*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Fingers crossed for atmospheric planets. I miss the cityscapes when landing from Frontier: Elite 2 and Frontier First Encounters.
Anyway, sat next to 5UB a few rows back for the reveals
Saw five Thargoids in one instance. How come they can do that but only four players can wing up at once? :p

Elite Dangerous: Horizons: Beyond.
Stepping stones to larger content, which is in Q4? :o:rolleyes:

Q1: QoL stuff, engineering always gives better than current gear. Wing missions? Planet textures etc improved (finally reverted!) & more colour variants. No mention of stars gfx. More(?) narrative. Added audio to Galnet (no one will ever notice :p). More ships (over the year).
Q2: smaller updates, they skipped right over that :eek::rolleyes:
Q3: smaller updates, they skipped right over that :eek::rolleyes:
Q4: New player squadrons (guilds) that can purchase fleet carriers. Mining improved. Build on exploring (missions, commodities etc). Codex.
(doubt really like this though hehe)

Improving planets when on them.

Localised fog, ambient effects, vapour etc.

Ed Lewis saying not everything was covered.

2.4 sneak peak showed multi (two) Thargoids entering zone to attack players that'd just killed a Thargoid.
Fairly sure just saw a Type-10 too.
Yarp, I did, I did see a Type-10.

The "other" Thargoids.

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That looked pretty positive to me... quite happy for all that was announced and for free to everybody with Horizons too, though I do wonder when my lifetime pass is actually going to see some return lol!
Disappointed we didn't get gas giant atmosphere entry but happy with everything else especially the personal narrative & exploration update, if I've understood it right :) (prototype for recording new life forms in x many years down the line I wonder?…) As for buying your own fleet carrier, guess I better start saving so my player group of 1 can afford one :)
While I'm just going through and cropping/resizing/editing photo's I took at Frontier Expo 17, here's a small sneak peak (honestly, check out the arm band)....
(drumroll please)

Ok, quick edit as that first one is a bit too naff...

Sorry this is a selfie, but having played Frontier: Elite 2 for many hundreds of hours in my formative years, this guy is a bit of a legend to me. So myself and 5UB were sat in the theatre later in the day waiting for the "reveals" (No, not *that* kind of theatre. Jeez, I can't take you guys anywhere), when there was a familiar voice behind us...
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lol. yeah. I never saw that on the day. But the photo isn't me. I wouldn't have minded a go on Elite on the BBC B for (very) old times sake, but the guy in the photo was there for a while enjoying himself. Good for him to be honest.
Glad to see they're revisiting the Krait.

For some odd reason it was always the most memorable of ships in the original elite for me.
lol. yeah. I never saw that on the day. But the photo isn't me. I wouldn't have minded a go on Elite on the BBC B for (very) old times sake, but the guy in the photo was there for a while enjoying himself. Good for him to be honest.

If you bought ED on Fdev store, you can relive the past.
You get Elite (1984)for free :D

Now, if only they'd give us Frontier: Elite II I could continue where I left off.
That Planetary Tech Preview looks great - But after reading their 2018 roadmap, I am left completely deflated with Elite :(

I think the update on the planets is about the only thing I could get enthusiastic about...
Q1: QoL stuff, engineering always gives better than current gear

Did they expand on what exactly they meant by the comment on engineering? In addition did they mention if any changes to the eng mods would be adjusted to include existing upgrades? If it only applied to new rolls I think I'd cry.
Fleet carriers. Oooh, now that sounds interesting.
Will these be player buyable, or only for groups? Any ideas on cost and capabilities?
I think they released it as shareware...

I still have my Amiga copy :) Wonder if they fixed the exploit were you could sell your ship with an occupied passenger cabin on Mars for a lessor model & get paid the exchange amount but still keep your ship (because 'You cannot sell your ship with an occupied passenger cabin' on it)… you could make so much money you could cause the signed variable which held the player's cash to switch to negative :eek: Fortunately FDev don't let exploits like that slip through the net these days…

That Planetary Tech Preview looks great - But after reading their 2018 roadmap, I am left completely deflated with Elite :(

It's not everything that is coming but yeah, I can dig that - no new big thing on the planetary scale. I suspect part of the reason for a new lighting model etc for current planets is to get it ready for the atmosphere worlds later on; i.e. they could probably do atmosphere now but it would look like trash and there is that other space sim in production that people will compare it with. Just a theory, but it makes sense to me anyway.

Did they expand on what exactly they meant by the comment on engineering? In addition did they mention if any changes to the eng mods would be adjusted to include existing upgrades? If it only applied to new rolls I think I'd cry.

No. But I way I interpreted it is as follows:
You can never roll below the minimum you have achieved at the Grade you are rolling at. Example:
You roll +11% (Range +10% - +20%) on the Power Capacity for a Grade 5 Overcharged Power Plant. You apply the Mod.
You Re-roll and get +10%. This is worse than your current Mod so it is bumped to up to +12% as it is below +20%.

That's how it sounded like it would operate to me, could be wrong like.
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