*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Afternoon all :)

Hope you're all enjoying things?

For some reason I like to pop in now and again and update you on my progress :D

So the shipokemon is ticking along nicely. I own everything up to the imperial courier now, all A-Rated. The only one out of sequence is my mining clipper - I bought one on the cheap after the CG and was a bit bored of combat/nothing big enough for serious trading and needed to make some coin for the vulture (next on the list) so have been dipping my toe into mining for a few nights. Making a solid 2 million an hour and if I was in a system with a better selling point, I suspect it would be a bit more as I would be able to grab some mining missions.

This weekend/next weeks mission is to go exploring in the DB explorer to fund the rest of the vulture purchase/upgrade. Will see how far I get - last time I made it to about 500ly out and got sooooo bored I came back!

This will be my lightweight build

My plans is to head up and out, rather than towards the core and be back in time for Horizons.
Been playing the game a lot the last few weeks and I am loving it decided to strip down my clipper and use the credits to upgrade my Asp and go do some exploring... Almost gave up about 6k light years out after looking at the map and seeing how far I still had to go lol but then I found my first earth like world so thought I would keep going... Been a LONG few days the last 2000 light years trying to navigate near the core was a bit of pain anything longer than trying to plot 3 or 4 jumps ahead was taking ages on the galaxy map but I finally made it to Sagittarius A :D

Seen some cool looking planets and stars along the way my favourite was an earth like planet almost 8 earth masses with it's own ring system around it looked really cool, all that is left now is the long trip home now just for the long trip home just hoping I have made some serious credits

Think they need to put a Space station in orbit around the nearby star with a little café and gift shop that sells souvenirs...
Right. Had it with this game tbh.

Accepted 3 missions. One to go after bounty hunters, one for pirates and one for a named outlaw in the Brunson system.

I spent the best part of 2 frikkin hours and not one of them were found.

Went to a conflict zone, nothing there either.

It shouldn't be this hard and frustrating.... especially for those who don't have their entire lives to play this game, with family/commitments etc and a spare hour here or there is precious and shouldn't be wasted like this.

*Goes for a beer*
Right. Had it with this game tbh.

Accepted 3 missions. One to go after bounty hunters, one for pirates and one for a named outlaw in the Brunson system.

I spent the best part of 2 frikkin hours and not one of them were found.

Went to a conflict zone, nothing there either.

It shouldn't be this hard and frustrating.... especially for those who don't have their entire lives to play this game, with family/commitments etc and a spare hour here or there is precious and shouldn't be wasted like this.

*Goes for a beer*

That's what is putting me off the combat side of things too. I enjoyed exploring and trading, but have transferred into a Viper before I get upgrade to a DBX when Horzons comes out. But I'm not as tempted to log into the game as cobat missions seem to involve a lot of traipsing about...
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Like I said before, Id love to know what the hell Im doing wrong so I can right it and play this game in the correct manner. I don't want to come in here and just poopoo the game for no reason, especially since its Elite.

But DAMMIT theyre making it extremely difficult and Im this close to uninstalling and catching up on FSX.
Like I said before, Id love to know what the hell Im doing wrong so I can right it and play this game in the correct manner. I don't want to come in here and just poopoo the game for no reason, especially since its Elite.

But DAMMIT theyre making it extremely difficult and Im this close to uninstalling and catching up on FSX.

It does have it's frustrating elements, but I can't seem to leave ED alone...
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