*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Sounds good then, you can't go wrong with RTR if you know what you are getting in for. Was just worried you might be going into it with the wrong expectations and didn't want you to burn out on it!

If you want passenger missions definitely look at the Dolphin, and move on to the Orca or Beluga in the future when budget allows. They can all both work for cargo related missions too.
Other options for transport style missions would be the Hauler ships - Type6/7.

Thanks for the advice on the ships! :)

Sounds like you have had a very similar progression to myself. I got the game last Christmas and played it without doing any gold rush type cash runs, just the odd RtR session until I got an Asp. At that point I only had maybe 150M. Then about 2 months ago I finally decided to hop on the passenger run train and saved up enough for a Python and did the Parutis-Medb passenger run for about a fortnight, and went to over 1B credits in that time. Up until that point I was ok with just playing the game normally, doing missions, not even stacking them, and pottering about, making cash "realistically", no board flipping etc. For a considerable time I thought that's how I would always play the game, and there are people who do do that still.

But then comes the point you realise just how much cash you do actually need to do anything beyond this type of progression, and you realise playing "normally" it will be actual YEARS before you can afford any of the high end ships and A rate them etc. Once you give in to the easy money way of life after you've worked up normally to an Asp at the most, then it starts a next phase type of enjoyment of the game. Anyone new to Elite reading this, this is how I would always recommend anyone starts the game, don't make a beeline for an Anaconda straight away, don't do gold rush exploits immediately, play it normally with occasional RtR until you get to an Asp, and then a Python. Then, if you ask me, you've earned the right to really enjoy the game without having to worry about money, by using the most efficient serious money making methods.

This is pretty much me at the moment.

Don't think I've ever had more than 250m cash. Building my Krait cost me around 180m and I've got enough left over I could die 10 times in a row without making a penny and still have rebuy!

The most I have ever had in the bank is about 20 million, I saved that up once and then found out there were better upgrades for my Asp so that made me skint again :D I am back to about 20 million or so now.

Is there a limit on how many ships you can have at any given time?

No limit that i am aware of, I have at least 9 at home station and a load of taxi DBX scattered throughout the bubble.

Which is silly really as all i do is pick a haz rez in a anarchy system and pew pew for a couple of hrs as ranking up a 2nd NPC pilot.
Or just get a Corvette with a Guardian FSD booster and load up every hardpoint with missles and a sole pulse laser.
Well just finished my first major session on the RtR run, done the first 30 systems and gotten just shy of 30 million credits for my efforts. I did scan a couple of extra planets here and there but only a few (4 at most just on a hunch). Only another 670 systems to go :D

Well just finished my first major session on the RtR run, done the first 30 systems and gotten just shy of 30 million credits for my efforts. I did scan a couple of extra planets here and there but only a few (4 at most just on a hunch). Only another 670 systems to go :D


For my life I can't see any attraction in exploring. I went as far as the engineer requirements, got a couple of first discovered nd back to has rez
For my life I can't see any attraction in exploring. I went as far as the engineer requirements, got a couple of first discovered nd back to has rez

I'm not exploring exactly I'm following a RtR route which is somewhat different :p

EDIT - Almost another 30 systems done tonight (52nd is my next one), no idea how much the data is worth since I just saved and exited out to save me jumping back to a station and out again.

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I've been doing part routes, generally when I have to go somewhere distant (Maia - meta-alloys for example). If you're gonna grind the jumps anyway, may as well make 10m to 15m in the process, doing 6 to 10 systems en-route, mostly to those that have ELW's. It is the dullest credit grind in the game though.

Even at this stage, can you still find "first discovered" systems?
Even at this stage, can you still find "first discovered" systems?

Absolutely, I think there have been stats showing that still only around 1% of the known galaxy has been discovered ingame! You will struggle around or near the bubble but may be luck, head further out (~1000LY or more) in an obscure direction (ie not in a direct line to any key points) and you'll start finding undiscovered systems.
Absolutely, I think there have been stats showing that still only around 1% of the known galaxy has been discovered ingame! You will struggle around or near the bubble but may be luck, head further out (~1000LY or more) in an obscure direction (ie not in a direct line to any key points) and you'll start finding undiscovered systems.

Thanks man.

I'm assuming a "first discovered" yields more credits does it? Not sure I can be arsed with a 400 jump route to "find out"!
Thanks man.

I'm assuming a "first discovered" yields more credits does it? Not sure I can be arsed with a 400 jump route to "find out"!
Yep, it's an extra 50% I think, which isn't great. But it's easy to get once far away from the bubble and you can rack up a lot of new discoveries and get your name on planets, which is a nice achievement.
My profits are now taking a hit :)

3 Elite NPC pilots taken up from Harmless, the downside of this I am still sitting at Dangerous with 40% left to get to deadly :)
Just watched some tutorials on how to kill Thargoids, looks like a massive faff for the payout compared to low risk activities. I don't know why this surprises me in Elite however! Tempted to head over to the Gnosis and go on the trip to the Cone nebula and see what awaits, sounds like there may be lots of Thargoids to fight, potentially in MP - which could be a fun experience.
Just watched some tutorials on how to kill Thargoids, looks like a massive faff for the payout compared to low risk activities. I don't know why this surprises me in Elite however! Tempted to head over to the Gnosis and go on the trip to the Cone nebula and see what awaits, sounds like there may be lots of Thargoids to fight, potentially in MP - which could be a fun experience.

I'm thinking about it if I can grind enough money to build a decent fighter was thinking a krait 2 in time
Just watched some tutorials on how to kill Thargoids, looks like a massive faff for the payout compared to low risk activities. I don't know why this surprises me in Elite however! Tempted to head over to the Gnosis and go on the trip to the Cone nebula and see what awaits, sounds like there may be lots of Thargoids to fight, potentially in MP - which could be a fun experience.

Its not even about the payout.... Its just a utter grind to even participate in killing them imo.
Judging from Reddit, I'm glad I didn't bother with the Gnosis event. FDev have completely screwed it up.

Gnosis never made the full jump, it's surrounded by Thargoids. If you undock and manage to not get your ship offlined and gibbed immediately you can either try to run or fight back. if you fight back you get a fine for shooting in the No Fire Zone - meaning if you die you get sent 1000s LY away to a detention centre because of the fines you have got outstanding. Actually hiliarous how broken the gameplay sounds to be there.
I read about the hyperdiction on reddit last night, seems like it was always set up to be relatively lame "repair the station" type community goal, albeit slightly more "story" related, but a simple repair the station event none the less, but I didn't suspect they would be so stupid as to let the C&P mechanic bugger it up even more than it already is. Dear oh dear.

Edit: Caught up with the "apology" thread on the Frontier Forums, they admitted there was never any chance of the Gnosis ever making the jump to the cone sector, as the non permit locked sectors within it were actually some kind of leftover bug themselves, which only became apparent when a player faction controlled megaship was brought into being which COULD make the jump to those sectors. So they just came up with the idea to have the ship intercepted by Thargoids before it even made the jump, I guess so they could use the event for something, without having to make any prime content for the actual cone sector region.

They have stated that even when this "attack" is over the Gnosis will still not be allowed to make the jump, so if you were hoping this was the start to some epic story arc, then you will probably be disappointed. So glad I didn't bother, and am eagerly awaiting the Vids from D2EA, Obsidian and Yamiks about his.

Edit 2: And just how many people were suckered into buying 2nd accounts just to have an exploration ship on the Gnosis??
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