*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Just spent ages looking for the last component for my level 5 FSD engineer mod. I needed a Chemical Manipulator.

Found an amazing tip - find an anarchy system in the outbreak state and simply drop into a "seeking meds" zone. then kil the type9s and pick up all the lovely comps :-)
Just spent ages looking for the last component for my level 5 FSD engineer mod. I needed a Chemical Manipulator.

Found an amazing tip - find an anarchy system in the outbreak state and simply drop into a "seeking meds" zone. then kil the type9s and pick up all the lovely comps :-)

Great tip that and it took me quite a long time just to find 3 of the buggers.
I was fighting a couple of npc sidewinders (master) and normally they make hardly any dent on my shields but then one of them managed to do something which took my viper a rated shields down in one hit and also my hull to 65% I'm baffled how they did this?

Some kind of missile that takes out shields? Dont u usually get a missile warning?

I need to go to a large tech place and buy a vulture as i've got 11 mill now so shld be enough to equip it a bit. Im in Arques system.

Also a question i shouldve asked when i started playing ages ago but have forgotten. when you turn on silent running does that remove your ship from other ships radar? How close would you get before being detected you reckon?

Silent running is very effective against players if you're in a nimble ship. It makes you very tricky to hit! If you're close to them they'll still be able to target you, but otherwise they'll have to just rely on eyeballs.
Just spent ages looking for the last component for my level 5 FSD engineer mod. I needed a Chemical Manipulator.

Found an amazing tip - find an anarchy system in the outbreak state and simply drop into a "seeking meds" zone. then kil the type9s and pick up all the lovely comps :-)
also works for systems in wars with seeking weapons USS
I suppose it would - saved me so much time. I had been flying around anarchy systems looking for trade ships to interdict for about 3 hours with no luck at all before I found this tip when looking for ideas.

We really, really need to be able to leave cargo in another ship/at the station when it's docked.

It is so frustrating to not be able to buy a vulture for some fragging just because I've got 9t of engineers cargo in my hold and the stock vulture comes with a 3f cargo hold in the size 4 compartment. That and module storage can't come soon enough.
I have not long came back to ED, after a long break. I have upgraded from a Cobra Mk3 to an ASP Explorer. And I love the sound of the engines (thrusters) when slowing down.
Sweet, I missed out on last week's goals so might pick up a vulture and get stuck in. Unless it's a trading mission in which case the anaconda will be my tool of choice. Need to recoup my credits after getting rinsed so hard by players at the last CG
I posted this in the NMS thread, but I'll post it here too (mods delete if it's overkill). Anyway, ED has this week had more players than NMS so imho it's hats off to David Braben & Frontier for making a game that keeps players coming back. Space sims aren't easy to make to start with and the entire team in Cambridge should be proud of what they have produced and long may it evolve and continue.

I posted this in the NMS thread, but I'll post it here too (mods delete if it's overkill). Anyway, ED has this week had more players than NMS so imho it's hats off to David Braben & Frontier for making a game that keeps players coming back. Space sims aren't easy to make to start with and the entire team in Cambridge should be proud of what they have produced and long may it evolve and continue.


Although great news, NMS has had a total panning recently.

Really hope Elite gets atmospheric landings on planets with complex life at some point.
Although great news, NMS has had a total panning recently.

Really hope Elite gets atmospheric landings on planets with complex life at some point.

That is a 2.0 update for landing on earth like planets etc. I look forward to that as well and hopefully will be really sweet.
10 year roadmap

Year 1 - Space

Year 2 - Horizons - Airless Planets
Features as already announced
Basic Crafting - e.g. adjusting weapons stats
Inc. Thargoids incursions into normal space

Year 3 - Space Legs
In Ship & Dock areas
Personal Hanger
First person combat
Exploring derelicts etc
also Player managed 'powers'
Multiple characters allowed

