Ummmmmmmmmmmmm .... some interesting notes in the dev-blog:
* You can now defend yourself when being attacked by someone with a Kill Right on you. They also expire after 30 days.
* Loot rights have had a number of fixes and improvements.
* Flickering / Black screening on character selection page is fixed
* Police response/pursuit improved significantly, mainly the timer controlling concord reactions to a crime now matches the agression/criminal flag timer displayed in the UI
* A number of fixes and code improvements have been made to reduce/eliminate stuck issues.
* Added the ability to turn off damage message displays. This will make combat a lot smoother when you are being engaged by multiple hostiles
* More code optimizations to improve combat
* Improvements made to right click menu control to decrease lag
* Only 1000 items can now be stored in a single location. A location is any location you can store stuff in. A container is also a location so you can have 1000 containers containing 1000 stacks of items each. Stacks are NOT limited, you can have 1000 stacks of 10 million trit. This is done to address database performance issues with so many items in the same location. As a further improvement, you can also disable the automatic locking of items which you put inside secure and station containers.
* Mining drones now stop mining and return correctly when so ordered and other improvements to drones in general.
* Military faction police have reviewed their manuals, and updated their KoS lists. If you have a faction standing of -5 or worse, they will now attack you
* Damage controls will now correctly increase your hull resistance (structure tanking anyone?)
* Buddy list online/offline indicator is now fixed (again)
* Fitting at a Ship Maintenance array will no longer use cap to bring modules online
* Stacking nerf adjusted to prevent exploitable setups and situations
* NPC's have taken training courses in how to use ABs/MWDs correctly, and should now make better use of them
* Carriers can now access their own ship maintenance, corp hanger arrays when docked and their relevant Capital Support module blueprints seeded and their Ship storage is ten times bigger.
* Cargo containers that do not belong to you are now yellow, not red
* Being jammed by an NPC should display the jam timers correctly
* A number of fixes and improvements to Science & Industry, such as Mobile laboratorys now work correctly and can be accessed
* New General Freight Containers have been seeded on the market throughout the galaxy. They fit in Freighters and allow pilots to organize their shipments.
* A number of fixes and improvements to agent missions.
* Agent mission default bonus rewards will no longer offer civilian modules or charges.
* Modules that are under the influence of the stacking nerf penality no longer share ranks with counter-modules, i.e. Tracking Disruptor no longer get affected by Tracking Computers.
* Various ships have had balance changes.
* Covert Ops and Recon Ops now have a time reduction bonus to recloaking.
No more Raven + Cpr + SB Amps?
but 1000 items per location, hmmmmmmmm .... sounds a bit odd - but I'm all for database improvements.