*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

By delivering intel to partnered systems/Interdicting "Enemy" ships and blowing them up/Going to a system that is being "Expanded" and go to a military strike or security operations and blow up everything in red.

Took me around 14 hours at a Security operations to get my 10,000 merits.

I did a quadruple take.

Still doesn't make sense to me!
Come again ? :p
Words fail me :) Cheers.

So basically its via Expansion, control or turmoil actions? Any other actions?

Not really. Control is delivering and the rest are combat. The bonuses are good though and at rank 5 I get double pay for bonds, so 1 mill in kills is 2 mill etc.

If you are just starting out in powerplay, just aim for 1500 merits (very easy to get) and the next cycle (every Thursday at 7am), you will find it is easier to get more merits.

If you are still stuck, ask away.
Thanks Gregster...

Delivering intel to partnered systems - Control?
Interdicting "Enemy" ships and blowing them up - ?
Going to a system that is being "Expanded" and go to a military strike or security operations and blow up everything in red - Expansion?

Where are the turmoil related actions here?

Where are the descriptions of these against the related aspects of Powerplay?
Thanks Gregster...

Delivering intel to partnered systems - Control?
Interdicting "Enemy" ships and blowing them up - ? Preperation
Going to a system that is being "Expanded" and go to a military strike or security operations and blow up everything in red - Expansion? - Yes

Where are the turmoil related actions here? Turmoil is when you don't have enough CC's to maintain the system, so delivering Packages will put that system back to normal/out of turmoil.

Where are the descriptions of these against the related aspects of Powerplay?

Look at your Powerplay interface and you can see the tabs at the top and clicking each tells you what needs to be done.

Hope that helps a little. It is quite confusing to start but you will get the hang of it. I am allied with Zachary Hudson, who favours combat but in the Beta of Powerplay, I was sided with Felicia Winters who favours deliveries more so.
Ok thanks bud.

So lets say I want to do more combat related stuff. Do I simply go interdicting in expansion systems only?

What exactly is "Corrupt System Defence forces at Crime sweeps ?"

Ok I just delivered some stuff and got 10 merits.

You telling me I have to do that 1000 times to get 10k merits?
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Ok thanks bud.

So lets say I want to do more combat related stuff. Do I simply go interdicting in expansion systems only?

What exactly is "Corrupt System Defence forces at Crime sweeps ?"

Ok I just delivered some stuff and got 10 merits.

You telling me I have to do that 1000 times to get 10k merits?

The easiest way to get merits is combat. The delivery stuff takes far too long but is quite an easy way of getting to 1500. Basically you get 10 merits every 30 mins but when you reach rank 4, you get 25 merits every 30 mins.

In your Expansion tab, hopefully the person you are sided with has a system or 2 there, fly to one of those systems and you will see security operations or military strike and here it is similar to the conflict zones. 10 merits for every kill, however if your ships isn't that great, you could have a hard time of it.
Ok thanks, Ive just done a security operation and made 200 odd vouchers.

Incidentally, if combat is the easiest way, then why would people bother with the other actions?

Also if I want to prevent the opposition, on a crime sweep, how do I do this? (e.g. I can see opposition hasn't achieved their trigger yet... how can I decrease from their total?)

Also, you mentioned interdicting? But I couldn't find this mentioned anywhere in my powers description?
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Ok thanks, Ive just done a security operation and made 200 odd vouchers.

Incidentally, if combat is the easiest way, then why would people bother with the other actions?

Also if I want to prevent the opposition, on a crime sweep, how do I do this? (e.g. I can see opposition hasn't achieved their trigger yet... how can I decrease from their total?)

Not sure how that works in truth but as for the other way, I get 50 merits every 30 mins and is a good way when I am busy to just log on now and then and fill my hold with 400 and deliver those plus I believe that when you reach the trigger, this stops the chance of that system being taken.
Guys, it's been a couple of weeks since I played, and I'm not able to understand what type of star I'm looking at. I know OBAFGKM are scoopable, but the stars I'm seeing are named 'SYNUEFE YA-Q A32-1'

Which of these is the relevant letter? I'm over 1000 ly from Earth so I have no support network, and a serious desire for a scoopable star!

Guys, it's been a couple of weeks since I played, and I'm not able to understand what type of star I'm looking at. I know OBAFGKM are scoopable, but the stars I'm seeing are named 'SYNUEFE YA-Q A32-1'

Which of these is the relevant letter? I'm over 1000 ly from Earth so I have no support network, and a serious desire for a scoopable star!

In the galaxy map you can filter by star type.

Also when you scan a star it should tell you the class in the bottom left of your HUD (eg. M (Red Dwarf) Star)
Mining looks easy. I have 23K and the starter ship. Is all I do go to an asteroid belt, fire a laser and then sell it at a station?

Basically, I mean.

You will need a refinery, prospector and collector limpets, mining laser and the limpets themselves.

so takes a little investment first.

you will then have to find a metal ring, Pristine if you can.

here are some info here

So I got my Python last night. A friend that I've been flying with just bought the FDL and he loves it. We both had fully upgraded Vultures before we upgraded. I was torn between the FDL and the Python, and after flying it in the HAZRES we've been hunting in for a while, I feel a little underwhelmed at what I've seen so far from my Python. He's unkillable in the FDL, but for me in the Python, with a 6C shield and 3 A0 shield boosters, I seem to lose shields very quickly. I know I haven't got the Python upgraded fully yet (that's going to take a while) but I really was expecting more to be honest. I thought that the Python would be practically unstoppable in most combat situations, but I'm not finding that at the moment. I know I've still got a few more upgrades to do, so hopefully with a 6A shield generator it'll be better, but comparing the numbers on Coriolis.io between the Python and the FDL, the shields on the FDL along with boosters are more powerful.

Also, is it normal that it seems impossible to get the ship mass to be at the optimal level for the shield? I've tried everything I can on Coriolis.io but I just can't get the mass down to 540T unladen. My friend's FDL almost fully outfitted is 15T below the 405T threshold.

The one thing I really do like about the Python is option I get with the weapons. I'm running two 3C gimballed beams, two 2F gimballed pulse, and a gimballed 3C cannon and aside from the power management necessary when firing the beams and the pulse lasers, the firepower is enough to strip most ships of their shield in about 10 seconds.

How do those using a Python find it for combat in a RES? Am I wrong for expecting more at this level?
I believe the python has far more scope for upgrades than the Fer De Lance, but costs an absolute packet to get anywhere near top end. The Fer De Lance will be a much better combat ship with a limited upgrade budget.

I'll be going for the Fer De Lance myself :)
I believe the python has far more scope for upgrades than the Fer De Lance, but costs an absolute packet to get anywhere near top end. The Fer De Lance will be a much better combat ship with a limited upgrade budget.

I'll be going for the Fer De Lance myself :)

It was the adaptability that pushed me in the direction of the Python to be honest. I'd like the option of changing up to trading whenever I want and the Python as the standard go-to ship lets me do that right away. In fact I can outfit it to take 192 tons of cargo as well as my default combat build which in itself makes it a very worthwhile option, I just thought it'd be able to be almost as effective as the FDL in a combat environment. I guess I was a little disappointed that it doesn't hold up as well as my old 20 million Vulture did before I gave it the chop! The Python is an absolute beast to fly though!
The Python is fantastic and quite maneuverable but does need some decent upgrades before it comes to life but I prefer the Python over the Anaconda.
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