The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Garp said:
The Domi is an absolute workhorse for PvE combat, its so easy to get a solid armor tank going on it.

What types of NPCs were you up against? As they were Amarr type, surely they were using Lasers? In which case you'd have been fine with something like:

2 x LAR (T2 preferably, 'accomodation' vestment if you can't use T2)
1 x EM active hardener
1 x Thermal active hardener.
1 x Thermal Passive

then just fill up the rest with CPRs. You should pretty much be able to run all that near indefinately, and soak up a ridiculous amount of damage.

It wasn't running out of cap that was the issue, it was just the sheer amount of damage coming my way, hence bumping up the resistances. One thing I noticed though - When I was hit by a missile, say a bloodclaw light missile, without the active hardeners running, I'd get hit for 36 points of damage. But with the actives on, it only went down to about 32, so it it actually worth running passives AND actives alongside each other at the expense of not running CPR's? Seems to me that once you get up to a certain level of resistance, damage isn't reduced all that much.

The whole thing does my lemon in a bit, but I'm getting a handle on it :) Angel setups however.... urgh! can't find a resistance setup that works too well.
Lostcorpse said:
Hia Babyface UK,
grab me tonite and i'll give you some equipment lasers, sheild boost, crystals, and what ever esle i can find that you might want.

wil try, ta.

babyface UK
edit: will be ingame from 9.00pm tonight, is your ingame name Lostcorpse and how do I get hold of you?
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daz said:
When it says 24 hours, they mean 48. :o

Quoted For Truth.

an Skully, change your portrait please,just looking at it gives me a crick in my neck.

I doubt you will remember blakes 7, but you remind me of servalan on a bad day.

'part from that, Yo skully ! :D
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babyface uk said:
wil try, ta.

babyface UK
edit: will be ingame from 9.00pm tonight, is your ingame name Lostcorpse and how do I get hold of you?

NP i should be on at 9pm, good point i'll try and contact you instead. or if your on the OCuk channel im there.
Ingame name is lostcorpse.

you could also send me an eve mail, look for people and places on the left side on the tool bar thing second down from the top (should look like a load of people witha magnifying glass. type my name in the text search field and, from the pull down list ensure its set to charactor.

once its finished looking it should display a new window with me in it right click on my name and select "send message to"

(this is roughly what to do from memory)

You may find this usfull also :
Lostcorpse said:
NP i should be on at 9pm, good point i'll try and contact you instead. or if your on the OCuk channel im there.
Ingame name is lostcorpse.

you could also send me an eve mail, look for people and places on the left side on the tool bar thing second down from the top (should look like a load of people witha magnifying glass. type my name in the text search field and, from the pull down list ensure its set to charactor.

once its finished looking it should display a new window with me in it right click on my name and select "send message to"

(this is roughly what to do from memory)

You may find this usfull also :

\thanks once again, see you later.

babyface UK
Archangelus said:
When I was hit by a missile, say a bloodclaw light missile, without the active hardeners running, I'd get hit for 36 points of damage. But with the actives on, it only went down to about 32, so it it actually worth running passives AND actives alongside each other at the expense of not running CPR's? Seems to me that once you get up to a certain level of resistance, damage isn't reduced all that much.

Well a bloodclaw is kinetic damage so if for example you had EM thermal thermal hardeners it would be no suprise that you get no damage reduction with hardeners active :P

For Angels and an armor tank I normally use 2 Explosives and 1 Kinetic, you have a 60% base EM resist which is pretty good in the case that they chuck EM missiles at you.

If you train up repair systems to at least level4 that should cut down the rep time meaning you catch up with the damage. Also get the 3% rep time implant it costs like 50k isk max in Jita and means your reps cycle even faster.

I have very rarely come across any spawns that the domi cant tank, killing off cruisers first is a good way to reduce damage quickly as the battleships dont tend to do that much DPS compared to 5 cruisers.

Having said that I was ratting yesterday with a sniperthron and a small armor rep :P
Alienwhere said:
I have very rarely come across any spawns that the domi cant tank

Only one I've found so far is the first stage of lvl 4 Angel Extravaganza... But that's because the ENTIRE stage aggros you (unless they've fixed it now) :(

Other than that it is truly a tank to be proud of :D

Hail from the gods here at the moment \o/
phoon needs love
like bonus to missles base damage, or rage, and everything else,
woo, loads of structure! wow
And both items are very useful if you get jumped, which can always happen. Kitting just for ratting is naive, i always fit my ships as a compromise of both PVP and ratting. Just in case that is. Also *** has a detrimental effect on NPC's tank now, not that you need it but at the end of the day anything to speed up the iskies is good :)
Scandalous lies!!

If they all did, then it would be worth it. Much like Sanshas (did pre-rmr) if you had a faction SB (13.5k) then you would be able to deal with any tackler frig with that, but with a normal SB you are shafted with some as they orbit outside 10k.

Dunno what it is like elsewhere, but in Ascenia if you run into a Domination spawn and are not fully NPC kitted, you are toast.

Besides.. Intel > a few pvp mods. :p

Fit for the role, not the what-if's :p
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No it doesn't, not in EVE, if you are caught ratting by hostiles, you're toast anyway, and you are a tool for not keeping an eye on local and an ear open for intel :p
Archangelus said:
Angel setups however.... urgh! can't find a resistance setup that works too well.

Odd.. I rat Angels as a good source of income, in a Domi and I rarely even have to bat an eyelid at them. Only Domination spawns give me any concern, and even thats do-able provided I take out a BS reasonably quickly (easy with the right drones and guns.)

Angels are apparently the toughest rats in game. I've only got Sanshas to compare them to and I'll agree to Sanshas being noticeably easier than Angels.

Angels dish out two types of damage primarily, kinetic and explosive. Certain ones do thermal damage, but they aren't so common (Angel Saints being the prime dealer of thermal damage.) With 2 LARIIs, an active Kinetic, active Explosive, and then passive therm, I can easily soak up the damage dealt. The 2 LARIIs are the most important part to be honest. The active hardeners do make a difference and are essential, but the 2x LARIIs give me a lot of HP replenished every cycle. Throw in Beserkers as your drones and you'll eat through the Angels tank with relative ease. I've been experimenting with a webbing drone recently and it does seem to help, I've been getting some nice shots off courtesy of it.
Also, if you're regularly up against Angels, try learning to use medium projectiles, and fitting a set of 720mm on the Domi. With the right ammo (explosive damage) they're much more effective than hybrids (which do therm and kin)
actually, the problem with angels is the fact that they do all damage types, depending on which ones you come across (unless they have changed it recently).

couple this with the fact that they are also the hardest to kill and drop the worst loot, and well.... life is just peachy

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