*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Ermmmm, I have no idea what you just said....

On reading it back even I'm not too sure. In my head its fairly simple, explaining it not so much.

On the shield question, is it enough for your hull mass to be at or under the shield's optimal mass or do you see a benefit (or a buff) by being under the optimal mass by as much as possible?
LOL, thanks Greg.
Didn't know it, but couldn't resist looking it up.
The core calculation on fuel burn is here:

Applying a bit of secondary school algebra:
You need to know the following variables (this assumes you'll not be screwing around anything but Class A FSD drives:
- Max fuel possible in a single burn (this varies by FSD rating) e.g. 5 tones for a 5A
- Ship Mass
- Optimal Mass
- Constant (this varies by FSD class), e.g. 2.45 at Class 5

The max range of a single jump is therefore:
= (Optimal Mass/Ship mass) * ((Max Fuel in a burn/0.012)To the Power of(1/Constant))

I've tried writing that as simply as possible for if you want to stuff it into a spreadsheet.

The mass takes account of the ships hull, fittings AND cargo.
Finally decided to stuff it and jump in my Asp and go exploring. Headed out to the Witch nebula and beyond and only to be greeted by "Unknown permit required" just after the nebula - I assume FD are doing something for the 2.2 release with this?
Can anyone confirm that in the beta version 2.2, accepting a mission is almost instant?

That is definitely a big gripe for me in live - takes like 5-10 seconds to accept a mission

Also, just saw this on Reddit:


It's just a photoshop of an idea, but I like it.
That idea was talked about in the official forums a very short while back.

It is a good idea, but considering the mess some of the mission stuff is currently like I can't see FD rushing to add this.
It is easy to take VR for granted but I still get that feeling of awe when I jump in my Asp and just go exploring. Also found an undiscovered Earth like world to boot, so a nice trip thus far. I wonder what ED plans are for the C70 system that is off limits? Thargoids based perhaps? :D
Is 2.2 the next release? If so do these worlds have full citys in? Just like back in the frontier days?
Have thargoids made an appearance yet mate?
I think i need to get back into this game and check out the official forums

Think Greg is saying they won't be released in 2.2 :)
Is 2.2 the next release? If so do these worlds have full citys in? Just like back in the frontier days?
Have thargoids made an appearance yet mate?
I think i need to get back into this game and check out the official forums

Sorry bud, my response wasn't clear on reading back. The 2.2 release (which is due this month and currently in Beta) will not have Earth like planetary landings. I don't believe it will be in the next big release (3.0) either and will be coming in a couple of years time but I hope I am wrong on that. In the olden days, I played Elite so much on the C64 but never played Frontier so never experienced world landings but from all accounts, it was very good and something I am looking forward to in the future.
This has peed me off tonight. Stacked up on missions about 10 - 15 mill yesterday. Been wizzing about tonight trying to hand them in on time and get to the stations with minutes to spare. And I cant hand them in and they end up failing and I get massive fines.

Any idea where I report this to.
This has peed me off tonight. Stacked up on missions about 10 - 15 mill yesterday. Been wizzing about tonight trying to hand them in on time and get to the stations with minutes to spare. And I cant hand them in and they end up failing and I get massive fines.

Any idea where I report this to.

Most missions give you 24 hour to complete them in. Not really sure what the issue is here?
Yesh I had 24 hours that was yesterday I took them out. less than 30 mins left on them when I tried to hand each one in. No option to hand them in and claim reward. So they ran out of time then I get find for not completing the mission. 3 times so far about 10 mill loss and fines on top to pay.
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