*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

What settings are you using for visuals though? VR presets?

Jump tunnel is a loading screen so a few stutters are to be expected, it's a combination of disc reading and network stuff. I get slight stutters even with a good SSD and 200mb connection.
What settings are you using for visuals though? VR presets?

Jump tunnel is a loading screen so a few stutters are to be expected, it's a combination of disc reading and network stuff. I get slight stutters even with a good SSD and 200mb connection.

I have everything up to max and 1.5X SS and sits at 90 fps. I kind of misread that thread and thought it was smoothing out the jump tunnel. All good for those on slightly slower hardware by all accounts though.
I have everything up to max and 1.5X SS and sits at 90 fps. I kind of misread that thread and thought it was smoothing out the jump tunnel. All good for those on slightly slower hardware by all accounts though.

On a single 1080? Damn. I can barely get mid spec without the Vive throwing a wobbly. Defo considering sending it back for a Rift

Can you post a screenie with your settings?

AA and Supersampling in game?
Done a vid showing what is what and I wanted to see what performance was like.

Performance stays at 90fps like I had assumed untill I get close to a planet and then drops to 75/60 but in game, I didn't notice that at all and it still felt solid. You can see the Jump tunnel frames though and like Lowe said, it is down to server and SSD plus internet.
Weird, I'm sure my rift does this already. I noticed it occasionally flicking down to 45 in afterburner and figured it was some kind of vsync issue. Still could be handy as planetside is a bit slower and making sure it is locked will be handy.
I put a single 1080 in at the weekend and yes - it's mostly 90fps. I'm running max everything but haven't touched SS yet. The lowest I've seen the frame rate is 55, but that was in a Has RES with loads of asteroids, ships, fog and two light sources. Surprisingly the lower frame rate wasn't actually that noticeable. Sure it was lower, but didn't really make me feel bad or anything like that. The ASW setting for me only kicks in under these kind of situations, hence why I probably don't notice it all that much.
I put a single 1080 in at the weekend and yes - it's mostly 90fps. I'm running max everything but haven't touched SS yet. The lowest I've seen the frame rate is 55, but that was in a Has RES with loads of asteroids, ships, fog and two light sources. Surprisingly the lower frame rate wasn't actually that noticeable. Sure it was lower, but didn't really make me feel bad or anything like that. The ASW setting for me only kicks in under these kind of situations, hence why I probably don't notice it all that much.

That's my finding and I hadd assumed that frames were 90, as I hadn't noticed any slowdowns and I am quite prone to jerky/stuttering but didn't. I recorded and had expected it to be 90 the whole time, as it felt really good.

Thanks Gregster

How is it inside large space stations?

I assume frames are good Badboy but not recorded or watched, so can't say for sure but like above, all stations feel really smooth and I am running my 6850K at stock and sure it would be higher if I ran it at 4.6Ghz.
What's this game like now? I bought an expensive HOTAS for this when it first came out, played it, but found it to be really shallow and unfulfilling. Has it improved, is there there content now beyond trading and bounty hunting?
How long am I meant to wait before the game decides to give me a rank up mission? Done so many missions, donated a lot, got friendly with Federation factions, still nothing. Only managed to rank up to Cadet and got stuck. Looking online, seems others have had this issue also.

Gave up and uninstalled in the end :(

Too much grind for very little reward for me. But I did have a blast the first 30 or so hours when I first got it as I recall. But after that it just felt repetitive and unrewarding.

What's this game like now? I bought an expensive HOTAS for this when it first came out, played it, but found it to be really shallow and unfulfilling. Has it improved, is there there content now beyond trading and bounty hunting?

Just tried it, not much has changed IMO.
The game is as rewarding as you make it. I dont think it's a 'hop on, hop off' game. You need to decide what Factions you wish to align to, research how to make money, decide whether you're a fighter or a courier.

Reddit has loads of suggestions around how to rank up quickly. Playing with people - i.e. in a wing - also helps. As a single player game it can be dull. Space can be dull haha
How long am I meant to wait before the game decides to give me a rank up mission? Done so many missions, donated a lot, got friendly with Federation factions, still nothing. Only managed to rank up to Cadet and got stuck. Looking online, seems others have had this issue also.

Gave up and uninstalled in the end :(

Too much grind for very little reward for me. But I did have a blast the first 30 or so hours when I first got it as I recall. But after that it just felt repetitive and unrewarding.

Just tried it, not much has changed IMO.

Ahh ok was about to ask the same question, found the game very shallow after a few hours and never actually went back to it, in fact I think I spent more time playing No Mans Sky than Elite so that's saying something.
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Reddit has loads of suggestions around how to rank up quickly. Playing with people - i.e. in a wing - also helps. As a single player game it can be dull. Space can be dull haha

I did look at Reddit. Also YouTube, issue is you are at the mercy of the game to offer you a navy mission to rank up. It is a stupid idea imo, just automatically let me rank up once I reach 100% for god sakes. I would not mind if it worked, but for some people it seems to be bugged.

There is a small improvement in the way the missions are offered, but it still has a long way to go.

Ahh ok was about to ask the same question, found the game very shallow after a few hours and never actually went back to it, in fact I think I spent more time playing No Mans Sky than Elite so that's saying something.

Unfortunately it is still very shallow imo. It is one of those games I really want to like and get into but I can't :(

Gregster is spot on, if you didn't like it then, you won't like it now. Very little has changed.
I've jumped back in after a long hiatus playing other games. Really impressed with the improvements to missions, but apart from that very little has perceivably changed, I don't mind though, I liked it back then and do now, I just like shiney new things too.
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