The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Used to play daoc too, and eve is turning the same way. CCP are wanting to reduce the numbers needed for fleets to combat blobbing (aka Zergs from daoc) yet they keep forcing blobs with capital ships, POS's and the whole sovereignity system.. having to wait upto 5 days (and there is nothing you can do but wait, no matter how much firepower you bring) to capture a system/station is just boring.

Keep fights on DAoC used to be fun, until it became all about the numbers. Same with EVE tbh.
I've quit eve now, not sure what I'll do with my account, I might keep it going training skills as it feels a waste to sell (for ISK) a 29million SP character :( I can use caldari/gallente Hac's/recons and in 2 weeks caldari and gallente command ships.
okies, well i dont use my hotmail much, but my gmail is regularly checked. and if anyone is wondering (or is bothered ;)) I didnt quit due to server problems, i just got tired of 0.0 alliance life and the game in general :(
VaderDSL said:
okies, well i dont use my hotmail much, but my gmail is regularly checked. and if anyone is wondering (or is bothered ;)) I didnt quit due to server problems, i just got tired of 0.0 alliance life and the game in general :(

Im in the same situation as you Vader. I've tried so many times to get back into the game but just can't. Perhaps one day I'll be back though. Certainly not going to sell the character :).
<insert 'give me your stuff' comment here> :p

So how long have you been playing, before you got bored, so I can lay a gauge on how long I might get out of it?
FosterK said:
<insert 'give me your stuff' comment here> :p

So how long have you been playing, before you got bored, so I can lay a gauge on how long I might get out of it?

I started Valentines day 2004 :) loved it, but as time went on I found I had less time to play :(
Hey fellas, in need of some advice on a setup for a Vagabond for PVP'ing in 0.0 with usually a tempest or raven as a companion....recently lost my vagabond, but due to a cluster crash, which somehow didn't effect the attacking party, so anyway i got the ship back, and was wondering what's the best and most effective setup for this little beasty....navigating the eve forums is a nightmare, so ill ask the fellow OcUK EVE players
VaderDSL said:
I've quit eve now, not sure what I'll do with my account, I might keep it going training skills as it feels a waste to sell (for ISK) a 29million SP character :( I can use caldari/gallente Hac's/recons and in 2 weeks caldari and gallente command ships.
I'm also in this position (well, not quite, my account is still active but I only ever log in to change skills really). It's just lost its appeal to me really... PvP has become tedious more than anything else; about 85% the time I spend in fleet ops is just running around for hours on end chasing hostiles then getting chased away by more hostiles, the actual amount of combat I get to take part in is pretty tiny, and it usually results in my ship being destroyed anyway :(

There's just some thing about the way the game works now that makes it far less enjoyable than it used to be in my opinion. Maybe I'm just growing out of it, I don't know.
all you guys in big alliances have it wrong,
sure, they let you control HUGE areas of space, but EVE is a game about fighting
our corp just moved down to 0.0 (not all of us, just some) we get PVP when we want it, nearly every day we go out, 3-5 of us in a gang and kill people who have - standing to us or we just don't like the look of.
no worries about having a 100 man bob fleet attacking or blobing us, just real PVP against people who have about the same skills as us.

where did it go wrong, eve needs SMALLER alliances doing smaller PVP, not huge battles.
KnightStalker said:
Hey fellas, in need of some advice on a setup for a Vagabond for PVP'ing in 0.0 with usually a tempest or raven as a companion....recently lost my vagabond, but due to a cluster crash, which somehow didn't effect the attacking party, so anyway i got the ship back, and was wondering what's the best and most effective setup for this little beasty....navigating the eve forums is a nightmare, so ill ask the fellow OcUK EVE players

mwd, domi scram, 2 extenders
pdu, 3 nanos

Inquisitor said:
I'm also in this position (well, not quite, my account is still active but I only ever log in to change skills really). It's just lost its appeal to me really... PvP has become tedious more than anything else; about 85% the time I spend in fleet ops is just running around for hours on end chasing hostiles then getting chased away by more hostiles, the actual amount of combat I get to take part in is pretty tiny, and it usually results in my ship being destroyed anyway :(

There's just some thing about the way the game works now that makes it far less enjoyable than it used to be in my opinion. Maybe I'm just growing out of it, I don't know.

Take a break, I did the same thing, works wonders. Also Alts not in the alliance work well, so you can PvP when ever you fancy it in low-sec etc.
VeNT said:
all you guys in big alliances have it wrong,
sure, they let you control HUGE areas of space, but EVE is a game about fighting
our corp just moved down to 0.0 (not all of us, just some) we get PVP when we want it, nearly every day we go out, 3-5 of us in a gang and kill people who have - standing to us or we just don't like the look of.
no worries about having a 100 man bob fleet attacking or blobing us, just real PVP against people who have about the same skills as us.

where did it go wrong, eve needs SMALLER alliances doing smaller PVP, not huge battles.

too damned right!!! Alliance gameplay killed the game for me :( was pathetic spending 6 hours chasing a small hostile sniper gang around to have them log off etc.

was pathetic! I am tempted, if I install Eve on my mackbook pro to leave 0.0 and simply go hunting :)
[DW]Muffin said:
Take a break, I did the same thing, works wonders. Also Alts not in the alliance work well, so you can PvP when ever you fancy it in low-sec etc.
That's the thing though, I haven't actually played EVE (other than to change skills) 5 or 6 months I think, and I was barely active even then, so I'm already taking a break :(
All the crap on the forums isn't helping either. So much kiddie bickering it's unreal.. you'd be hard pushed to tell if this is WoW, CS or EvE..

Forum Mods are spineless, claim they don't have enough of them, yet are making it so impossibly difficult to recruit more they will never get them.

Crazy.. EVE is coming to the end of it's prime in my opinion.. all the other mmo's I've played never lasted more than a year when things got this way.
eve is going the way of planetarion, everyone gets allianced up and in the end you have 3-4 power blocks that don't really want to fight each other so just sit there.
get OUT of the alliances, get INTO the game.
aye too true these alliance wars just make me not want to log on at all.

Spent around three hours the other day getting to a certain system and then when I logged back on was dead within 20 minutes.

On my overview only 1 person was shooting me but on my killmail 8 had shot me.

They say blob warfare is bad for the server but if one alliance does a big blob then the other alliance is bound to counter with the same.

I can't see kali changes a thing apart from giving us shiny new ships.
The new gang structure will take some getting used to, but I reckon once the "oldschool" FC's get used to it you'll see more guerilla stuff over "we have more numbers than you"

Otherwise I'll just leave alliance life and go shoot carebears in low sec :p
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