The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Lostcorpse said:
sound like either you guys are really good at PVP or those guys are very poor at it.

Were far from good, ill happily admit that, but we've just caught them with their pants down on more than one occasions (not literally of course :p), like using that megathron without a decent tank to ferry supplies etc.... they dont even have bookmarks for the stations in Arvasaras ffs or for the gate they ALWAYS warp to 15km.

I'll also admit that yesterday when we chased the celestis from our system it was down to me panicking cause id never undocked and been faced with an enemy so close without warning, i warped straight to a SS, warped back to station, by then he was warping towards the gate, i exited warp as he was about 6km from the gate, he had a MWD fitted so he outran my AB fitted stabber and jumped before i could lock him down.

I believe there was also a raven nearby and apparently he got a volley of torps off before he warped away from the station although it must have been after i left cause i never saw it. Cause apparently the celestis was at about 70% armour when it warped. He jsut ran, didnt even safespot, within a 6-7 minutes he was outside our locator agents range LOL
Byron, was that the ISS freighter that died carrying everything the person owned. after a 5 member bumped the freighter to the gate (whilst in structure and webbed to hell and back). but after jumping didnt warp away and continued to be a moron?

if so we had a good laugh at them, purely because we tried to help and they did not help themselves.

otherwise, lol they lost a 2nd one?

as for war decing ASDN or ISS, i cant really argue with it, because i fought XETIC for months despite being one of the people involved in setting the alliance up originally.

( for new players; XETIC was the first basically "carebear" alliance. )

Byron5184 said:
The nutters that war decced my corp just before went joined ISS (Abaddon Rising - RIOT) have stated that they are going to war dec ASCN as well cause fighting 1200 industrialists isnt fun enough. :p

Bring it on :) We're having fun with our wars at the moment as it is, one extra one would hardly be something to bat an eyelid over.

Sadly this morning they managed to destroy a freighter, although they will claim it was skill etc... it was down to a down right STUPID player who brought the account a few months ago. Two days ago she got caught in her Obelisk and was ransomed 400 million isk. Which was stupid, now she loaded up her obelisk with everything she owned from the most active system for the war against RIOT and left for Yulai, they caught her and killed her while many allies were en-route. She thought that cause it was early that no-one would be around, fool.

WTF?! Someone needs some Eve101 lessons. This is what I most hate about people that buy accounts to start playing the game. They've got no real clue about how to actually play it.

So ASCN, prepare for the most gut busting laugh you have ever laid eyes on once these bunch of character trading pansies declare war on your ***, itll bring you just as much fun as it has us. :D

Weeee :D *ponders what ships to use*
Garp said:
WTF?! Someone needs some Eve101 lessons. This is what I most hate about people that buy accounts to start playing the game. They've got no real clue about how to actually play it.

Stupid yes, but to be fair, people that just started their own new account don't have a clue either, only thing is no one profits from their ignorance as they don't have anything to lose really :p ...fools with more isk than sense provide a service to the good peoples of Eve if you think about it :p
Spike_UK said:
I tried EVE Online out today based on the screenshots, and my impending WoW Boredom, but I have to admit I wasn't impressed. It seemed very complex and scared me off...

you cant try eve online for a day :rolleyes:

play the entire 2 week trial out mate

and wow sucks btw, i sold my account for lots of £££ after i realised its a dead end game, also very easy. level 60's either grind into bwl (boring), grind pvp (fun at first but then its boring) or do nowt except level alts....

eve is far superior
BAcon said:
you cant try eve online for a day :rolleyes:

play the entire 2 week trial out mate

and wow sucks btw, i sold my account for lots of £££ after i realised its a dead end game, also very easy. level 60's either grind into bwl (boring), grind pvp (fun at first but then its boring) or do nowt except level alts....

eve is far superior

I agree wholeheartedly with this person

wow has become boredom incarnate after hitting level 60 and what doesnt help is ppls narrow minded ness regarding hunters roles/class

eve U dont get that and now with kill rights it makes it a lot easier to be self supportive in your role
deros said:
Byron, was that the ISS freighter that died carrying everything the person owned. after a 5 member bumped the freighter to the gate (whilst in structure and webbed to hell and back). but after jumping didnt warp away and continued to be a moron?

if so we had a good laugh at them, purely because we tried to help and they did not help themselves.

otherwise, lol they lost a 2nd one?


Your right, that was the freighter i was talking about. They've only killed one.

Sadly, RIOT edited the "war ASCN" post claiming he was drunk. Anyway, they have 3 merc corps on their *** now so they already have their hands full, sorry to disappoint you Garp :p
Le_Petit_Lapin said:
I've just discovered that Trading makes bucketloads of cash. :) 1 Million ISK profit every hour for me.

I thought you said it made bucket loads of cash?!

I'd be pretty narked off if I was making just 1m isk an hour. Most 0.0 belt spawns are worth 1.5m ~ 3m isk and take at most about 5 minutes to clear, and then you've got the loot they drop too. Typical ratting sessions, I think, are about 20m isk for every hour if you grab the loot. I've never really stopped and worked it out accurately; but its much more than 1m isk profit per hour.
Garp said:
I thought you said it made bucket loads of cash?!

I'd be pretty narked off if I was making just 1m isk an hour. Most 0.0 belt spawns are worth 1.5m ~ 3m isk and take at most about 5 minutes to clear, and then you've got the loot they drop too. Typical ratting sessions, I think, are about 20m isk for every hour if you grab the loot. I've never really stopped and worked it out accurately; but its much more than 1m isk profit per hour.

I think it's fair to say it makes bucket loads of cash for him at his level ;)

When I started off getting 350K an hour from mining Scordite in 0.9 was more money then I knew what to do with. Now I'm at the same level as you with chaining 0.0 spawns, not as much as I would like to make but it helps.
Of course I can't wait till I get a fully Faction/Officer fitted Faction Battleship that can solo the 6/10's in Delve or the 8/10's in Fountain.
[DW]Muffin said:
I think it's fair to say it makes bucket loads of cash for him at his level ;)

Hmm.. possibly. I think by our reckoning it takes just a months ~ month and a halfs training to be able to handle spawns in 0.0 space.
Garp said:
I thought you said it made bucket loads of cash?!

I'd be pretty narked off if I was making just 1m isk an hour. Most 0.0 belt spawns are worth 1.5m ~ 3m isk and take at most about 5 minutes to clear, and then you've got the loot they drop too. Typical ratting sessions, I think, are about 20m isk for every hour if you grab the loot. I've never really stopped and worked it out accurately; but its much more than 1m isk profit per hour.

you need to know the character b4 you pass judgement

Do you remember when you first started playing? when you first made your first mill? when you made your first 100mill?

Leave the lad alone, he's enjoying the game and is starting to make money how he wants to (skills and time dependant).

Good to hear you're enjoying yourself there LPL, hope you continue to, just ignore Jarp, he's being a numpty.
I remmber trying to make my first one mill in a Probe to get my self going to a cruiser, that was a long time age, I stil have yet to make 100mil (thats 100mil with out losing a Battle ship :) ) But then i play for a bit of fun and a lot of time wasting.

LPL you go get stuck in :) trading in high sec can be dificult having looked into it a little i can only see a few routes that can make any isk worht considering. Due to so many other people wanting a safe way to make isk.
heheh I remember getting a probe as my mining ship.... bought the sodding thing not realising I was gallente and didn't have the skills for it :(
Then it was onto a vexor and a throax, then the Mega :D

My first mil was given to me, hehe. I remember being so chuffed at the time.....
Once you get into 0.0 though everything changes.... theres no way I could go back to empire life now... :(
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