*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Played for the first time in a about a year last night.

Tried my first ever CG collecting intel at Mu Koji, got my ass handed to me by two cobras when I attacked the hauler, had to boost away and only survived by the skin of my teeth :(

Take it my top spec Python of old aint all that anymore :(

Have about 40m credits and my Python. Thinking of jumping back to Jameson Memorial, 10% off still working?, and picking up a Vulture or what else can anyone recommend?
Thing I liked most about Hutton was the inside of the station there. Totally different layout and it really shows how much the devs love this game.

Pancaked my 'conda into a planet surface last night - 8 million insurance. Didn't realise you KEPT the scans and micromaterial you had already found - SOOOOOO relieved about that.

Need to get better at landing on high g planets (this one was 2.4g so not much)...

Any tips ???
All this talk of elite sounds brilliant. Can anyone point me in the direction of which version to buy and a good starting guide?

There are two versions at the moment (well, sorta three). There is the base game which allows you to fly about in space, trade, pirate, smuggle, explore, mine asteroids and more by yourself or in a wing with friends.

Then there is the Horizons DLC which allows you to land on planets and zip around in a lander, craft upgrades for your ship with materials you collect, soon you'll be able to launch fighters from your ship as well as do passenger missions, followed by some other DLC that is part of the pass (eg crewing your ship with your friends).

The third is just arena, which comes with the base version of the game, but can also be bought as a standalone version which is just close combat without any of the trading/exploring etc. Like space COD. It hasn't got a massive player base though as most people just play the main game.

So ideally you want the base game and horizons, but the base game is a great way to see if it's something you'll like before buying the Horizons expansion. You can buy them from Frontier's website or from Steam.
All this talk of elite sounds brilliant. Can anyone point me in the direction of which version to buy and a good starting guide?

Commander deluxe is 40 on steam which gets you everything.

As a new player myself (14 hours in) my advice would be to do missions until u can get a cobra then find a good system to do bounty missions to get you started and the money flowing in.

For me the act of flying, docking, gravity effects came pretty naturally after a few mess ups and I'm using a 360 controller which is pretty good actually with a few button changes.
Thanks for the reply chaps!

I went full bore and got the £40 version on steam. Only going to have a few hours on it tonight as greenbay kick off at 6 but looking forward to it :)
Ugh got ganked by a player corvette while on my way to see Todd McQuinn. Had him just down to a faint ring of shields and popped a SCB, at which point it turned out he had the upgrade that blows your shields if it catches you while the SCB is charging. Shields blow, hull wrecked, eject. All I needed was a little bit longer to get my multicannons on his hull!

That's 60m credits in the last two days! Off to robigo!
I had every intention of going on a very long journey but decided to have a real go at the FSD stage 5 boost and it wasn't that bad in truth. Got my Conda up from 20Ly to 30Ly jump. A nice boost indeed and will be much further when I drop it down from A rated mods. It took me around 12 hours game time at a guess as a heads up.

Yeah, it does look like some work, but I've got a taste for exploring the emptier parts of the galaxy (which in a clipper is a bit daft, I know! :o).

I guess I'd better get back to finding whatever obscure nonsense the engineers are after. Even a few less "Frame Shift Charging..." moments per expedition must be worth it in the end. :D
It really is amazing in VR. I've noticed I don't get the motion sickness that I got at the start either. I had a few rounds in CQC with the rift and didn't have any discomfort at all. Was cool in the imperial fighter as it's not often I'm in a little single seater ship. It was like being in a sports car. Made flying through the tunnels really cool.

Did a quick Robigo to replenish my cash after getting smashed by pvp players, so might get a vulture for a bit of fun. Maybe a FDL instead?
It really is amazing in VR. I've noticed I don't get the motion sickness that I got at the start either. I had a few rounds in CQC with the rift and didn't have any discomfort at all. Was cool in the imperial fighter as it's not often I'm in a little single seater ship. It was like being in a sports car. Made flying through the tunnels really cool.

Did a quick Robigo to replenish my cash after getting smashed by pvp players, so might get a vulture for a bit of fun. Maybe a FDL instead?

I have been lucky and not suffered any sickness, even with the older DK2 but watching a replay in PCars with a hangover made me feel ill lol. Good to hear you got your cash back and nothing worse than getting blown up with big insurance bills :(
Ugh yeah I gave project cars a go and had to lie down afterwards. I think elite is particularly good as you aren't usually close to anything that would give you that sense of movement.
Thing I liked most about Hutton was the inside of the station there. Totally different layout and it really shows how much the devs love this game.

