*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

I did a double or perhaps even triple take, then quickly looked at my temperature gauge expecting imminent meltdown! :p

Once I realised that I wasn't in any immediate danger however I was able to appreciate the view.

The impression that they're all very close is an illusion; the middle and right stars in the image are very close, whilst the top star is a giant somewhat farther away and the bottom left is a supergiant much farther away.
It's typical isn't it? I get a whole evening of unadulterated play whilst the g/f indulges in X-factor and Downton abbey and what happens? The sodding servers go down. :rolleyes:

I've started to get back into the game on a quest to Pokemon the ships as I got bored doing other stuff - so the aim is to work up from a sidewinder, through each ship, A Classing each one (as much as possible) before storing it and moving onto the next :) Might take a while but meh. I'm going to make sure I try some mining and exploring. I didn't do a full reset - Just specced out my Vulture so I only had enough funds remaining to buy the sidey and off I went. Probably a little unfair as I had pretty good empire rep when I started but at some point I will need to grind for the Fed ships.
When were these server issues yesterday? I was playing from 9am till 9pm without a problem and finally got my Python :) I do play on solo mode though.
I was on about 10:30ish, managed to load up a chunk of gold, some lavian brandy, tried to launch, got half way out of the station and then flip, off...
You were lucky then. Servers went down about 21:15. Been itching to play again tonight but had to fix two of my multi rotors.

Have now pre-ordered horizons beta.

I love this game but I forget sometimes.

Been reading the dark wheel and imprint today. Might buy some of the other fiction too, keeps me occupied on the commute.
Posted this screenshot of a Wolf-Rayet system I jumped into last night on the Elite sub-Reddit and it now has over 500 upvotes, chuffed with that! :)


Really those stars should all be merged in to one giant blob. I'm hoping they add in gravity effects at some point :D
The hazardous RES sites are good earners....So long as you don't get greedy :D Made a couple of mil with my last visits but ended up staying a little past my welcome and 4 in a wing on me meant I had to get gone quick :D
Yes, weapons you don't have to reload are favourite.

But depends what you fly, it is possible to do a mix of both though but lowers cr/p/h.
On the vulture I just run two pulse lasers - with it only having the two slots beams eat up far too much power too quickly on it, leaving no backup whereas the pulse will fire near endlessly and do the job on both large and small (NPC) ships.

On the asp I had a mix of beams and cannons.
On the vulture I just run two pulse lasers - with it only having the two slots beams eat up far too much power too quickly on it, leaving no backup whereas the pulse will fire near endlessly and do the job on both large and small (NPC) ships.

On the asp I had a mix of beams and cannons.

Do pulse work OK on RES sites? What load out do you use on a Viper (if you have one)?
Just made my first main goal, Betelgeuse:


As soon as I jumped in...expected it to be even bigger...


Next destination!


After that, I'm thinking Eta Carinae (probably need a free weekend for that one).
Nice achievement. Can't say it looks any different to most other suns.

No, I'm kinda dissapointed there. That's why I'm headed for VY Canis Majoris; biggest star known to man.

Dropped in here, and this looks strange with the haze:



It's a T0 V star... No idea what that means in reality.
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I can't quite get my head around the rep system - I'm currently running nothing but Fed missions to get my ranking up but still find when looking in the right status panel that sometimes my overall rep is decreasing with both the Feds and the minor Fed affiliated faction I'm running the mission for. I thought the status indicators (the little up or down arrows) updated in realtime. Can someone shed any light?
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