OMG... Just realised... do upgrades stack? As in can I keep going for good rolls on a level and keep applying them?
Not a bad watch here for the future of Elite and I like the guy who does these vids.
Good video, thanks for that. Very much looking forward to that lot, assuming it arrives. I guess the good news is that FD tend to understate, then over-deliver, unlike some other space games...
We now have a fleet of fully A rated ships.
Corvette (pricey to insure indeed 25mil atm)
Anoconda (trade spec)
Fer De lance (rich boys toy)
Python (small pad action)
Vulture (No idea why i even did this)
All upgraded by Farseer, so need to work on the rest of the engineers now.
If you didn't like it then, you won't like it now.
I'm not too sure, I prefer it more on my second attempt.
What group do you play in Gregster?
it is still quite limited for those seeking instant gratification
Vive has fairly serious visual quality issues with ED. Hate to say it, but for Elite at least the Rift is better. I'm sure you'll enjoy the experience, but I fear you'll get annoyed with the quality![]()
Re. Vive issues, have a look at the thread here: focus
Take note of the date. 6 months and still no improvement. This looks more than just a minor problem to me. :/
Nice. I wish the Vive had the same. Kinda considering sending it back
On a single 1080? Damn. I can barely get mid spec without the Vive throwing a wobbly. Defo considering sending it back for a Rift
Can you post a screenie with your settings?
AA and Supersampling in game?
Man I love this game!
Hmmm lot of negativity for the Vive here
Had my Vive from day 1 and been playing Elite Dangerous since, I've not had any issues that I can attribute to the Vive itself. I had a DK2 prior to the Vive and noted the improvement when I upgraded.
Those of you *with* a Vive what in-game graphics settings are you running?
I was running with 2 x AMD 290s (crossfire doesn't work for VR) so in essence a single card, I could run VR High but it wasn't 100% smooth and I was getting stuttering, I also managed to tweak Steam VR to run at 1.5 x Rendering Multiplier. It was much better running on VR Low.
I've now upgraded to a 980ti and am running VR High with 2.0 x Rendering Multiplier.
A note if you use Rendering Multiplier you MUST change the in-game supersampling rate to 0.65 otherwise you will be using two sets of supersampling.
Also when I tweak the in-game graphics profile to disable Blur, Bloom and Anti-aliasing (this is what makes the image blurry).
I have silky smooth VR and a very sharp image -
I have no axe to grind, I'm just reporting the issues others have brought up. I'm glad you've found a way of getting things working to a satisfactory standard. But, if there's no issues with the Vive and ED why is there 6 months worth of posts in Frontier's VR forum complaining of issues with graphical quality? If memory serves people mostly complain about the lenses and how the pixel distribution causes legibility issues.
There's a comparison between Vive and CV1 here which is quite interesting.
On a sidenote, can you explain about the supersampling? I'm not too clued up on it. Why are you getting two lots of supersampling if not running 0.65 in game? Isn't 0.65 downsizing?