*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Can you explain how it works, or what there is to enjoy? I did not get it :o

I am however enjoying bounty hunting again. Lots of Fer-de-lance and Anacondas to kill. Can once again make 1 million+ easily per hour having fun :D

I'm doing this as well in my murder viper. Making more like 2 million an hour when you get a good run of the larger ships to destroy.

I know it's bad, but I love it when a player accidentally locks on and shoots a friendly. I blow them up straight away :D It's mostly sidewinders, so i assume it's newer players making mistakes. You only get 400-500 for it as well, so it's purely a douche move.
I went to a high intensity extraction site and was happily racking up the kills til a friendly flew into my laser and then every single ship immediately turned on me and took my A7 shield on my Anaconda and damage down to 13% before I managed to FSD out of there. Man that was brutal :D
I'm doing this as well in my murder viper. Making more like 2 million an hour when you get a good run of the larger ships to destroy.

I know it's bad, but I love it when a player accidentally locks on and shoots a friendly. I blow them up straight away :D It's mostly sidewinders, so i assume it's newer players making mistakes. You only get 400-500 for it as well, so it's purely a douche move.

I once spent 3/4 of an hour chasing and reinterdicting a player with a wanted value of about £1k who kept boosting away and trying to get to the station he was aiming for. The poor guy eventually gave up and launched a torrent of abuse at me (which was quite satisfying)

The high risk res' is brilliant, scooped up loads of credits in a short period of time
So I just accidentally fired a very short burst on the wrong person and now I have a galaxy wide wanted price tag of 5K on my head. Before I could just pay it off, now I do not see that option. What now then? As I can't continue to do my bounty hunting properly :(
So I just accidentally fired a very short burst on the wrong person and now I have a galaxy wide wanted price tag of 5K on my head. Before I could just pay it off, now I do not see that option. What now then? As I can't continue to do my bounty hunting properly :(

We should meet up. I can make that bounty go away.
So I just accidentally fired a very short burst on the wrong person and now I have a galaxy wide wanted price tag of 5K on my head. Before I could just pay it off, now I do not see that option. What now then? As I can't continue to do my bounty hunting properly :(

I believe that after 7 days it converts back to a fine? I read that somewhere on the wiki I think.
It will have a countdown timer on it telling you exactly how long you need to wait for it to become a fine, until then you will be wanted in that system, also take care to note down the system as once it turns into a fine the only way to know where the fine resides is by checking the contacts panel at a station in the system in question, nowhere in your UI will you be able to see it but somebody warrant scanning you will be able to.
It will have a countdown timer on it telling you exactly how long you need to wait for it to become a fine, until then you will be wanted in that system, also take care to note down the system as once it turns into a fine the only way to know where the fine resides is by checking the contacts panel at a station in the system in question, nowhere in your UI will you be able to see it but somebody warrant scanning you will be able to.

That's okay, decided to go to a high intensity conflict zone and got blown up when many ships attacked me at once. Now no more wanted at least. The cost was less than a million to come back, so no big deal :o:p:D

That said, I noticed today there are no more Anacondas again in my high intensity res. Went in and out many times, no luck. Back to normal maybe? I won't bother playing if it is like that. At the rate you make credits killing smaller ships, it would take hundreds of hours to buy a Anaconda, no thanks... lol.
Still undecided on this or SC.

Sir Braben posted a clip yesterday of in progress work on Horizons yesterday, certainly gives a sense of scale :)


Looks like surface ops could be quite fraught, four skimmers versus what appears to be an unshielded SRV :eek:


Also, Livestream on Wednesday:

Tune in on Wednesday October 14, 7PM BST to see our 'How to Make a Real World' Livestream


The planets in Elite Dangerous: Horizons feel immersive, tactile and real, and making them is a complex, fascinating and important part of development. We'd love to give you a sneak peek behind the scenes at how we create these planets, so we’re hosting a livestream next week with a couple of our lead artists (keep an eye on our social media channels for where the stream will be hosted).

On Wednesday October 14, at 7PM BST, we'll show you some early development footage of the icy and rocky worlds in motion. This peek behind the scenes will demonstrate the simulation technology that we've been working on to create the captivating “Europa lines” for the ice worlds and canyons, and the craters and mountains for the rocky worlds.

Simulation has always been important within the Elite Dangerous galaxy, and our conversation with the artists will highlight the accuracy, depth and technical prowess that go into creating the impressive features that make up our worlds.

We'll talk through the base-scientific principle that the simulation has been built on in order to shape these beautiful, real worlds. Viewers will also have the chance to ask questions about the atmosphere-less bodies they'll be landing on when Elite Dangerous: Horizons launches later this year.
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What the easiest way to get into this? Still undecided on this or SC.

As suggested you don't need to choose and could easily buy both if you into Space sim games. No need for fanboy war :) I'll almost certainly end up owning both as I'm sure many will!

Thing is Elite is ready here and now though plus the release of the first expansion is imminent whereas SC is looking like it's a least a year away if not longer so no real point in comparing the two yet IMO. Right now Elite Dangerous is pretty much the only horse in town if that's the kind of game you want to play!

Best way to learn Elite is to start off with the in game tutorials then possibly watch a few of the YouTube Pilot Training Tutorials on Frontier Developments page.

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Whats going on. I've just been to my usual RES and I'm getting anaconda's etc bounties of 300k plus. When its normally less than 80k's.

Got greedy though and after about 4 million credits I had to have on more fight....Booooom. Damn
Posted this screenshot of a Wolf-Rayet system I jumped into last night on the Elite sub-Reddit and it now has over 500 upvotes, chuffed with that! :)

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