*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

I got my arse properly handed to me by 3 AI's last night, was at Dark Hide or whatever its called where the engineer is, had an unknown source pop up, thought what the hell, dropped into a debris field, sidewinder appears in front of me, scan him, wing of 3, suddenly 2 conda's appear from nowhere, I throttle up and by the time I've hit boost theres big greeny blue things flying all around, shields are down, major malfunctions and pop, dead...

I have no idea what happened, but I want some of them..
Vive arrives tomorrow

Been collecting Phosphorus, Modular Terminals etc for FSD upgrades. It's a grind but loving it. Canne wait to experience planet flying in VR
Yesh I had 24 hours that was yesterday I took them out. less than 30 mins left on them when I tried to hand each one in. No option to hand them in and claim reward. So they ran out of time then I get find for not completing the mission. 3 times so far about 10 mill loss and fines on top to pay.

Ouch. Could you not try emailing Frontier support? I just found out the other day that the missions were 'real' real time & had them go up in smoke :D . My fault for not reading up first & I found it lol rather than annoying but perhaps the game could benefit from some scary popups about such stuff the first time a new player does something?
Thought I would get stuck in at the combat CG that's running. Thought to myself, if I do this in open it'll be a bit sketchy. Did it anyway. Interdicted and killed by a clipper of all things! It was embarrassing frankly, but I forgot I had dropped my SCB for more cargo space in the last one. Could have easily tanked and run but fought him thinking I could always use my SCB. He had loads of chaff so my kinetic heavy load out became mostly useless and I only realised too late my mistake! Did take a good chunk of his Hull off though :)
Rather not touch Star Citizen until it is complete, so I am going to try and get back into Elite :)

Had go yesterday. Tried to do some bounty hunting, but could not find any Anacondas to kill. Kept getting between 30-100k per kill. Not as fun as killing an Anaconda and getting 250k that I used to about a year ago :p

Want to give doing missions a go. They look much better now. Really want to improve my relationship with the federation so I can visit the Sol system. Was stuck on Recruit last time and it was slow and boring levelling up.

What is the quickest way currently to increase ranking with the Federation?
What is the quickest way currently to increase ranking with the Federation?

If you google it, there are systems that have many fed factions. The result is that you get a good choice of missions. Donations used to be a way of buying rank - not sure how well that works now.
currently in the top 10% with the bounty hunter community mission, and ive already made 10 mill just from the kills. Which is helping since i had 3 million to my name last week and 2 cheapo ships lol.
Good to still be able to down Power Plants

Ha that makes a lot of sense! I'll be doing that from now on too!

Haha not just me then. If you go for higher rated collectors, deploy like 3-4 before you start to mine i.e. press ze lasers, they sit there and then they collect everything that comes off. THEN they also go back out, which they do not do when you send them out while targetted a clump

YouTube guides ftw
One of the things I'm struggling with is getting experimental effects on my weapons. I swear my timing is perfect, and yet when I pull the trigger it NEVER lands on that blue spot. Even when the bloody arrow is on that square, no joy. It's like the trigger is the cancel button
One of the things I'm struggling with is getting experimental effects on my weapons. I swear my timing is perfect, and yet when I pull the trigger it NEVER lands on that blue spot. Even when the bloody arrow is on that square, no joy. It's like the trigger is the cancel button
There is no second trigger, the result is determined the moment the blueprint is generated. All a second click does is skip the animation.
Haven't played Elite in a while, and want to get back into it before the 2.2 patch hits - Just deleted my character from before... was a hard decision, but I wanted to start from scratch :D

Also watched the beginners tutorial by ObsidianAnt which was helpful :)
Vive arrives tomorrow

Been collecting Phosphorus, Modular Terminals etc for FSD upgrades. It's a grind but loving it. Canne wait to experience planet flying in VR

Vive has fairly serious visual quality issues with ED. Hate to say it, but for Elite at least the Rift is better. I'm sure you'll enjoy the experience, but I fear you'll get annoyed with the quality :(
Vive has fairly serious visual quality issues with ED. Hate to say it, but for Elite at least the Rift is better. I'm sure you'll enjoy the experience, but I fear you'll get annoyed with the quality :(

I got a Vive on pre-order, and one of the main aims was to play ED. However, I've just unpacked it and set it up this weekend and I've yet to use it in ED (The Vive had been sitting unopened for months due to 'real life' issues...)

What are the visual issues with the Vive? And is this something that's likely to be sorted?
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