*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Eeek ! That's going to sting a bit. I still get nervous in my 10million anaconda.

I'm still in my Sidewinder basically mucking around to get to grips wtih things but will soon have enough dosh to get a Viper. Coming from Frontier (XD) I actually really like the re-buy cost idea - better than always losing everything! I might ignore it though for my first ship upgrade since I'm now happy to wipe my commander save & start again.
You know that lol. A PITA and I boost to 400, so I don't even bother fighting them.

Decided to buy another Cutter and go with A8 shields on this Cutter and use the other for trading. This will or should be quite good in combat if I can get it to turn quick enough. I have been playing with FA off and not too bad but still quite noobish.

Having both the Cutter and the Vette, I tested out the Cutter on buying it. It turns like a boat. That was enough to convince me not to bother using it for combat. Gave it bi-weave 8C shields, NO weapons and Class D thrusters. Might sound like madness, but with the reduced power consumption, that means you can get away with a much smaller power plant. Add in the weight savings from above, and it results in a MUCH better jump range. With no cargo, mine has a jump of just over 30LY, which makes it a genuinely good long range hauler. Now you might say that it can't fight, and that's true. However, mine also has 3 class A shield boosters and L5 engineering mods on them. Has something like 1200+ shields + lots of resistances. With it's size, it never gets mass locked. So whilst you might get interdicted, just jump away. I've had mine in this config since buying it, and have yet to have more than one ring of shields knocked out, and that was by a persistent FDL, when I tried fighting the interdiction and lost. Now I just don't bother, and let me, then boost away and jump.
If only there was some mechanic by which you could explorer and hunt down rich stateful resources and mine them out (alone or with friends)? - https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showt...antity/page8?p=4007154&viewfull=1#post4007154

Imagine if you found such a location and could sell its details (eg: to another CMDR)?

ie: The sort of stuff Braben suggested back at Kickstarter...

Neil do you feel that this has improved over the last 12 months? Ive not played for ages, have around 2 billion in the bank, all the ships etc. All i did was loads of Robigo flying lol.

Anyhow has anything come from the DDF back in alpha? What are your views were the game is now?

Any answers for anybody and not just Neil is welcome as im itching to get back into it as ive not played any games at all for around 10 months.

Got 2xTitan X's running on water so im good for any game really:)
Well I gave the Rift a go last night. **** it's absolutely mind blowing. The sense of scale is incredible, as I logged in my Conda was parked up in a white station. Took me a second or so to realise how long the nose of the ship is. Even more so when I got in the SRV, got lowered to the ground and then looked up!

Totally changed the way I look at Elite. Collecting materials in the buggy is actually pretty good fun in VR!

My 970 has done pretty well, haven't really changed anything other than putting it in VR High and putting FSAA on. Seems to hold 90fps most of the times with the occasional dip to 70 or so in a busy RES. Can see the appeal of a 1080 now, can see value in spending so much if it helps improve the VR experience.
Having both the Cutter and the Vette, I tested out the Cutter on buying it. It turns like a boat. That was enough to convince me not to bother using it for combat. Gave it bi-weave 8C shields, NO weapons and Class D thrusters. Might sound like madness, but with the reduced power consumption, that means you can get away with a much smaller power plant. Add in the weight savings from above, and it results in a MUCH better jump range. With no cargo, mine has a jump of just over 30LY, which makes it a genuinely good long range hauler. Now you might say that it can't fight, and that's true. However, mine also has 3 class A shield boosters and L5 engineering mods on them. Has something like 1200+ shields + lots of resistances. With it's size, it never gets mass locked. So whilst you might get interdicted, just jump away. I've had mine in this config since buying it, and have yet to have more than one ring of shields knocked out, and that was by a persistent FDL, when I tried fighting the interdiction and lost. Now I just don't bother, and let me, then boost away and jump.

Some food for thought there cheers bud. I fully equipped my Cutter which cost around 900Mil, it has masses of upgrades on shields, engines, thrusters, FSD, Shield boosters etc and I took it for a spin and straight away got interdicted by an Elite Conda.... No worries with that and I had him beat before he could get close to taking down my shields, roll on a bit and I get another interdiction by a FDL and arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I can't hit him at all or at least enough to do any damage and after 10 mins ish, I gave up and jumped out.

