*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Right. Had it with this game tbh.

Accepted 3 missions. One to go after bounty hunters, one for pirates and one for a named outlaw in the Brunson system.

I spent the best part of 2 frikkin hours and not one of them were found.

Went to a conflict zone, nothing there either.

It shouldn't be this hard and frustrating.... especially for those who don't have their entire lives to play this game, with family/commitments etc and a spare hour here or there is precious and shouldn't be wasted like this.

*Goes for a beer*

Bounty hunters, look at nav beacons and res sites, pirates the same though res sites are best, named targets just aren't worth it. Check systems before taking missions to be sure they have res sites, if they don't you're setting yourself up for frustration.
Bounty hunters, look at nav beacons and res sites, pirates the same though res sites are best, named targets just aren't worth it. Check systems before taking missions to be sure they have res sites, if they don't you're setting yourself up for frustration.

Just thinking about this for a sec though...

Your given a mission to kill bounty hunters say...

So your target bounty hunter thinks... "ok, Im just now gonna hang around a nav beacon till Commander X comes along to blow me up".

Apply above but switch to Pirates/RES.

Looking at it that way.. it doesn't seem... realistic.... natural, flowing with the ebb of the game?

Not sure if I mad sense there lol.

E: Folks, if I go into a system with no obtainable missions, how the hell do I then level up my q
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Ok update. Followed your advice Damo, and now managed to actually get some kills... relating to my missions, netting me around half a mil. Not bad.

This was at a nav beacon which actually was quite lucrative I have to say. More than a RES??

E: What are combat bonds exactly?
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Pirates hang around resource extraction sites looking to pirate miners, bounty hunters hang around looking to take down pirates, they're all there for your consumption :-P nav beacons will tend to just have pirates and bounty hunters but I've always found resource extraction sites to be better to use as they tend to have more traffic.

Your local and main faction rep will increase just by rote of claiming bounties, missions will add to it obviously, selling exploration data and trade goods also adds to your rep.

Combat bonds are earnt by going to conflict zones, you pick a side on the functions panel and kill enemy ships, you'll get a payout for each ship you kill and bonds to hand in.
Cheers Dano.

I went into a conflict zone the other day and killed a load of ships but I cant see any of the bounties listed in the combat bond section???? Must the conflict be resolved or something?


I have a Viper atm, but have enough cash to go for a Vulture.... would you recommend this?

If so what weaponary would I go for? There are only 2 Large hard points, 1 beam and 1 multi cannon?
I used to run 2 pulse lasers on the vulture when i owned one, used to eat anacondas etc, very mobile ship and strong.
Ive not been on elite for a few weeks as had played since the Alpha days and needed a break :) With planetary landings on the Horizon im now coming back aboard my Python :)
Cheers Dano.

I went into a conflict zone the other day and killed a load of ships but I cant see any of the bounties listed in the combat bond section???? Must the conflict be resolved or something?

If you don't pick a side you wont earn bonds, maybe that?


I have a Viper atm, but have enough cash to go for a Vulture.... would you recommend this?

If so what weaponary would I go for? There are only 2 Large hard points, 1 beam and 1 multi cannon?

Oh hell yes, use a couple of class 3 gimballed pulse lasers, no need for anything else :)
Cheers guys. Ive gone with that... and yep its pretty sweet....

(not as devastating as I thought it would be but... Im like a few mil up after an hour of RESing...)
What else do people run with the pulse?
I'm on a pair of beams and a pair of multi cannons, hit the sheilds, then bring the multi's into play...
Picked this up again after a couple of months break for a few hours on Friday, only had 3% left to get to deadly so thought I would pop into a combat zone in my Clipper
Being the hero I am I thought I would side with the local rebels fighting against the federation..... whata mistaka to maka!

Within a minute every ship in the area was giving me a butt kicking, just got out with 9% hull and ran off to lick my wounds and pick up my vulture

Went back and sided with the federation too see if it was the same and it was way too easy, so are all combat zones that one sided?
Well, I've got to say that I'm actually really enjoying the game again :) I've been running bounties with a friend of mine, and we've had so much fun over the last few sessions. Tonight I'll be able to afford a Python with a few upgrades, so that should increase my effectiveness whilst bounty hunting. I'm planning to start with two 3C gimballed beam lasers, a 3C gimballed cannon, a 7D power plant and a 6E shield generator to start. Hopefully that'll all work and that's way more fire power than I have in my Vulture, although my Vulture is fully upgraded so I don't know how much better the Python is with the default outfitting.

It's been a toss up between a Python or a Fer-De-Lance. I mainly bounty hunt but with the extra cargo space options on the Python I'd be interested in trading again at some point. For the next few weeks though I see myself bounty hunting as much as possible. Is the Python a good choice for bounty hunting, or would the all-out combat ability of the FDL be the better option?
Cheers guys. Ive gone with that... and yep its pretty sweet....

(not as devastating as I thought it would be but... Im like a few mil up after an hour of RESing...)

Are you using a Kill Warrant Scanner as well? If not, you need to get one because you'll gain even more credits per kill using one.
Mining looks easy. I have 23K and the starter ship. Is all I do go to an asteroid belt, fire a laser and then sell it at a station?

Basically, I mean.
How the hell do you increase your rank in powerplay?!

By delivering intel to partnered systems/Interdicting "Enemy" ships and blowing them up/Going to a system that is being "Expanded" and go to a military strike or security operations and blow up everything in red.

Took me around 14 hours at a Security operations to get my 10,000 merits.
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