The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Moeks said:
Hehe yea I wasn't smacking at all, I was actually half joking there. Curiously enough I actually saw a character called skul1y (you by chance Skully?) and another guy camping the EC-P8R gate in EWOK yesterday, one in an Omen, the other in a Stabber but I ran like a baby as I was travel fitted and carrying valuables so wasn't up for a fight ...despite actually being in a tactically superior ship (Zealot).

We did wonder why you ran :p.
I went down to a close range Tempest not long afterwards.

I was trying to jump out (Geddon and Tempest jumped in) but it wasn't working so I lost Omen.

Then for some unknown reason, the game decided to put a big loading bar accross the middle of my screen, couldn't click or anything :x.

Bet they thought I was a proper n00b sitting there in my pod for about ten seconds.
Arhh well, these things happen, usually when you least want them too :/

I heard that your Omen pack's a fair old punch, I reported your possition so that may have been what the bs's were about.
Yeh apparently it does!

There was an IRON guy sitting on the gate in a shuttle waiting for us to agress, so I thought I'd see what I could do. Shot at him and he jumped as I expected.

He came back in later in a Crow (Two crows were a pain for me and the stabber, I was far too slow) and he commented on how it surprised him how much damage I did.

I think I'm going to use that setup more often :X.
Had a good night last night. Got a call for from a corp mate in a thorax on a level 2 Human cattle 5/5 in Sortet, the one with the HUGE amarr fleet at the end. Grabbed the Domi and in we went. I was seriously impressed with the way my Domi handled the fleet's agro. Had 4 CPR II's, a LAR II, active therm, kin, and EM hardeners, and energised plates to match, giving me 78% therm.kinetic, and 82% EM resistance. Had to warp out a couple of times initially, till we'd popped the webbing frigates, but other than that, it wasn't that bad. roughly 22m in loot for my corpmate, and a new found respect for my Domi for me :)

On a different note, on one of my warp outs I landed at the gate, and got targetted by a couple of goonfleet guys in cruisers. within about 10 seconds I'd been targetted by about 20 other Goonfleet, then they just all warped off. Three thoughts went through my mind - would my tank hold (then I remembered i was in a .8 system :D ), that's a very nice sized fleet to zip around with, and finally, Somone's in for a WORLD of hurt :)
CryptKeeper said:
Got another faction bs kill yesterday. This guy was sitting AFK off a gate in 0.4 system:

2006.02.13 03:39

Victim: Chewsmoka
Alliance: The SUdden Death Squad
Corp: Forge Shipyards Inc.
Destroyed: Nightmare
System: Nalvula
Security: 0.4

Sentry guns are chumps these days. He dropped some nice dark blood stuff and some tachyon modulated guns and some average t2 stuff.

I don't doubt your PvP abilities, crypt, but popping an AFK BS is hardly something to boast about, not exactly a difficult kill. That said, if the guy was dumb enough to go afk at a gate in lowsec, then he didn't deserve to fly the ship in the first place.
Just signed back up - my 3million ISK (don't remember making that much in my 13 day trial??) and my Osprey are still there :) Although I've just remembered how long its been since I played, and how little I remember.

I'm not with OcUK guild anymore either :(
Well I downloaded the client and started playing today with the 14 day trial (thanks for the links by the way :) ).

First impressions are it's a bit overwhelming at first. I played for about an hour and a half and was still on the tutorial :o , and that was me going quickly so probably not absorbing all the information being given. It seems like a deep and involving game though, and makes a nice change from all the fantasy warrior, orc etc MMOs I've become used to.
Matmulder said:
Just signed back up - my 3million ISK (don't remember making that much in my 13 day trial??) and my Osprey are still there :) Although I've just remembered how long its been since I played, and how little I remember.