Year 4 - Atmospheres
Flying in atmospheres / Landing on atmospheric worlds without life or cities
inc worlds mid terraforming with associated infrastructure
Flying through and around clouds
'Cloud Cities' in gas giants
Space Elevators
Atmospheric flight only ships
More realistic sun corona
Solar research ship that can get closer to stars
Mining clouds
Weather / Lightning / Aurora
Also - new procedural / customisable ship designs

Year 5 - Planet Life
Landing on planets with life but no landing near or entering large cities
Full range of life
Varied procedural Biomes based on science and environment
e.g. takes account of micro climate at that location
Hunting, Trading and Collecting life
Collect personal cabin Pets! (inc trumbles!)
Conservation (Eco terrorist attacks on hunters / miners)
Science Missions
Reward for discovery (al a No Mans Sky)
Some non-technology native intelligent species
think Ewoks!
Basic barter system with natives
Trading collected indigenous artefacts
also Fully Explorable Stations
Owning cabin in stations

Year 6 - Cities!
Fully Explorable Cities on planets
Faction Territories/Countries on planets
Wars/conflict between these factions
Owning and managing stations
Building depots / outposts in space and on land

Year 7 - Species
Introduces a couple of PLAYABLE species!
Also New economy. Everything fully self craftable / tradable including auction house
also Head up display improvements (option to view the universe in various non-visible light)
e.g. in radio spectrum. This will make space a lot prettier without breaking realism

Year 8 - Subterranean
Caves, surface mining
Improved 'geology'
Scan for sub surface minerals
Then mining them
Full Realistic Mining
Landscape deforms based on quantities of materials removed.
Size and density of Asteroid fields reduce with mining
Open cast and deep mines
Sub-surface cities
research stations
geo-thermal energy
military bases
Settlements in the sides of canyons, mountains and craters
Ability to for our character to 'climb' when exploring first person on surfaces

Year 9 - Underwater
Underwater Life / Cities / Ships etc
More life to survey / hunt / collect etc
also Mega Structures such as orbital rings

Year 10 - Witch Space (Thargoids)
Playable Thargoids!
A whole new domain of sub-space
Thargoid mega structures / cities in witch space
I put this last as I'd rather see the normal domains of the galaxy complete before they invent new ones.

Year 11 - Ring World civilisations discovered in far corner of galaxy :)
fully explorable ring-worlds
part of a Large scale invasion of an advanced species from Andromeda

Year 12 - Full moding of your own galaxy content
FD starts selling the raw galaxy engine (the stellar forge) for use in other games such as Star Wars, Star Trek and Star Gate
Also we take the fight back to Andromeda having reverse engineered their technology.

Year 14 - ED Universe. Player owned galaxies ;)
This is should be really easy to do btw.
All we need is the Galactic Hyperdrive back and the a new 'seed' for each galaxy.
Cool link, nice.
I guess that's why we don't all get what we want at the next release, i.e. a massive prioritised hit list of "wants".

Finally got myself a Cutter last week.
Handles like an utter barge, so I'm testing it out as a transport only ship.
As such, class D on most components (thrusters, life support etc). Class A FSD. No weapons. The implications being a very low power requirement, so I'm able to use a 5A PowerPlant, which gives is a jump range of over 30LY without cargo and with a class 5 engineer FSD boost.

My plan is to simply run away from anything dangerous. To help, I have class 5 engineered bi-weave shield, 3 shield boosters, giving 1200 shields. With the thruster and PD upgrades, can nearly continually boost at 300ms, so it can even outrun Condas.

So far, so good. Only has a cargo capacity of 464, but making up for that, can take a huge level of punishment. Was interdicted by an FDL last night who couldn't even breach my first ring of shields, despite shooting at me for probably 45 seconds before I jumped. How I laughed.
Year 1 - Space

Year 2 - Horizons - Airless Planets
Features as already announced
Basic Crafting - e.g. adjusting weapons stats
Inc. Thargoids incursions into normal space

Year 3 - Space Legs
In Ship & Dock areas
Personal Hanger
First person combat
Exploring derelicts etc
also Player managed 'powers'
Multiple characters allowed

