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Currently have a fully kitted vulture and a moderately upgraded asp. Wondering what is the best way to make decent money. May try some rares trading in the asp next, bit bored of bounty hunting in the vulture. Would like a FDL, but having that sort of money is a long way off.
so currently pounding the imp slave smuggling run, i have never seen so many big ship commanders in one place! it's a big traffic jam getting into the station
I was in the same situation. I sold up all my ships, put the money into getting an Imperial Clipper set up for armed trading. 240t, 430m/s with two large lasers and two medium multi cannons. Wasn't much I had to worry about, anything that could keep pace with me was made short work of by the weaponry, and anything I couldn't take down easily I could run from. Made about 50 mil with that and then just sold everything up for the FDL. I'm planning on pledging to ALD to get the bounty hunting bonuses now.
50 mill, wtf, I've not even made half that since I started playing...
Running the Vulture atm but getting a bit bored with it as the RES sitting isnt paying as much for me as others seem to get, have stripped out the ship as much as possible but think I was better off doing BB missions...
Trig, in the Clipper a one way 2 jump trading run would net me 750k, then about 100k back again. Easy cash, though fairly dull. As a means to and end though it got me the toy I really wanted.

I'm out of cash bar my rebuy, but my FDL is looking like this:


If you're going for the RES stuff then you need to consider doing Power Play. AL-D gives you a bonus pay out on cashing in bounties and combat bonds, on top of the weekly wage. It does paint a bullseye on your head if you're the type that moves around a lot, but hammering RES's doesn't really require that. RES's have defiantly been hit with the nerf bat though for cash. As you say the BB missions are perhaps a better way of getting the cash.
Am i missing something, what are BB missions? i'm at that awkward point where i have a fully kitted out Vulture plus around 15mil in cash. Now wondering what to do to generate more money?
Am i missing something, what are BB missions? i'm at that awkward point where i have a fully kitted out Vulture plus around 15mil in cash. Now wondering what to do to generate more money?

Trade. Your position was the exact point I realised I had to change what I was doing to get into the bigger league ships. I went initially for an Asp - with mostly cargo and A grade FSD I was about to get around 100t about 25ly or so. That got me up to about 30 mil in assets.

Around this time the requirements on the Clipper were relaxed down to Serf and I found one in Li Yong-Rui's territory. This gave me a 15% discount and I was able to get a decent enough trade spec. 240t of Imperial Slaves, buy for about 13k/t and then sell them somewhere that buys them for about 16.5k/t. Each run nets around 750k. Rinse and repeat, upgrade your ship or save it up for something even bigger. I upgraded the Clipper because I really enjoyed flying it, lovely ship.
Trade. Your position was the exact point I realised I had to change what I was doing to get into the bigger league ships. I went initially for an Asp - with mostly cargo and A grade FSD I was about to get around 100t about 25ly or so. That got me up to about 30 mil in assets.

Around this time the requirements on the Clipper were relaxed down to Serf and I found one in Li Yong-Rui's territory. This gave me a 15% discount and I was able to get a decent enough trade spec. 240t of Imperial Slaves, buy for about 13k/t and then sell them somewhere that buys them for about 16.5k/t. Each run nets around 750k. Rinse and repeat, upgrade your ship or save it up for something even bigger. I upgraded the Clipper because I really enjoyed flying it, lovely ship.

Thanks for that, i've debated selling the Vulture and trading imp slaves for a while know, might take the plunge on a type 7 until i can afford a clipper. I do like the look of the imp clippers.
Thanks for that, i've debated selling the Vulture and trading imp slaves for a while know, might take the plunge on a type 7 until i can afford a clipper. I do like the look of the imp clippers.

Make sure whatever you buy is in Li Yong-Rui's exploited or controlled systems. This way you'll get a 15% discount, which on the bigger ships makes for quite the saving.
I have not played this for many months. Do you still have to work out trade routes or have they done something to improve it in game. Or do you still need an external program.
You can find trade routes easy enough though external programs are generally going to maximise profits for you, not much has changed if at all for trading really, other than rares being tweaked a bit that I can recall.
Ok woah just looking at the power play galactic powers thing... looks interesting but how do you know what bonuses you get exactly? Its not very clear ? E.g. looking under ALD but it doesn't say anything about bounty bonuses?
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