*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

It will get sorted on the Vive. How long it takes is anyone's guess, but they have acknowledged the problems at least. So much for them 'officially' supporting the Vive on launch eh.

Only issue I have is the shimmering aliasing, this can be alleviated a little with a mega machine (which I don't have) and high Super sampling, but it's still not right even with this. Some people aren't happy with text readability, but I personally have not had that issue (or maybe it just doesn't bother me enough to notice it).

EDIT: I should add, even with the above issues, it is still an incredible experience and well worth playing.
Vive has fairly serious visual quality issues with ED. Hate to say it, but for Elite at least the Rift is better. I'm sure you'll enjoy the experience, but I fear you'll get annoyed with the quality :(

Yep. Unfortunately hit that roadblock. I wish I had have known SLI was not working.

BUT managed to get it looking good now thanks to some external tweaking and the following

1. EDProfiler
2. Unparking my cores (not that I expect that made a diff with a 10 core CPU)
3. Messing with in-game settings and turning AA off
Elite REALLY REALLY needs cargo storage.

Got 15 modular terminals that I really want to hoard as I know what a grind they are to get hold of. As a result I can't go bounty hunting without every pirate in the area scanning and then attacking.

If I can store a ship why can't I chose to store the cargo on it ?

The argument that people will hoard goods and 'flood' the market is madness. So I have enough money to buy 3 or 4 or even 10 cutters. 750t on each - 7500t is not enough to distort a market for more than a couple of hours at most. What about the trading CGs - if they still work ?

It's so easy to get 'trapped' on a ship by having some cargo you want to keep. I'm trapped in my anaconda as I have 30t or cargo I want to keep. As a result I can't fly my vulture/cobra/fer-de-lance daft I tell you.
Elite REALLY REALLY needs cargo storage.

Got 15 modular terminals that I really want to hoard as I know what a grind they are to get hold of. As a result I can't go bounty hunting without every pirate in the area scanning and then attacking.

If I can store a ship why can't I chose to store the cargo on it ?

The argument that people will hoard goods and 'flood' the market is madness. So I have enough money to buy 3 or 4 or even 10 cutters. 750t on each - 7500t is not enough to distort a market for more than a couple of hours at most. What about the trading CGs - if they still work ?

It's so easy to get 'trapped' on a ship by having some cargo you want to keep. I'm trapped in my anaconda as I have 30t or cargo I want to keep. As a result I can't fly my vulture/cobra/fer-de-lance daft I tell you.

I agree with the cargo storage. Even if they limited the amount you could store would be a start.

The market flooding argument is certainly floored IMO, especially considering that the BGS doesn't exactly work, at least not when it comes to trading from what I've seen. If this was fully working, then Yes, I could see the reservation in allowing mass storage of commodities, but again, the volumes that we would be able to store wouldn't really make a dent on some of the systems out there.

Even if it did, wouldn't it make it all that little bit more interesting?
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Re. Vive issues, have a look at the thread here:

https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/247986-HTC-Vive-resolution-and- focus

Take note of the date. 6 months and still no improvement. This looks more than just a minor problem to me. :/

Cargo storage isn't on the agenda, it's module storage which is coming in 2.2

I'm dumping any engineering mods I'm coming across for now, like you say it becomes an absolute pain in the posterior to be constantly interdicted for cargo that is essentially worthless.
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Cargo storage would be an awesome addition. Like Hodders, Getting things is a complete PITA (Mod Terminals for instance) and interdiction after interdiction ensues when carrying cargo.
Currently doing haulage runs from Sothis in an lightweight Asp Explorer with 112t cargo space and about 26LY jump distance fully loaded. I have been thinking of getting a Python for the increased cargo capacity but even with smaller modules / D spec kit the jump distance isn't much more than 15LY. So, what are people's opinions, is it better to carry less cargo but do it quicker from bigger jumps or carry more cargo but take longer due to shorter jump range?
Well I just tried the registry hack for Async Spacewarp on the Rift. Now running max detail and it's butter smooth. Can't quite believe it - the auto switching to 45fps is seamless too.
woo hoo I got rear admiral today only to find that the corvette fsd is pants, got it up to 20 ly max 14 min, cargo storage would be great, like you guys I have things I want to keep and that stops me from taking that extra several mil job for a long run, then again I cant grumble as I had a 3 stop run today for 40 mil took me 50 mins for the 3 stops and 15 mins back to sothis in my conda that is.
Can you elaborate on this?

Has anyone tried this yet? Apparently over on the Oculus reddit forums some users are getting huge performance increases.
Here's how you enable it, copied from a poster on reddit. I can't play until tonight. You need to be on the 1.8 runtime.

Run regedit.exe
Open the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oculus VR, LLC\LibOVR
Create a new entry in LibOVR (32 bit Dword) and call it: AswEnabled
Set the value of the new entry to 1.
Exit regedit and give it a try. No reboot is necessary.

If the path above doesn't exist:
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software and Create a new key under Software named: Oculus VR, LLC
Create another new key under the Oculus VR key you just created and name it: LibOVR


Going to try this myself, as it is a bit of a jerk fest only when jumping.
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Sold my vulture and upgraded to a Fer De Lance. Transferred the Lvl5 FSD from the Vulture to the F-de-L and got a jump range of 22ly.

Fitted it with a huge multicannon and 4 burst lasers.

LOVE it. It seems to have equal fire power to the anaconda and has the nimbleness to stay on the enemy's tail and the speed to escape if needed.

However, once again it raised the issue of cargo storage - they need to address this.
Sold my vulture and upgraded to a Fer De Lance. Transferred the Lvl5 FSD from the Vulture to the F-de-L and got a jump range of 22ly.

Fitted it with a huge multicannon and 4 burst lasers.

LOVE it. It seems to have equal fire power to the anaconda and has the nimbleness to stay on the enemy's tail and the speed to escape if needed.

However, once again it raised the issue of cargo storage - they need to address this.

I'm thinking about picking one up for combat too. My conda is just so sluggish in pvp
Yes. Once you've done the registry work you get into game and press CTRL-4. That enables auto switching, and as soon as your card can't keep 90fps it locks to 45 and interpolates the extra frames.

It's being released formally in the next set of Oculus drivers. Needs the latest navidia drivers too (doesn't work on AMD for now).
I tried it and within 2 minutes, switched it off. I am locked at 90 fps with 1.5x SS on a GTX 1080, so not really aimed at me. When in Supercruise heading towards a planet, it felt like I was in water/mud and not something worthwhile. I was hoping it would smooth out the jump tunnel but didn't.
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