Boost engines, request docking, next target, raiese/lower landing gear, fsd drive. Pretty basic but saves me fumbling about on my Saitek X52 and you can add loads more but I haven't as I can keep my fingers on the rudder and throttle and no need to move them. I have the ASTRA voice pack and it just adds to it basically but not essential.
VA is superb as Gregster pointed out - especially for VR.
I've gotten a bit lazy now I'm exploring so stuck the 360 pad in and load up VA and tell good old William Shatner what to do for a change
I particularly like the macros that perform a combination of tasks, for instance -
- Take off from planet and launch into orbit
- Launch handover from station
- Dismiss the ship from planet surface (sometimes makes a cheeky comment about going for a joy ride lol)
- Clear stellar object and then jump
- Refuel and repair
- Defence protocols - retracts hardpoints, boosts and enters supercruise
My only real gripe is the resolution but make no mistake, the surround vision really makes up for it and it is so immersive, you soon forget. When it is really hot, I struggle with the Rift, purely because of getting too hot and switch to my 1440P screen and it looks horrible for the first hour or so and I yearn to put the headset back on. I am not a heat person though and never struggle with the cold in the winter and others won't feel it like me.
I just upgraded to the 980ti from a pair of 290s and changed my steamvr render multiplier up to 2.0 (has the same effect as supersampling) you also have to set the supersampling rate in ED down to lowest setting which is 0.65. This has made the game look amazing in VR and so crisp and sharp. I'm running with a customised VR High setting.
Incidentally in the beta there is now a new VR Ultra and Medium setting.
Yay!!! Finally made Elite in trading
Good man!! - I'm about 34% of the way through Ranger for Exploration
Has anybody been playing the 2.2 Beta?
I have to say Ship Launched Fighters in VR is the bomb!!! absolutely amazing!!
I also kitted out a Beluga Liner and sitting on the bridge was like being on the Enterprise - so much space and 2 other seats.... wonder if we really will get proper mult-crew in 2.3....
First thing I tried was the neutron star boosting and IMO it is a bit gimmicky. My ASP Explorer has a jump range of 47ly and with the boost I get 195ly. In the time it takes you to find another Neutron star or a star at your optimum boost of 195ly you would be better off just making 4 normal jumps.
The risk was pretty low once I had worked out to only go into the flare at the end of the neutron stream and was really easy to get the FSD boost without any damage.