*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

I assume the lack of smoothness is due to the debug camera being manually zoomed out and speed changes. If transitions are not like that there is going to be a riot on the forums I suspect, I do feel it will be a little more controlled however, as you say, we shall see in 18 days hopefully, I fully intend to stream my first attempts so people without beta access can laugh and ridicule my skills, or lack of :D

Not a bad shout and think I will do a recording and some nifty editing if need be. Now I just need to find someone to do a swap with me at work :p
As much as I love Elite, there is some silly things in it (not game breakers btw). For example, I am in a fully kitted out Anaconda and a sidewinder messages me "I am surprised you made it this far with a big haul like that" (I am carrying 4 tons of veg on a mission), he Interdicts me and proclaims I am going to die... I aim at him and within 3 seconds he is dead.... What a complete waste of time and effort lol

I have sat in a HRES though and a Fer-De-Lance has scanned me and said "My mistake, I will be on my way" :D
I choose to believe that they are the lead scout for a larger pirating group who has gotten a little too cocky :)
Ok, if it says on the Rating tab "Rating 3", you will be getting the bonuses. You can confirm by going to your headquarters and getting 20 power commodity things every 30 mins?

And this also gives you a bonus of 30/40/50% on bounties depending on your Boss's galactic standings. You can check this by killing a wanted, checking how much the bounty was and then cashing in and seeing what bonus you got.

Sorry if I am not being clear but mind isn't on it.

Sorry Gregster didn't get back to you on this.

So if you kill a wanted ship, do you get the extra bonus immediately when the credits show up on the screen? Or only when you hand in?
Sorry Gregster didn't get back to you on this.

So if you kill a wanted ship, do you get the extra bonus immediately when the credits show up on the screen? Or only when you hand in?

YeaNo :D

I believe you should only get it when you cash them in but I am getting it when I kill them and cash it in, so I would claim on your kills so far, kill a wanted and see how much you get for him in the right hand display (that pops up immediately after you kill him), then go to your transaction tab and see if there is any difference.

Just out of curiosity, who are you sided with? If you are with someone out of the top 4, you won't get any bonuses for bounties (I believe).
Cheers Gregster, yes I believe that is the case when I hand in I seem to get double what I have in bounty on my left screen transactions tab.

Incidentally, how do you get that nice purple hue? I always felt Elite was too orangey with suns/stars etc.
Cheers Gregster, yes I believe that is the case when I hand in I seem to get double what I have in bounty on my left screen transactions tab.

Incidentally, how do you get that nice purple hue? I always felt Elite was too orangey with suns/stars etc.

No problem :)

And here is a simple way to choose what colour you want and where to place change the numbers.

So, I have an Eagle, it's kitted out for RES hunting, has no cargo etc. Does well, gets me some bounties but obviously it's made of paper and very limited.

I have about 3 mil. I also want to move. Fancy taking part in power play. What should be my next aim? What ship, kind of outfitting etc? I have little time and therefore rank in the game so I'm a little lost as to what to do :/
If you want to bounty hunt then a maxed out viper is about 2.75. Much better than the Eagle. Not just because it can carry chaff and a kill warrant scanner at the same time.

If you want to space truck, its the Type 6. Bare in mind that if you do sign up to power play - not recommended - then you will die a lot to power NPCs in a victim wagon Type 6.

If you want to do smuggling missions from long distance stations, then its the Cobra.
I have about 3 mil. I also want to move. Fancy taking part in power play. What should be my next aim? What ship, kind of outfitting etc?
I'd get a Cobra Mk.3 and kit it out something like this:

Should allow you to do pretty much anything in the game from bounty hunting, mining, smuggling, trading, pirating, exploring etc depending on how you equip the internal compartments.

Keep earning more credits until you have enough to upgrade to a specialist combat or trading ship if you decide to go down that route, or upgrade to an Asp or possibly Cobra Mk.4 if you want a larger general purpose ship.
Tutorials are linked in the launcher and in the main menu, other than that ask away :-)

No idea on the power play stuff Cav, I've not gone near it yet ��

Brilliant thanks,

Have you guys got custom binding for your x55 controller? I looking at slightly better setups then default.
Currently traveling 335k Ls across a binary system to scan the companion star, who says that exploration isn't exciting? :p

On the upside, it's given me time to make a cup of hot cocoa and browse the forums a bit :cool:

edit: 390k Ls journey this time, at least there's an Earth-like on the end of this one though!
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