I might well sell that and give the Vette another bash, as as much as I like my Conda, which is really good at fighting and turns much quicker, I can't help but feel I need something else but I am a big fan of the bigger ships, so don't fancy dropping to something smaller.
My three ships at the moment.

Vulture for dog fighting and combat CGs
Conda for jack-of-all-trades and trading CGs
Cobra for nipping about and smuggling

All have got Lvl5 FSDs and 20+LY jumpranges - the conda is nearly at 30.
My gut feeling is that I would like to get a Cutter to replace the conda due to the stupid amount of cargo it can carry.
My three ships at the moment.

Vulture for dog fighting and combat CGs
Conda for jack-of-all-trades and trading CGs
Cobra for nipping about and smuggling

All have got Lvl5 FSDs and 20+LY jumpranges - the conda is nearly at 30.
My gut feeling is that I would like to get a Cutter to replace the conda due to the stupid amount of cargo it can carry.

I have:

2 Cutters (both with >30Ly unladen jump ranges
Anaconda with 28Ly jump range but would be more if I dropped off some of the heavy bits,
Python that is a fun ship for smaller battles (untouched thus far)
Asp that has a huge jump range of 45Ly
Cobra Mk3 and Mk4 both untouched

I want to go exploring in the Asp but waiting for the patch to drop, as I am liking the new visuals and they are epic in VR, so for now I am just poodling about doing some trading, missions etc and might get the highest Empire rank for the fun.

I really really want one of the capital class ships :D
I have:

2 Cutters (both with >30Ly unladen jump ranges
Anaconda with 28Ly jump range but would be more if I dropped off some of the heavy bits,
Python that is a fun ship for smaller battles (untouched thus far)
Asp that has a huge jump range of 45Ly
Cobra Mk3 and Mk4 both untouched

I want to go exploring in the Asp but waiting for the patch to drop, as I am liking the new visuals and they are epic in VR, so for now I am just poodling about doing some trading, missions etc and might get the highest Empire rank for the fun.

I really really want one of the capital class ships :D
What are the new visuals?
Yeah python is your best bet. You could just about kit it out nicely at that budget.

Decided that rather than not quite being able to max out a Python, went for a Vulture, had one before and it wasn't too bad, however, I now find that A rating it means not enough power available :/
Decided that rather than not quite being able to max out a Python, went for a Vulture, had one before and it wasn't too bad, however, I now find that A rating it means not enough power available :/

Drop your thrusters a bit. They are bloody thirsty. Or get thee to the engineers!

Had a blast in CQC last night. Decided to take a little break from farming materials in my cobra, which in itself was taking a break from farming materials in my anaconda lol.
Drop your thrusters a bit. They are bloody thirsty. Or get thee to the engineers!

Had a blast in CQC last night. Decided to take a little break from farming materials in my cobra, which in itself was taking a break from farming materials in my anaconda lol.

The RNG Gods have been very kind to me the last couple of days. I needed things like Selenium, Platinum, Arsenic and specialised legacy firmware and had them all in plentiful supply in roughly 3 hours. A nice change and very welcomed :D

Got the invite from Prof Palin and just need to travel another 2700Ly away from Yenistani to unlock him but not in a rush for that.
Optimal mass.

My understanding is for thrusters, if your ships TOTAL mass is at optimal then they will work at 100% spec, if you are under optimal spec will get buffed and if you are over then de-buffed. I understand that the maximum buff is 120% spec achieved at your total mass being 50% of the optimal mass so achieving more than 50% of optimal mass of thrusters does not provide anymore benefit. (Eg, thruster optimal mass is 800 tonnes, ships mass is 800 then thrusters work at 100%, ships mass is 400 tonnes they work at 120% spec, going lower than 400 does not increase spec further). Is this correct?

For shields the optimal mass is based upon hull mass and does not consider modues, cargo etc. Does this get buffed in the same way as thrusters in that going below optimal mass is beneficial?
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