*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Does it make me a saddo that I am more interested in the Federal Corvette than Horizons for now? I have 700Mill in assets so should be ok to partially kit it out :p
I've just realised that the Beta for Horizons is slated for the same day as Bloodborne DLC, that's just not on :(
Nothing has been said on what ships but expect some upgraded current ships (Cobra Mk 4 for instance) and hopefully The Federal Corvette (That I got fully ranked up in the Federation for).

Super excited at this news and can't wait.

Ranked up as in the reputation or proper rank?
I never understood the difference tbh :p
Proper Navy Rank, which they are allegedly adding more ranks to above what is currently available. (Sorry Gregster...)
While beta for 1.5 being next week is awesome (and out of the blue) I'm very surprised they've released next to nothing about the update lol.
All good and quite glad to see it in truth. I enjoy doing the missions as well so no problem.

What missions are you doing to rank up? I have to admit that I've never really explored this side of the game yet, but might be interested in giving it a go now that I've got my Python!

Just as an update to my post yesterday, I kitted the Python out with a 6B shield last night, and aside from running over power a bit (dealt with by changing priorities on my cargo hatch, FSD and a few other bits too) I'm finding it a very effective combat ship. The ability to burn down shields in a few seconds using a combination of two beam lasers and two pulse lasers is crazy, and after that you just get some distance and snipe away with the pulse lasers. I took out an Anaconda in about a minute yesterday doing that. They have some tough armour when their shields are down though!

I'm really enjoying the game, I've stopped looking at it as a chore with a view to making money, and actually viewing it as a sandbox experience as some suggested earlier, so thanks for the tip. Particularly Dano and Gregster :) Now I need to decide if I want to rank up for the Federation, or maybe delve into PowerPlay :) I was thinking of siding with the faction that gives you the bonuses to bounties. Do they only award the double bounty bonus at rank 5 if you're bounty hunting in a system controlled by them, or can you go anywhere?
I always stuck to safe missions and it didn't take me long to rank up. I tried to do the missions from Sol/Vega and quite enjoyed doing them. I did find the last 2 ranks took quite a while before they came along but those last 2 were very close together so don't panick if you are not seeing the rank up missions.

Good stuff that you have sorted your Python and as far as PowerPlay goes, I would really only say it is worth it if you have quite some spare time to put into it. I think there is a bug as well but I am not going to report it lol as I am ranked 5 with Zachary Hudson and I get double the bounty price - So if I shoot down a wanted ship and gett 100K for it, in my claims tab, it shows as 200K and when I claim on it, I get 400K, so effectively it is quadruple claims :D

I spent roughly 8 hours in a HRES yesterday off and on (had other things to do, so was in and out of playing) and managed to grab 26 mill's worth of bounties and when I cashed them in, it was 52 mill :D I have made roughly 150Mill in 2 days with the 50 mill payment for being ranked 5, which has also got me 32% into deadly rank and only 68% left till I am Elite in Comabt (albeit I actually suck at combat).
Crikey, just the 26mill would have done me, I really must be doing something wrong here lol...
I think the Python will be my next ship just dont want to buy in at the basic level and then struggle to kit it out, would rather just buy one and at least give it a few decent bits of kit before I go off...
Crikey, just the 26mill would have done me, I really must be doing something wrong here lol...
I think the Python will be my next ship just dont want to buy in at the basic level and then struggle to kit it out, would rather just buy one and at least give it a few decent bits of kit before I go off...

Good move on having the cash to kit it out a bit. My fav ship is the Python and they can take me down in no time at all and I am fully A rated in my Anaconda with Military grade armour but just so damned slow to turn and a good pilot will get in behind me and just hammer away. I even switched to FA off and still no joy.

I would have switched back to a Python if not for the fact that I can also do some trading with a big 400T cargo hold.
Well, I've moved to Sol now, time to work on my Federation ranking, currently at Lieutenant Commander which I have been for a good while now, don't recall it taking anywhere near the effort gaining Knight for the Empire too either but the thought of the Corvette is too much to resist, not that I'm going to have the money any time soon :)
Well, I've moved to Sol now, time to work on my Federation ranking, currently at Lieutenant Commander which I have been for a good while now, don't recall it taking anywhere near the effort gaining Knight for the Empire too either but the thought of the Corvette is too much to resist, not that I'm going to have the money any time soon :)

You will be ranked up in no time and I am a lowly Baron in the Empire (just so I could get the clipper).
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