*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Do both, passenger missions will pay more generally but data missions take no cargo space so they can be stacked to max mission capacity. Look for the ones that are marked rep+++ as they will give you the biggest hit to ranking.
You are right. Why didn't I think of that!

Do Data and Passenger missions both count towards the total of 20 ? or is it 20 a piece?

Do Passenger missions have REP+++? or is just to make money?

Do there tend to be passenger missions to the same destination as the data missions?

Whats a reasonable cost ship/config I can use for passengers?
Not sure about total missions to be honest, I've never been one to board switch to maximise things as it feels wrong lol.

Passenger missions do indeed have rep+++ and money so they are win/win from that aspect. Destinations for data and passenger missions vary but you do sometimes find routes that have both going to the same place, I've always just had a look through the mission and passenger boards to see what has the most and then gone there.

I use a Dolphin or Beluga when I run passengers, seems to work quite well for me.
Well certainly whenever I searched imperial cutter on youtube, people don't seem to have anything bad to say about it!

I fly a Cutter & it is overall a fantastic ship. To make it a pleasure to fly though, which mine certainly is, you need 3 things; a G5 Charge Enhanced 7A Power Distributor, a G5 Dirty Drive 8A Thrusters, & the ability to turn around by switching Flight Assist off (make sure to turn off the audio notification under options). Once you've cracked the latter it is utterly amazing, you can do power slides in the thing! Here is my Cutter's current set up (I haven't done the Engineering info but the power & thermals etc do add up after engineering): https://eddp.co/u/GGZ4v7hW

Do Data and Passenger missions both count towards the total of 20 ? or is it 20 a piece? Do there tend to be passenger missions to the same destination as the data missions?

Yes. It's 20 missions regardless of type.

Depends up on the layout of the local galaxy; sometimes yes, sometimes no. Type Thanatos into the Galaxy Map. Look at the layout of that system; you could sale between both those large stations collecting passengers until full - no need to board hop. Look around the Imperial Capital at Achenar for similar systems, Cemiess might be a good one but you may need to skip the stations near Cemiess A unless you got good thrusters as the gravity would slow you down - you could probably just sale between Mackenzie Relay & Titius Station and pick up passengers to a couple of destinations.

Be careful when doing Rep+++ passenger missions as they can often be illegal passengers and if you're scanned in and out of stations - zap, zap BOOM! ;)

If he just does the normal folk, ie the ones without the crown, he won't encounter any of those.
Thanks NW.

So I'm at HIP8444 but I cant see any passenger missions which go to HIP8758.... so not sure what to do in this situation since my data missions are to HIP8444
Thanks NW.

So I'm at HIP8444 but I cant see any passenger missions which go to HIP8758.... so not sure what to do in this situation since my data missions are to HIP8444

With Bliss Base? it only has 2 Imperial Factions - unless you want to drive yourself nuts board hopping forget it imho. Cemiess has 6 Imperial Factions so once Allied you should have a full load of passengers by visiting 2 stations or one board hop. There is probably a better systems out there but certainly Cemiess will be 100% better than where you are atm.
A full load of passengers to one destination? How far would the desitnation be? And is it really that much better?
I board hope perhaps twice to get full data missions at Bliss base?
A full load of passengers to one destination? How far would the desitnation be? And is it really that much better?
I board hope perhaps twice to get full data missions at Bliss base?

Cemiess has 2 short haul destinations & 2 long haul destinations. The long haul obviously pay more & depending upon your Passenger capacity I would probably do either the 2 short haul, or the 2 long haul in the same batch if you have >100… remember as you get Allied with more Factions you will fill up your ship with Passengers more quickly as more missions will be available from each Faction and these missions will also increase your Trade rank. To fill a Cutter with a capacity of 160 without board hopping and deliver passengers to the long haul destinations Concovichs & Wongkamala takes 20-30 minutes & yields 10-15m in cash with about +2% increase in Imperial Rank at higher ranks (Duke/Prince). By comparison 20 Data Missions would yield <1% and 1-2m in cash. If you board hop you could probably get that down to 15-20 minutes for long haul. 10-15 minutes for short haul as I was flying between stations in Cemiess & I also accepted a couple of Interdictions. I'd say it is more than worth it but that is just imho but if I was you I'd give it a shot and would recommend you do long haul as you really do need 8A Thrusters and they cost 160m
I'm on my way to Electra to take part in the latest Community Goal, but I'm struggling to find any AX weapons along the way!

Is anyone on here participating and if so can you let me know where I can pick up some AX canons & missiles? Preferably as near to Electra as possible.


[EDIT] Scrub that last request, after looking into it there's no way I'm taking on Thargoids in my Asp Explorer - I'm going to try a few passenger missions instead... right, off to buy myself a Dolphin then I guess!
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Ok I think... I THINK.... I may have found a route yielding me between 100-160m per hour....
And blimey.... that cutter is a bit of a dog to move around (at least vanilla without an upgrades).
And how much to fully kit out? Around 800m ??? Yikes.
Ha! Another bonus!

It turns out all these missions I was doing were predominantly Federation... and they were Rep+++ !
As such, it seems Ive been buffering so much Federation rank advancement!

Trying to pick up federation navy missions so far Petty Offer 100%.... lets see where I got to!
Cool :)
One more question (to the squillions that I have already asked and so many have answered - thank you :))

With my Saitek X52, I notice that I cannot thrust diagnolly with the POV on the throttle. Despite changing it to "8 way".
Any ideas/thoughts?

Also is there a way to change the sensitivity of the POV? I could swear that at some point in the past when I was faffing around with the settings I somehow messed this up.

E: Sorry for another question :D

Any recommendations on passenger levelling with Federation?
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