Pancaked my 'conda into a planet surface last night - 8 million insurance. Didn't realise you KEPT the scans and micromaterial you had already found - SOOOOOO relieved about that.

Need to get better at landing on high g planets (this one was 2.4g so not much)...

Any tips ???

As a fellow Conda driver I feel your pain. All of the bigger ships are liabilities when it comes to high G landings since the belly thrusters really struggle against gravity.

  • In anything over 1g in normal flight after glide, never EVER hit the lateral thruster for down, even for a split second. This can quite often result in an unrecoverable pancake, especially if you do it whilst hovering.
  • Goes without saying but you should have full pips to ENG, two to SYS.
  • Also goes without saying that better grade thrusters give you better control in high G.
  • Make all movements with throttle and stick smooth and controlled. Sharp movements exacerbate the issue and you're more likely to lose control.
  • Fly slowly. Don't go boosting down to the planet unless you have lots of altitude. Remember you're quick to accelerate, very slow to decelerate.
  • If you need to lose altitude, keep your nose pitched up, slow yourself down and then turn off flight assist for a few seconds. You'll gently begin to drop. Keep an eye on your ascent indicator to get a feel for how quick you're starting to fall. Turn FA back on and bring yourself down with control. This is really handy for gentle landings when hovering directly over the pad.
  • If it all goes wrong and your thrusters won't maintain a controlled descent, pitch to 90 (straight up) and hit the boost. Keep boosting and keep an eye on your altimeter. With luck you'll avoid lawn darting and get another chance. If unlucky and you're going to hit the deck, full pips to SYS a couple of seconds before impact, boost and hope.
Since back I used to use a local program called cmdrs log, which no longer works or supported it seems.

All it did was take the screen shots from the trade menu via the OCR and allowed a searchable trade menu. This program no longer seems to work and everything i have look at so far sends it the online trade hubs automatically.
I was fighting a couple of npc sidewinders (master) and normally they make hardly any dent on my shields but then one of them managed to do something which took my viper a rated shields down in one hit and also my hull to 65% I'm baffled how they did this?

Some kind of missile that takes out shields? Dont u usually get a missile warning?

I need to go to a large tech place and buy a vulture as i've got 11 mill now so shld be enough to equip it a bit. Im in Arques system.

Also a question i shouldve asked when i started playing ages ago but have forgotten. when you turn on silent running does that remove your ship from other ships radar? How close would you get before being detected you reckon?
I was fighting a couple of npc sidewinders (master) and normally they make hardly any dent on my shields but then one of them managed to do something which took my viper a rated shields down in one hit and also my hull to 65% I'm baffled how they did this?

Some kind of missile that takes out shields? Dont u usually get a missile warning?

I need to go to a large tech place and buy a vulture as i've got 11 mill now so shld be enough to equip it a bit. Im in Arques system.

Also a question i shouldve asked when i started playing ages ago but have forgotten. when you turn on silent running does that remove your ship from other ships radar? How close would you get before being detected you reckon?

The NPC's are a lot tougher than they used to be and with the right thermic lasers etc, a Sidewinder can get my A rated shields down in my Anaconda if I am not careful. As for silent running, it is more of a visual thing and if you are in sight range, you will still get scanned etc.

Is this just some sort of cruel joke? Or is Hutton Orbital really awesome for some reason? :p

All I've heard is it takes like 1-2hrs of super cruise to get there :p

They also sell popcorn :D
The NPC's are a lot tougher than they used to be and with the right thermic lasers etc, a Sidewinder can get my A rated shields down in my Anaconda if I am not careful. As for silent running, it is more of a visual thing and if you are in sight range, you will still get scanned etc.

They also sell popcorn :D

I stumbled across hutton station accidentally having not heard about it before. 10 minutes into the journey I began wondering why I wasn't there yet, then noticed the distance. I thought, stuff it, I will go for it. I went away for a while and let the ship fly itself. What I didn't notice was that I was low on fuel. I got within 10 minutes of Hutton station when I ran out of fuel.

Is there any news on upcoming events at Jacques? I have been there for a week now and am starting to get bored of mining. I have millions in the bank with nothing to buy.
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