*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

I guess the problem is that while those systems now say "first discovered by Bazzabear", the chances are no-one will ever visit them and see it! :D

I think I went sidewinder - cobra - viper - diamondback explorer - asp explorer

I tend to flit between missions, trading, combat, exploring, so I go for ships which can be multi-role.
I think that's what it means. I'm no expert!

I'm back to being tempted to go to Colonia, now I'm on the 'bridge' route rather than striking out blindly. But it's still over 1000 jumps away! I think I have to be sensible and head back towards the bubble. Or do some forum searching for a megaship I can catch a lift from.

In case you don't know, there are some things you might want to gather in the bubble before you head out to Colonia, if you are going there specifically to unlock the engineers. There is no better explanation than Cmdr Exgious vid below. Sadly, he appears to have quit the game since Odyssey, but his tutorials are simply the best.

Well, I made it to the Evergreen! When I came to sell my cartographic data I had ~270 systems worth. 26 of them I was the first to discover. Made 36.5M from it.

Cracking job!

I found a guardian site, but I think my SRV needs some AA support, so hunting a station currently.

Deep space is interesting - there's a distant red blob that seems to be growing with travels...
oo nice

so are you saying no one has ever been there ? ever ? :eek: Congrats! :)
Technically bazzabear was first to sell exploration data with these systems. It's almost certain he discovered them though.
There's slim chance someone else had been there before, and either they didn't sell their exploration data yet, or crashed the ship, maybe got ganked.
But as I said, really slim chance.
Started heading back to the bubble now. It's only 23 jumps to the next station, I can do that in my sleep! :D

Although I'm not sure how many links along the 'bridge' I am, so there might be a few other sections of ~20 jumps to go.

Found a couple of water worlds to surface scan, so this'll be usefully profitable too.

I found the stats pages when I was fiddling about during a fuel scoop. Reckons I've earned over 90M altogether from exploration so far. Ironically, a huge proportion of that is from very well populated systems - those earth-like worlds earn you a bomb.
If I nip to the town hall and tell them I've discovered Congleton, do you think they'll give me some money?
no stations for 23 jumps ? good luck !

what if you quit the game when you got 15 jumps left for example ?
do you go back to the last station you left at ?

im going to get a Keeler next, unless you think otherwise ?

Keeler over a Type 6-Transporter

Good points -

"M" size docking still
Fighter Bay
Larger Cargo Space
Better Armour
Better Shields
what if you quit the game when you got 15 jumps left for example ?
do you go back to the last station you left at ?

No, if you quit in deep space you respawn in deep space, exactly where you where - there's no need to dock before you quit.

It's only if you die you'll respawn at the nearest (I think) station.
I never went down the route of Keeler or Transporter. But I've been tempted a few times. All the multipurpose ones I use top out at about 40T of cargo space (unless you drop some of the multi-role internals) so I can definitely see the attraction of getting some real trading money in.
well, after reading more about the Keeler
maybe not the best option ..

Keelback is a good ship! The type 6 is purely a cargo box, and frankly not even a great one. The Keelback is a more fun type 6 but it trades cargo space for that fun. An Asp Ex will likely do you better until you can afford a more serious cargo ship if that's what you're after. Besides, the asp is one of those ships that pretty much every early-mid game player should buy on their way to a python.

Imo it goes

1. Starter sidey
2. Cobra
3. AspX
4. Python
5. Conda
6. Whatever you feel like as you now have enough ships to do all of the major things in the game well, and now you can have fun discovering new ships that do the bits you like exceptionally well, while using the above ships to efficiently fund and gather materials for them.
yeah i heard the Type 6 / Keelback has a good view in the cockpit

I think , as i have 15mil, ill probably buy both for now
Type 6 for cargo runs, the Keelback for mining with my mate
yeah i heard the Type 6 / Keelback has a good view in the cockpit

I think , as i have 15mil, ill probably buy both for now
Type 6 for cargo runs, the Keelback for mining with my mate
Honestly I wouldn't. I'd get the Keelback and then just plump for a type 7 (hate all you want, it is surprisingly maneuverable for a large pad ship and I liked it!) or a python later. It doesn't take much mining to get a lot of cash put away and for cargo runs you could do a lot better than a t6. Do a few runs in the Keelback and you could buy a type 9!
Are you guys keeping fleets then? I've been part exchanging my old ships to get into a nicer one sooner. :D
I kept a couple cheap ships along the way (my cobra and asp are "original") but like you I sold off ships on the way. Eg my python helped fund my anaconda, but I now have a python for deep core mining. My anaconda is now gathering space dust as I have a corvette for PVE, a type 9 for cargo and laser mining, and a host of medium ships for other combat (pve, pvp, Anti xeno) and exploring. I also have a cutter but I really hate it. It just has incredible inertia that I find makes it unbearable to fly because you have to start slowing down so early.
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