*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

just started playing again, got horizons. how in the **** do I find skimmer missions. been using eddb to search for systems with warzones but I just cant find any of the skimmer missions at the stations I'm in ...
Accepted a mission to kill a pirate lord.

Got to the system and received a message telling me to go to another system to meet someone for more info, i did that, the NPC contacted me, i had him on my contacts so i selected him, that highlighted him in my HUD.... so far so good...
He told me to follow his wake and then disappeared from my contacts, because everything on the radar looks exactly the same, 'everything is just a yellow square' i couldn't distinguish him from any-other object on radar..... so i lost him.

I found that by dropping out of light-speed he would come and find me again, but then the same rigmarole starts again "follow me" and then vanishes from sight and all my instruments... after a few attempts at it i just felt like the game was trolling me so i parked the ship up and came here to write about it.

What was that all about?

I have had missions like that in the past, i think you need to get as close to his wake as you can then drop out of LS , unless he went to another system.

If it's a high wake You'll probably need to wake scan the wake and then go to that system. If a low wake then select it and drop into it like you would a space port.
Meh... i'd rather the NPC just said "follow me to ##### system" why complicate the game with hurdles?

If i wanted a puzzle adventure game i would have bought Obduction or some other remake of Myst.

Abandon that mission it is then.... i don't have yet another special scanner, i'm out of ship hardpoints because yet more scanners already attached and i don't really know what it wants me to do.
Meh... i'd rather the NPC just said "follow me to ##### system" why complicate the game with hurdles?

Just target his wake and drop out like you would any other target, it's not any more complex than dropping out at signal sources or stations.

If i wanted a puzzle adventure game i would have bought Obduction or some other remake of Myst.

Abandon that mission it is then.... i don't have yet another special scanner, i'm out of ship hardpoints because yet more scanners already attached and i don't really know what it wants me to do.

It wants you to exactly as asked, follow his wake, it will be a low wake (white contact on scanner) and no additional scanner is needed unless it's a high wake which it wont be.

For clarity, low wake is what the result of a ship dropping out of supercruise and you can follow it with no addition gear whatsover, just target the wake and get close, throttle control needs to be gentle as it doesn't have mass and will not cause your ship to slow the same as signal sources and stations do. High wakes are the result of ships jumping to another system and do require a wake scanner to follow.
Saw the early parts of this evening's livestream. Some of the new stuff looked quite cool, but the steady stream of connection errors had me chuckling. The game is plagued by it and not even the devs in the Frontier office are immune to it!

I got dumped out several times this evening while attempting a little powerplay grind.
For anyone that likes their decals, Fdev have some freebies for you, based on power play.



Now I can finally display my devotion to the Emprah. Shame it means bugger all.
Saw the early parts of this evening's livestream. Some of the new stuff looked quite cool, but the steady stream of connection errors had me chuckling. The game is plagued by it and not even the devs in the Frontier office are immune to it!

I got dumped out several times this evening while attempting a little powerplay grind.

Now I can finally display my devotion to the Emprah. Shame it means bugger all.

I took allegiance to, erm, what's 'er name.... Avril Lavigne?
I vaguely recall it was so that I could get some shield, or perhaps some rail gun, I forget.
At least I get free credits for doing nothing each week.
Got 3k today, been a while since played hehe.
How fast can you make a Corvette?
I've just been hopping in and out of a few resource areas, was on my way back to the station, got interdicted by a CMDR in a Corvette, I 4 pipped the engines as soon as I dropped out and hit boost, he literally drops out right infront of me blocking my escape and managed to take down half of my shields as I hit him, then he manages to keep within 900m of me while I'm boosting away and hammers me :(
For anyone that likes their decals, Fdev have some freebies for you, based on power play.


:cool: ! Thanks, picked up! I have to admit I love this stuff & can't wait for 2.3 so I can play with the commander creator, shame the beta isn't even here yet. The big 'best' bit they didn't show on the stream - random guess; being able to walk around your ship, but not leave it yet. Probably 100% wrong like! :)

Still working my way up to Baron in game for my Imperial Clipper. Here's a video of me making an utter prat of myself whilst landing… :D
They specifically stated it was not walking around your ship, beta is slated for next week sometime unless it's been pushed back again.
Yeah, I doubt it'd be walking. Not watched the stream footage yet, but I'd bet that it's more likely to be something they'd put into next expansion/season pass so that it'll sell.
As for next chat-images, there's a downside. Those now take up way more space than before so we'll now have to scroll through chat to see very recent messages, or just ignore them ;)

I hope we aren't pushed into doing a char' creation, as I doubt we're allowed to reset it so I'd want to do it right for something I can tolerate forever/long time, but wouldn't want to be locked out of play until created. Time'll tell.

Ye gads, I recall trying to get to Baron rank. If it wasn't for having George Cairlin playing in background, think I would have gone insane (more so). I did the two system grind to get the rank, finally got it & realised I'd no money to pay for the damned ship lol.

I did get the second larger of the two, thought it looked good, but original gear was rubbish, was thinking it was a bad purchase. Then when heading out of space station I hit boost.
Schzwoooooooooooooom! Dayum, that engine noise made it worth it after all :D

Only got around 200mill credit, need around 600 for ship setup I want, so will be a while or head to Robigo & rush it again.
Until then, got my Bananaconda to potter about in with an A7 scoop \o/

:cool: ! Thanks, picked up! I have to admit I love this stuff & can't wait for 2.3 so I can play with the commander creator, shame the beta isn't even here yet. The big 'best' bit they didn't show on the stream - random guess; being able to walk around your ship, but not leave it yet. Probably 100% wrong like! :)

Still working my way up to Baron in game for my Imperial Clipper. Here's a video of me making an utter prat of myself whilst landing… :D

First thing I noticed was planets graviy, knew what was coming up hehe.
I always try to play safe & four pip engines.
Had similar at an engineers once, bounced on landing pad into lights which stopped me from bouncing across the planet hehe.

P.S. If wanting to speed up the rank grind, give this a shot.

This grind is a loop between

HIP 10716 and
Wu Guinagi
Distance: 11.9 ly

Mission types

Data delivery
Cargo missions

I used a fast Courier to zip back & forth. Any time someone/thing interdicts you, just hit submit instantly, then boost until FSD is active again. I always got out before enemy even dropped into same area.

Think I had a Type-6 at one point to get storage space for when data missions were low, with 48 storage space.
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