*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Gregster, realised my v.old Logitech Extreme3DPro joystick is just not up to teh job - Looking at the X52 - is the pro worth it ?

Also flying around is all fine. Even the galaxy map is OKish, but the system map is just about unusable with my current setup. I really need a way to select the elements of the system (asteroid zones etc) and target them.

It is totally amazing in VR, watching "your" arm fly the ship. Standing up and walking back from my chair into the conda cabin was just stunning. I can live with the godrays, the resolution is also OK although a bit strange coming from a 1920x1080 resolution.

CV1 needs better res/optics, but then the GPU would be unable to drive them at the required refresh. Eyeball tracking (as opposed to head tracking) provides an interesting option. Only render quality graphics where the player is actually looking, the rest of the scene could get away with far lower quality.

A great technology that will certainly become the norm in the future for this kind of game. Being there in the bridge of the 'conda' looking out at the inside of the station - wow.

I am a big proponent of the X52 and it is my second stick and rudder. My first failed after a year but I got it from that stupid expensive company that people only buy from when they are close by or don't have a clue what is what when it comes to PC in this world and couldn't find the receipt but hoping the second lasts longer (been going strong now for 8 months ish).

I do struggle a tad with the galxy and system map also but using the bow thrusters works well enough for me and yer, res is the only real downside for me. Eyeball tracking would be sweet as well but not sure if that is a real possibility? As you say, the Conda is huge and you only get a feel for its size by using VR and sitting in the bridge really does show how big it actually is. I wish the Cutter was the same but you sit on the front, so miss out on size proportion. The Asp is very good, as is the T9 for visuals.
The bridge position on the conda takes away a lot of the rift's potential - something like the Asp with it's open cockpit would be so much better.

I can certainly see some more exploration coming up - solar systems look so much better and more 'alive'. Haven't done any planetary landings yet either - looking forward to that as well.

The way the UI panels float in mid air is awesome as well :-)
Still would prefer a 3 seat bridge at the font of the ship. I find the whole front half of the 'conda' in front of the bridge just gets in the way.

My cobra and vulture are both 150+ ly away and I just can't quite be bothered to go and get them.
Don't you find the fact you lose sight of your desktop (eg: keyboard etc) a big down side?

Not at all. The only time I use my keyboard is to type the name of a system I want to go to but other than that, I don't use it at all. The X52 has everything mapped 'out the box' on the buttons and I know where they all are without needing to look. I also use voice attack but that isn't really needed.
Not at all. The only time I use my keyboard is to type the name of a system I want to go to but other than that, I don't use it at all. The X52 has everything mapped 'out the box' on the buttons and I know where they all are without needing to look. I also use voice attack but that isn't really needed.

I find the keys with the indicator (usually f key?) help a great deal too so it's pretty easy to type once you know where your fingers are.
Not at all. The only time I use my keyboard is to type the name of a system I want to go to but other than that, I don't use it at all. The X52 has everything mapped 'out the box' on the buttons and I know where they all are without needing to look. I also use voice attack but that isn't really needed.

So how do you use the keyboard then? Keeping the headset on? Or skewing it off?

TBH - Most of the time I'm playing ED I'm catching up on TV episodes etc... So VR wouldn't work that well :)
So how do you use the keyboard then? Keeping the headset on? Or skewing it off?

TBH - Most of the time I'm playing ED I'm catching up on TV episodes etc... So VR wouldn't work that well :)

Most times I will lift it up and rest it like a pair of glasses but if it is something simple to type like "frey", I will feel for the keys and type. Sadly there is no watching TV at the same time but I wouldn't do that either, as I am an old man who struggles with that multitasking thingy :D
Most times I will lift it up and rest it like a pair of glasses but if it is something simple to type like "frey", I will feel for the keys and type. Sadly there is no watching TV at the same time but I wouldn't do that either, as I am an old man who struggles with that multitasking thingy :D

Such a shame it can't - as some of these technologies are half doing - inject specific items into your VR field of view, from your real surroundings. ie: You configure the VR software to include your real keyboard into your VR world via a pair of cameras on the headset.

So you'd look down and see your real keyboard and actual hands superimposed into the VR view.
I think that 95% of the time you are going on a trade route, to see an engineer etc. As a result I think the bookmarks will be great.

Or I might try a voiceattack profile that lets me spell - select the text field and then just say eff ooh you en dee eee arr sss for example for founders.
Most times I will lift it up and rest it like a pair of glasses but if it is something simple to type like "frey", I will feel for the keys and type. Sadly there is no watching TV at the same time but I wouldn't do that either, as I am an old man who struggles with that multitasking thingy :D

Should be able to have your keyboard, mouse and hands semi transparent with cameras when you look down. And a HDMI in for picture in picture to overlay TV.
Can't you inject some sort of in game overlay to watch videos?

Also the Vive has a nice pass through system if you need to see the keyboard.

Oh man I can't wait to finish the thesis I am writing so I can properly get stuck into Elite. From the sounds of it the game keeps getting better so maybe its not a bad thing that I have had to wait so long.
Just about to unlock Qwent and will be needing 25 modular terminals :( Don't suppose anyone has seen any "seeking x/y/z" in an Anarchy system please?
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