The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Took the focus fire of the whole fleet (25bs ish’) and 3 dreads, 7-8 minute to go down. Two assisting dreads went down minuets later.
No, I have fraps of it slowy going down, but no bang, CCP F.T.W

But the lag was no more then a few seconds, differnt kind of fight being able to control your ship.
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[DW]Muffin said:
No, I have fraps of it slowy going down, but no bang, CCP F.T.W

But the lag was no more then a few seconds, differnt kind of fight being able to control your ship.

Glad you had more luck than I did yesterday - one minute I can see the carrier, the next I can see my pod and somewhere in between my Thorax blewup :p
shimy182 said:
i just got free 14 day trial and im willing to pay monthly for the game.
but im strugling to get used to the hud etc etc. and rr any hints and tips? and does anyone wanna give me anything that they dont want ???
Give me a bell tonight, or let me know your ingame name and i'll see what i can do for you. wont be on eve untill around 9:30ish.
ingame name : lostcorpse

also what race are you?
[TW]Fox said:
Glad you had more luck than I did yesterday - one minute I can see the carrier, the next I can see my pod and somewhere in between my Thorax blewup :p

Ahh but were you cool enough to die the fighters? :p

I'll have to post my fraps of the "uh oh" ... "oh nooooo" ... "bang"

Think of all that loot I lost :(
I have decided not to take this fight because as the experts of the 'glitched' setup are aware, a Raven with CPRs is pretty much unbeatable. And knowing how well off BE, specifically Mr. Ra are purported to be I'd be going up against a ship most likely full of Gist X type mods.

No thanks.

Feek said:
I have decided not to take this fight because as the experts of the 'glitched' setup are aware, a Raven with CPRs is pretty much unbeatable. And knowing how well off BE, specifically Mr. Ra are purported to be I'd be going up against a ship most likely full of Gist X type mods.

No thanks.


I promise not to use cap power relays or faction mods. T2 and named T1 only. I'll even let you bring a friend with a ship scanner and if you find out i'm lying about that, you guys can gank me. There will be none of my corp mates anywhere nearby.
VeNT said:
youre a fool then

a standard mega will own any raven you care to make

You're wrong by a mile, due to certain 'quirks' with the stacking system, Ravens and Scorps are now some of the best tanking ships in the game. Cryptkeeper/Shin Ra re-posted details for the quirk in a new post on the eve-o forums a week or so back, which the ISD mods deleted again.
CryptKeeper said:
I promise not to use cap power relays or faction mods. T2 and named T1 only. I'll even let you bring a friend with a ship scanner and if you find out i'm lying about that, you guys can gank me. There will be none of my corp mates anywhere nearby.
CR2's and Shield Flux's? :p
Nah, I'm not doing it. Someone else can if they like but I don't really have the time, I need to wash my hair.

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