I agree to an extent-
But like many MMOs what is the point of money after a certain point you reach critical mass of ISK and do nothing but stockpile it.
Im far from that, but while im running my lvl 3s and the odd 4 in highsec, im trying to get the skills to actually fit some mods and maybe be able to afford a few better T2 ships etc.
From what i assume large 0.0 corps are going to be nealry self sufficient in production and be able to replace ship loss from wars and what not.
Also the warp to 0km thing, while damaging a few peoples playstyles is really going to open up the game to people that were a bit nervous of sniping gate camps, as you vets know tanking sentries and the alike really isnt that big a deal, so the false security u get from a 0km jump is only going to present you more and more people to shoot.
Local should be nerfed to not show people unless they talk, like a corp chan. As it is now you can see in 3 seconds whats about and run/hunt accordingly.
My views are obviously really skewed cos of my newbishness, and my annoyance with picking amarr all those months ago.
How does some noob in a navy raven with officer modules, constantly running missions hurt the economy really? other than raise prices on the ultra high end market that all these 24/7 mission runners want? there is always a % of people in MMOs that play purely for PVE and the wow look at my ship its so cool factor. THeir sub money is just as valid to CCP as anyone elses.
I blame the entire t2 bpo system and giving people a random chance to obtain liscences to make money. again my noobishness shines.
There is so much playing space in this game and so little is "really" used. for whatever reasons people identify.
Kinda like SWG was.
Really wish i played this game from day 1, not come into it in the mess its in now.