So I got my Python last night. A friend that I've been flying with just bought the FDL and he loves it. We both had fully upgraded Vultures before we upgraded. I was torn between the FDL and the Python, and after flying it in the HAZRES we've been hunting in for a while, I feel a little underwhelmed at what I've seen so far from my Python. He's unkillable in the FDL, but for me in the Python, with a 6C shield and 3 A0 shield boosters, I seem to lose shields very quickly. I know I haven't got the Python upgraded fully yet (that's going to take a while) but I really was expecting more to be honest. I thought that the Python would be practically unstoppable in most combat situations, but I'm not finding that at the moment. I know I've still got a few more upgrades to do, so hopefully with a 6A shield generator it'll be better, but comparing the numbers on between the Python and the FDL, the shields on the FDL along with boosters are more powerful.
Also, is it normal that it seems impossible to get the ship mass to be at the optimal level for the shield? I've tried everything I can on but I just can't get the mass down to 540T unladen. My friend's FDL almost fully outfitted is 15T below the 405T threshold.
The one thing I really do like about the Python is option I get with the weapons. I'm running two 3C gimballed beams, two 2F gimballed pulse, and a gimballed 3C cannon and aside from the power management necessary when firing the beams and the pulse lasers, the firepower is enough to strip most ships of their shield in about 10 seconds.
How do those using a Python find it for combat in a RES? Am I wrong for expecting more at this level?