*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Hi guys Iv had elite since day one but never played even got a x55. So basically i want to know where to start the basics really. know places for information or youtubers to get started?

I've never really been one for trading, did a bit to start off with but then soon moved into missions n siting it RES sites and taking out pirates..
I just updated to the latest EDLaunch and I have to restart my computer.

That's a first ever for me with games, gobsmacked.
Ahhhhh my clipper has arrived. Now to get it fully kitted out

What weapon load outs people take? I had a quick blast with large beam gimballed and medium multi-cannons. Any advances?
Hi guys Iv had elite since day one but never played even got a x55. So basically i want to know where to start the basics really. know places for information or youtubers to get started?


Definitely do the training missions to get the hand of docking and the like.

As for youtubers off the top of my head; Scott Manley, ObsidianAnt, Commander ChaosWulff. Isinona has some interesting play style videos but not much in the way of tutorials.
Tutorials are linked in the launcher and in the main menu, other than that ask away :-)

No idea on the power play stuff Cav, I've not gone near it yet
Ok yer confoozing me :p

I am rank 3 RIGHT NOW (if I go into my PP screen I can see rank 3).
So surely I should be getting higher BH numbers?

Ok, if it says on the Rating tab "Rating 3", you will be getting the bonuses. You can confirm by going to your headquarters and getting 20 power commodity things every 30 mins?

And this also gives you a bonus of 30/40/50% on bounties depending on your Boss's galactic standings. You can check this by killing a wanted, checking how much the bounty was and then cashing in and seeing what bonus you got.

Sorry if I am not being clear but mind isn't on it.
I assume the lack of smoothness is due to the debug camera being manually zoomed out and speed changes. If transitions are not like that there is going to be a riot on the forums I suspect, I do feel it will be a little more controlled however, as you say, we shall see in 18 days hopefully, I fully intend to stream my first attempts so people without beta access can laugh and ridicule my skills, or lack of :D
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