I'm not with OcUK guild anymore either :(
Dymetrie is the CEO but is unable to connect to the interwebby at home, but he'll no doubt be spamming here again in the morning when he is back at work :P
hey, Dagejoor here, i've just finised my Trial account and started paying for the game :)
Loving it so far! :D
any suggestions on what Caldari Cruiser to get?
Im tempted to get a Moa, but its about 4-5 mil out of my price range

EDIT: Oh and can i join the OcUK Corp? :D
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Dazzy_G/Dagejoor has basically stated what I wanted to...

Same applies to me :)

Ingame: Sherberetta

Also, donations are appreciated!
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jeNK said:
Dymetrie is the CEO but is unable to connect to the interwebby at home, but he'll no doubt be spamming here again in the morning when he is back at work

Kick a man while he's down why don't you!

Dazzy/Sherbert, For Caldari I'd suggest the Caracal, it's a missile boat so there'll be some skills you'll need to get trained up to a half decent level.

For membership applications head to:

Isikano IV - Moon 1 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant

In the offices section of station services look for OcUK then hit the 'join' button. As Mr J said I am without an interweb connection at the moment, and I'm the only one who gets the evemails about membership applications. However my diligent directors will be checking the applications as often as they can(be bothered :p)

It's been almost two weeks! I've got the shakes godsdamnit!!!!
dymetrie said:
However my diligent directors will be checking the applications as often as they can(be bothered :p)

Translation for the poor of reading "you'll be lucky to get into corp at all until MR Dymetrie logs in"

Matmulder : everyone was kicked from the OCuk corp a while back because they were having some problems with greavers.

For those that aren't int he OCuk Corp and want to get some help please join Dymetries Public recrutment channel (Channel name : OCuk).

Dymetre question do you guys give out +3 implants?
Lostcorpse said:
Translation for the poor of reading "you'll be lucky to get into corp at all until MR Dymetrie logs in"


As long as I know that the application is comming or has already been submitted I can sign on from home or from work.

Failing that sign up at and introduce yourself to the corporation a director will almost certainly spot you within a couple of hours.
Dazzy_G said:
any suggestions on what Caldari Cruiser to get?
Im tempted to get a Moa, but its about 4-5 mil out of my price range

Hi Dazzy_G, as Dymetrie has said above me I would recommend the Caracal cruiser, its cheaper than the moa but is no way a worse ship. It makes full use of missile skills which the Caldari race favour.

I know ships beyond a cruiser might seem a way off but in terms of saving times skill training, after the caracal the ferox battlecruiser often uses missiles, the raven and the scorpian battleships also are missile ships. Therefore training up gun skills might seem like a sidetrack that you dont really want to make just yet. (I'm sure there will be a time when you do want to explore the various ships from the race which do use guns ie. moa, raptor,harpy).

When i first started playing I wasnt aware that there are auxillary skills for missiles and guns which really do help when you train them all up. I'll list them now just so you can see. Training them all to level1 or 2 even would be a great start and only take a few hours, there is no need to go up to 3 or 4 until you are happy with all your ship, learning, mining skills. Obviously if you like mining more than missions you can train these at a later date.
  • Missile Bombardment
  • Missile Projection
  • Rapid Launch
  • Target Navigation Prediction
  • Warhead upgrades

There are a few others which have level5 requirements, that you will come across later on.

Lastly I'll just point out two things. Starting Caldari in no way means that you have to train their ships, all the other ships are open to you and you can choose to train another race completely ignoring caldari if you so wish.
However it is generally considered best to specialise to be a good pilot of one race ships rather than an average pilot who can fly any ship.

The other thing is that you will hear people banging on about learning skills. There are two sets of these, the basic and the advanced (which require the basic at level5) I would advise you to learn the basic ones to level4 as soon as you can, and then to train whatever you want that makes the game fun, learning skills are boring, fact, and if eve becomes a chore to log on then that isnt good. Once you are happy that you can run around in a caracal or cruiser of your choice with enough skills to put on the modules you want to then is the time to train up to the advanced ones, and they do cost a fair bit as well.
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