*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

By running missions for empire aligned factions is usually the fastest way, donation missions are good too, look for the ones that are rep+++.
Cheers again Dano.
Is there anywhere online I can look up the kinds of missions at stations?
Struggling to find empire donation missions....
You get navel missions for improving rank, if you meet the requirements then it's more RNG for the mission to pop. If you do the mission rank improves and the counter starts from zero for the next rank. If your requirement bar is full then you have not completed or accepted a mission. So you do what normal people do and read the manual and check your mission log.....
They are? Can't say I've had any issues with it since the last change, some years ago.

It's usually okay, the time it falls down for me is in a CZ with a capital ship - I use multi cannons & I just seem unable not to hit it.

Some really nice shots there :)

Did you add the depth of field effect in the last pic yourself?

Cheers, but no, the blur & focus controls are set at default. I've just about mastered setting up camera angles & piloting using the external view.

Cheers again Dano.
Is there anywhere online I can look up the kinds of missions at stations?
Struggling to find empire donation missions....

On the galaxy map look for systems in distress eg war, civil war, civil unrest, famine & outbreak. They will usually have donation missions spawning to 'help prevent a medical emergency' etc.

You get navel missions for improving rank, if you meet the requirements then it's more RNG for the mission to pop. If you do the mission rank improves and the counter starts from zero for the next rank.

Any work you do gets carried over, so every mission you do whilst waiting for the promotion mission to appear still counts.

Are there any particularly good areas to level empire rank?

To get to Barron quickly you could try:
Achenar (permit required-need to be a Squire), fly down the row of large stations collecting 20 courier missions to one or two systems.
Damnet (small landing pad) to Mantuate & back again
Thanks NW.

Am I reading this right, you have to do navy mission to rank up each empire level?
So far I'm master and for both master and serif Ive had to do a navy mission....
Yup, everytime you get to 100% a naval mission will appear (eventually).. Rep gained after 100% is not lost and you will see it as soon as your complete the naval mission. I've gone from 100% at one level to 70% the next after completing the one naval mission!
I've recently reinstalled this (again). I only have 10mil and the buy back for my Python is 5mil. I don't want to risk complete obliteration, so could do with more creds. What's the safest and most profitable method these days?
Head over to Allen Hub in Upsilon Aquarii and do passenger runs to Smeaton Orbital in LTT 9360. It's a really long 1.85M LS haul but the pay is enormous. I went from an Asp to an A spec Conda in about 3 days via a Python.
Yup, everytime you get to 100% a naval mission will appear (eventually).. Rep gained after 100% is not lost and you will see it as soon as your complete the naval mission. I've gone from 100% at one level to 70% the next after completing the one naval mission!
Thanks for confirming Showboat.

Ive got myself a fairly decent specced Conda and Vulture, now I want the Cutter! Just looks so frikkin sexy.
I got Duke and then bought my Cutter and now want to get the Corvette, What are some good places that I can setup a route between to do Federal grinding please peeps ?
Got it, thanks folks.

Are there any particularly good areas to level empire rank?

Quince used to be amazing for grinding Empire rank. If you are looking for ascension missions try an Empire systsem that you are allied with and its controlling faction is Empire alligned.
Just been doing some delivery missions and they messaged to say alternate destination!


I don't think so!
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