*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Explore platinum mining. Good places are often in remote locations, quite far from stations offering good prices.
But usually there will be carriers that you can sell your goods to. Definitely bigger profit margin.
Galactic average around 90k/ton
Maximum price over 290k/ton

Quick check let me find a carrier in Arque buying for 257k/ton
Now, I don't know why is this carrier in this system, I don't think there is a platinum hotspot in Arque, probably not cancelled buy order, and then it jumped away from its original location.
My point is there are carriers around buying mined commodities.
I can find a plat hotspot for you, just say where you are right now, what system?
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Explore platinum mining. Good places are often in remote locations, quite far from stations offering good prices.
But usually there will be carriers that you can sell your goods to. Definitely bigger profit margin.
Galactic average around 90k/ton
Maximum price over 290k/ton

Quick check let me find a carrier in Arque buying for 257k/ton
Now, I don't know why is this carrier in this system, I don't think there is a platinum hotspot in Arque, probably not cancelled buy order, and then it jumped away from its original location.
My point is there are carriers around buying mined commodities.
I can find a plat hotspot for you, just say where you are right now, what system?

thanks for the tips

i am here :

ring A - there's platinum overlap
system is 112 LY from your current position
many fleet carriers in the system, quick search on inara returned 4 carriers with combined demand of 12000 tons, and minimum price 245k/ton

closest to you
ring A - single platinum hotspot, there are hotspots for other materials too
system 28LY from you
there's a station in the system, don't know its prices though

you're in a corriolis station now, don't know if you noticed it before, but if you're having troubles with finding entrance, there is a quick solution
side with mail slot is always turning anti-clockwise
just observe station rotation direction and you will know where the entrance is in a blink of an eye
just done 1 run of mining tonight (1 hour approx.) (1 cargo full)

i managed to get over 1.5 million this time !

Platinum (59K)
Bertrandite (21K)
Gallite (13K)
Praseodymium (8K)
Indite (13K)
Osmium (46K)
Silver (40K)

happy with that
ring A - there's platinum overlap
system is 112 LY from your current position
many fleet carriers in the system, quick search on inara returned 4 carriers with combined demand of 12000 tons, and minimum price 245k/ton

closest to you
ring A - single platinum hotspot, there are hotspots for other materials too
system 28LY from you
there's a station in the system, don't know its prices though

you're in a corriolis station now, don't know if you noticed it before, but if you're having troubles with finding entrance, there is a quick solution
side with mail slot is always turning anti-clockwise
just observe station rotation direction and you will know where the entrance is in a blink of an eye


will read this tomorrow :)
Ive just found this

Type9 ship, that's abandoned and CLEAN ?

does that mean i can claim it ?

came up with a mission critical message, so not sure what to do here

It's not abandoned.
It's piloted by an npc called Galactic Comestibles.
Clean means there's no bounty on them.
They may give you a mission, and perhaps they have, as there's unread message in your comm panel ;)
Nver managed to get my ship stuck, although I did once in the SRV.

Can you rotate or yaw? Also try dropping landing gear and retracting it.

There's also the thrust forward/back and side to side controls too, which may help shake you loose.
lol - stuck in a Saturn type ring?
Log out/back in maybe to "reset"?

Having fun figuring out a guardian place - I don't fear sentinals now - dolphin point defence is satisfying.
I'm more likely to destroy the SRV, so bought 2 of them :D

The paint on my dolphin's looking a little battered now - is that an indication of ship status somehow (lightyears away from a station to repair, but stats look ok)
Focus must be on game's window.
Although you can see everything OK in your quest, if you change focus to another app, say web browser, controls won't be working.
Not sure if you can see this properly, but if you look below my cursor

there an orange bit, no idea what it is, but i guess its just nothing ? liker a reflection / glare ?

I have made it back to Alcor, and civilisation. Since there's a community goal going on there, I'm taking part a little, even though I'm not really set up for a load of cargo. Still I can fit 60T after putting some internals that I don't need currently into storage - and that's 600,000 profit per trip.

Rather than go back and forth to one source of coffee, I'm taking it in turns to go to all the different systems nearby that have a good supply, so fitting in the exploration at the same time. So I'll make a few million from that too.

Anyway - the point of my post - Next to the community goal station on Alcor is a massive construction similar to a fleet carrier. Can't find any way to interact with it though. I assume it's related to the goal - but what is it?
That sounds intriguing

I visited a system once now that does not have any stations, not sure if i was just outside the "bubble" or not, but pretty cool none the less :)

I've outfitted my Cobra to the max for combat, no cargo space what so ever, hanging around the Nav Beacon is quite lucrative for me as I'm in early stages still.

one kill last night netted me an "extra" 2.9 million ! thanks for the warrant scanner :D
Crikey, what did you kill!? I'm not sure what controls the bounty amount but I had assumed it was a combination of the value of the ship and the elite rating of the pilot. Or did you kill a player, and that nets more?

I've never got more than about 200k for a single bounty. Noticeable though (and I've not worked out why) that the bounty listed in my external panel is always higher than the figure which comes up on the main screen when I make the kill.
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