*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

I never really got into combat when I last played Elite - But a few nights ago I made about 200,000 cr bounty hunting for about 20 minutes and it was great fun :D

I currently have a Viper MKIV, but I'm looking at changing it already because it flies like **** :p I want to get the Vulture eventually... Should I stick with the Viper until then, or should I move onto something else?

I'm looking for a combat orientated ship preferably

Are you using Flight Assist off? The Cobra MK3 is a much better ship than the Viper. Faster and easier to handle. Just my advice

Vulture is nice but received a nerf I believe.
Are you using Flight Assist off? The Cobra MK3 is a much better ship than the Viper. Faster and easier to handle. Just my advice

Vulture is nice but received a nerf I believe.

No, I'm not good enough to fly without Flight Assist :p

Yeah I've flown the Cobra before and loved it, think I might jump back to that
I h8 u then ;)

What are your in game settings? And can post a pic of a REAL screenie captured using mirroring?

HTC Vive "VR High" Custom with SteamVR "rendertargetmultiplier x 2"


This is a screenshot of the mirror image from the desktop, but after thinking about it this probably won't give you much idea or comparison from the actual image which is displayed on the HMD...

I have no axe to grind, I'm just reporting the issues others have brought up. I'm glad you've found a way of getting things working to a satisfactory standard. But, if there's no issues with the Vive and ED why is there 6 months worth of posts in Frontier's VR forum complaining of issues with graphical quality? If memory serves people mostly complain about the lenses and how the pixel distribution causes legibility issues.

There's a comparison between Vive and CV1 here which is quite interesting.


On a sidenote, can you explain about the supersampling? I'm not too clued up on it. Why are you getting two lots of supersampling if not running 0.65 in game? Isn't 0.65 downsizing?

Well I decided to do my own comparison of both and have the Rift and Vive sitting here next to me now...

HTC Vive
  • Wider FOV
  • Better tracking
  • More flexible placement of tracking sensors
  • Little to no "god rays" or light bleeding
  • With default SteamVR settings and VR High text almost unreadable and blurry in ED
  • With rendertargetmultiplier 2.0 SteamVR settings and VR High (supersampling set to 0.65) text sharp and readable in ED
  • Easy to tweak supersampling by changing steamvrsettings file
  • Smooth head tracking with no hint of lag
  • ED Pilot scale seems out and either super small and skinny or child-like

Oculus Rift
  • More compact HMD, feels more organic and slightly more comfortable than Vive
  • Unique headphone mounts make it easier to put on HMD and headphones in one go
  • Smaller FOV
  • God rays :(
  • Tracking sensor has to be placed on a flat surface near to and in sight of HMD
  • With default SteamVR settings and VR High (supersampling set to 1.0) text is readable in ED but not as crisp and sharp as the tweaked HTC Vive settings
  • Head tracking very slightly laggy - almost inperceptible
  • ED Pilot scale seems spot on
  • Have to download Rift debug tool to enable supersampling
  • With debug tool "Pixels Per Display Pixel Override" set to 2 and VR High (supersampling set to 0.65) image quality was comparable with simliar settings on the Vive

That about sums up my comparison and I think a lot of people who are having issues with image quality need to tweak their system configuration. In my opinion th default settings of both devices and the VR settings in Elite Dangerous are far from optimal.

Overall I can't recommend one device / HMD over the other, once the configuration has been optimised they both provide the same image quality with the main differences being FOV, scale and god rays.

Two good threads here on the frontier forums...

1st one explains how to get optimal settings on the Vive and some hints on doing the same with the Rift.


2nd one is another comparison between both HMDs.

Right then, I need your help.

I've decided I want a cutter so am ranking up in empire. Currently at knight. I've been spamming data delivery between hip 10715 and Wu gyangi or whatever it's called.

There don't seem to be any ground assault missions and in getting really bored of data delivery.

Any suggestions of good places to go and things to do to rank enjoyed?

Got an A rated fer de lance or a tradeconda to use.
Right then, I need your help.

I've decided I want a cutter so am ranking up in empire. Currently at knight. I've been spamming data delivery between hip 10715 and Wu gyangi or whatever it's called.

There don't seem to be any ground assault missions and in getting really bored of data delivery.

Any suggestions of good places to go and things to do to rank enjoyed?

Got an A rated fer de lance or a tradeconda to use.

I'm doing the same bro. I ranked up loads just doing those missions. Keep going I say ;)
Oh, how to feel stupid today.
Was looking at the community goals and thought I'd try the rare's run. Spotted the run out to Hutton and thought I'd do that. Surely FD wouldn't restrict the booze if you've just flown .22LY in supercruise. So, I spend over an hour surfing the net whilst in flight. Drop out at the station, request docking and..."docking denied, no pad large enough".
Oh bugger, it's an orbital, and I'm in my Cutter. Hasdefiahdksfjhjkahdf!
So, fly back to Shinrarta, pickup my Python, do the run again to be given...11 tons.
Second round of expletives...

How to feel like a total pratt.
I have turned my anaconda into a materials farming machine. Basically just a combat load out but with collector limpets. I jump into a high conflict zone and just pop out two limpets and proceed to kill as much stuff as I can. Limpets pick up the stuff nice and quickly and then I'm back in the action.
^^Nice pic! You've made me want to jump across ze galaxy now

Also, first pass at mining for the engineers


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I was mining tonight funny enough, it is quiet soothing.

That bass dun dun dun dun skittle shot and woosh clonk. :D

Pay out is little snide mind you, just under 1 million for 15 min in a pristine belt.

Am still at Jaques station have not been back the bubble since January when I set off for distant worlds.

Not sure if I will go back to be honest. :eek:
OK - help.

Spent about 2 hours at HIP 10716 BB-logging and the missions board has totally stopped spawning empire missions.

OK - I thought - I'll head over to cubeo and do some ground assault.

Get to Roskam base and nothing. Spent 60 minutes driving around in my srv going back to the ship to check missions and nothing - just a few data delivery missions.

Have the ground assault missions been totally nerfed or am I looking in the wrong place. ?

I can cope with a bit of grind, but this is mad.
Gutted Hodders. I was lucky enough to rank up the old fashioned "donate" way but even then, it took an absolute eon and countless logging in and out.
Oh, how to feel stupid today.
Was looking at the community goals and thought I'd try the rare's run. Spotted the run out to Hutton and thought I'd do that. Surely FD wouldn't restrict the booze if you've just flown .22LY in supercruise. So, I spend over an hour surfing the net whilst in flight. Drop out at the station, request docking and..."docking denied, no pad large enough".
Oh bugger, it's an orbital, and I'm in my Cutter. Hasdefiahdksfjhjkahdf!
So, fly back to Shinrarta, pickup my Python, do the run again to be given...11 tons.
Second round of expletives...

How to feel like a total pratt.

so hutton truckers were out there on saturday night, with smaller ships loading up the big ships.. work checking them out in the facebook group.
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