Lave radio Podcast keeps me up to date with all things Elite along with obsidian Ant on Utube .
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The main issue is the lack of tutorial or rather the tutorial makes everything look so easy. The video looks so seemless, but in reality it is anything but. All they got to do is to prompt players what buttons for say targeting/scoops/ etc. I spend hour just find out how to scoop mineral on SRV. The wiki page for the game is next to useless.

Further more docking and boarding your ship manual control....really? Why would anyone want to do that.
I wouldn't get too hung up on an X52 pro, it's old tech. I had my X52 standard for 7 years and ditched it about 3 years ago. Yes the Pro is slightly different internally but it's not even as accurate as a £30 T16000M although I love the throttle.

X55 would make more sense tbh.
Because it was a huge part of the original and it's still easy to do?

only when u don't have a docking computer, after 2 missions u can afford a docking computer it was easy. also the jumps were very simple. the current jump dynamics is crazy, hyperspace, slow down then supercruise and guess where abouts to cut out engine. thats ridiculous. the game should be focused on game PLAY not simulation even if its simulation, it is far too crazy to think if there is intergalatic travel with computers capable of plotting light years of travel it cannot manage to navigate near light speed travel in a solar system. this title afterall is not a flight sim. The PLAY part of this game is just **** poor completely not what it promised.

If the game had put its emphesis on how hard controls are and how many long broing hours u will spend in frustrating controlling ships/vehicles in its promo video rather than the dog-fight in vast spaces and the billions of star system (which I guess is expansive but extremely repetitive and gets boring after a very short while). then i would think they wouldn't have got al that kick-start funding
pc-guy, I disagree and suspect many people would hate it if they made landing automatic by default. It's not difficult, it might just be that your controller config needs a tweak to make life easier :)

If you think this is complicated I'd suggest avoiding Star Citizen as it's even more so even though it does support xbox controllers etc you still have to land properly - more so than in ED.

Lastly the promo trailers have all been dire for ED - completely agree with you, every one I've seen has given an overly dramatic feel to the game which doesn't reflect gameplay but most games do that. Always, always look at gameplay vids from normal players.
oh, as a starter, the missions are so freaking few and bad.

decent pay missions are more than the hyperspace jump capability so one have to ask why it is available

the only ones seem to be available are search and rescue, which is either flying around mindlessly until escape pod is showing on radar (bearing in mind that you have no clue which planet of the system this pod is) or surface retrieval which again is mindlessly driving around until something show up. That's just pretty bad game play. i mean why is every search and rescue is like the MH380 search as if there is no tracking devices fitted on these SPACE ships.
I have picked it up over the last couple of days. I had a go at horizons at launch but not been back since. What has disappointed me is the hi res bounties are now way to high. Pretty much 3 million In and hour... Constant clippers/pylons/anacondas/FDL's. Paying 100k to 200k for not much of a fight. The new missions are confusing. Yes I have a fully rated Python but it should not be that easy. The controller complexity is also getting me down. I have still yet to sort out my SRV on my X52.
This IMO shows how some of the fun has gone from assassination mission. They used to really fight back with wings for compatriots... Not any more. A corvette and a sidewinder... Meh

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