Year 4 - Atmospheres
Flying in atmospheres / Landing on atmospheric worlds without life or cities
inc worlds mid terraforming with associated infrastructure
Flying through and around clouds
'Cloud Cities' in gas giants
Space Elevators
Atmospheric flight only ships
More realistic sun corona
Solar research ship that can get closer to stars
Mining clouds
Weather / Lightning / Aurora
Also - new procedural / customisable ship designs

Year 5 - Planet Life
Landing on planets with life but no landing near or entering large cities
Full range of life
Varied procedural Biomes based on science and environment
e.g. takes account of micro climate at that location
Hunting, Trading and Collecting life
Collect personal cabin Pets! (inc trumbles!)
Conservation (Eco terrorist attacks on hunters / miners)
Science Missions
Reward for discovery (al a No Mans Sky)
Some non-technology native intelligent species
think Ewoks!
Basic barter system with natives
Trading collected indigenous artefacts
also Fully Explorable Stations
Owning cabin in stations

Year 6 - Cities!
Fully Explorable Cities on planets
Faction Territories/Countries on planets
Wars/conflict between these factions
Owning and managing stations
Building depots / outposts in space and on land

Year 7 - Species
Introduces a couple of PLAYABLE species!
Also New economy. Everything fully self craftable / tradable including auction house
also Head up display improvements (option to view the universe in various non-visible light)
e.g. in radio spectrum. This will make space a lot prettier without breaking realism

Year 8 - Subterranean
Caves, surface mining
Improved 'geology'
Scan for sub surface minerals
Then mining them
Full Realistic Mining
Landscape deforms based on quantities of materials removed.
Size and density of Asteroid fields reduce with mining
Open cast and deep mines
Sub-surface cities
research stations
geo-thermal energy
military bases
Settlements in the sides of canyons, mountains and craters
Ability to for our character to 'climb' when exploring first person on surfaces

Year 9 - Underwater
Underwater Life / Cities / Ships etc
More life to survey / hunt / collect etc
also Mega Structures such as orbital rings

Year 10 - Witch Space (Thargoids)
Playable Thargoids!
A whole new domain of sub-space
Thargoid mega structures / cities in witch space
I put this last as I'd rather see the normal domains of the galaxy complete before they invent new ones.

Year 11 - Ring World civilisations discovered in far corner of galaxy :)
fully explorable ring-worlds
part of a Large scale invasion of an advanced species from Andromeda

Year 12 - Full moding of your own galaxy content
FD starts selling the raw galaxy engine (the stellar forge) for use in other games such as Star Wars, Star Trek and Star Gate
Also we take the fight back to Andromeda having reverse engineered their technology.

Year 14 - ED Universe. Player owned galaxies ;)
This is should be really easy to do btw.
All we need is the Galactic Hyperdrive back and the a new 'seed' for each galaxy.

Do you have link to this information by any chance, or is it your best guess?:confused:
Cool link, nice.
I guess that's why we don't all get what we want at the next release, i.e. a massive prioritised hit list of "wants".

Finally got myself a Cutter last week.
Handles like an utter barge, so I'm testing it out as a transport only ship.
As such, class D on most components (thrusters, life support etc). Class A FSD. No weapons. The implications being a very low power requirement, so I'm able to use a 5A PowerPlant, which gives is a jump range of over 30LY without cargo and with a class 5 engineer FSD boost.

My plan is to simply run away from anything dangerous. To help, I have class 5 engineered bi-weave shield, 3 shield boosters, giving 1200 shields. With the thruster and PD upgrades, can nearly continually boost at 300ms, so it can even outrun Condas.

So far, so good. Only has a cargo capacity of 464, but making up for that, can take a huge level of punishment. Was interdicted by an FDL last night who couldn't even breach my first ring of shields, despite shooting at me for probably 45 seconds before I jumped. How I laughed.

The cutter is a sweet ship when fully kitted out. It handles surprisingly well as well and pretty nimble. I have mine A rated but dropped A8 shields for cargo, so running 720 cargo currently and it holds its own in a scrap against most ships.
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