*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Note I said typical.
Ah yes, so you did.

If you're side/vertical thrusting in a Vulture, staying off the centre axis/boresight of your foe, then weapons in a fixed variety (especially PA's) aren't going to hit you, unless you are point blank.
Not disagreeing... But mistakes do happen and NPCs are merciless.
I also suspect they can turn faster than they're supposed to, although NPCs usually cheat in games anyway.

The only things which will hit you are gimballed/turreted stuff, which you CAN tank in the Vulture and confuse with chaff assuming you're packing a half decent build.
Nah, I stopped bothering with chaff/ECM when people started the untarget trick. Besides, it eats into my profits.
I also suspect they can turn faster than they're supposed to, although NPCs usually cheat in games anyway.

Fairly sure SJA said that NPC's in elite do not cheat, but they do generally nail best speed for turn rate which you're never go to do as a human player.
X55 Rhino HOTAS on the way! Hope I made a good decision.

Launched this back up after a few months. Horizons is looking pretty good I have to say and will be buying it.
If you want to paint cross hairs on yourself put 1 mining laser and 1 pulse laser on your Vulture, sit mining when it quiet and when people come sacn you and your packing decent stuff they'll some come try and take it off of you, plus a single pulse will fire for ages before you ahve to move pips..
Folks, I just read about this "ED: Horizons" is it some kind of expansion? I thought people who preordered with Beta access would get all expansions free etc?
So I fired this up last night for the first time in ages. The missions structures seems much better, but I didn't get stuck into any powerplay so can't comment on it. Otherwise it felt very much the same as several months ago.
These got into the E: D newsletter this week; it's the second time I've had a mention in it, this time courtesy of my mum. She passed away recently and unbeknownst to me had stored this in a suitcase - the original Elite (cassette and disk versions) - pretty strange and emotional experience opening that particular time capsule. I'll either figure out a way of displaying it or store it for another 30 years so my children can (hopefully) appreciate it.

These suddenly become very precious to me ...

... and yes, I'm an 'older' gamer.
I don't get it, how do I know if I am a premium beta or standard beta backer? So firkin complicated.

Ah nevermind :D Tantrum over :)

10/12/2013 1 x Elite: Dangerous - Premium Beta

Woot. Knew that would be worthwhile :D
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I think the pricing for people who already bought ED is disgusting. I got the DVD copy of the main game and i'm required to basically pay the same again for content that's nowhere near as large


Can you please share the total Horizons content with everybody, you seem to have insider knowledge of what is coming over the year that FD have been holding back from us all :)

Pay the same though? How? It's £29.99 if you already own Elite, unless you bought it in a recent sale you've paid a chunk more than that I suspect.
These got into the E: D newsletter this week; it's the second time I've had a mention in it, this time courtesy of my mum. She passed away recently and unbeknownst to me had stored this in a suitcase - the original Elite (cassette and disk versions) - pretty strange and emotional experience opening that particular time capsule. I'll either figure out a way of displaying it or store it for another 30 years so my children can (hopefully) appreciate it.

These suddenly become very precious to me ...

... and yes, I'm an 'older' gamer.

You still got the hardware to play them on?
If not theres a place in Leicester that'll sort you out..

I think the pricing for people who already bought ED is disgusting. I got the DVD copy of the main game and i'm required to basically pay the same again for content that's nowhere near as large
Don't buy it then?

I have no problem with the pricing; it's cheap compared to the amount I've spent on microtransactions in some "free-to-play" games, and I'm sure I'll get a lot more value out of it.
Can I ask why you are searching for liquor? Mission?

Are missions worthwhile in Elite? I just thought that if you want to make money its all in bounty hunting etc? Or am I wrong?
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