The *Official* Eve Online Thread

[DW]Muffin said:
Removing safespot bookmarks is a bad idea, which they aren’t doing. Gate 2 Gate and Station Instas will be useless, so people may as well delete them.

But I am not a fan of warp to 0 Km at all. Inties just became utterly and totally invincible, unless they're retarded. Warp to 5Km would be better for manual at least. I would have course prefer warp to 15Km no matter what in my own humble opinion.


I use instas when i have to but only because everyone else does, in 0.0 you have to because you can be sure your enemy will. I too would rather see G2G and G2S instas removed and warp to remain at 15km. Perhaps they could introduce a mod that unlocked warp to 0 but nerfed your ship for pvp.

No instas and warp to 15km remaining would get the carebears out of 0.0 which has got to be a good thing.
I would like hardcore eve; no local, no instas, no 0km warp option and a nerfed map that doesnt show the number of active or docked pilots in a sytem. However to combat people blobbing up even more, afraid to fight in small gangs, i'd put a game mechanic in place that shows static camping gangs of >15 members on the map
sure, but make gate sentry fire untankable and have a 300km range then so people are safe at the 0.4 gates ( safe ish )
VeNT said:
sure, but make gate sentry fire untankable and have a 300km range then so people are safe at the 0.4 gates ( safe ish )

No, that would ruin the pirates

CCp cannot and will not allow them to lose a lot of there players with only warp to 15KM come on peopl, u know how many people would leave?
tbh, you where never ment to be able to attack people without suiciding in 0.1-1.0 gates
all real PVP takes place in 0.0 or at belts. sitting at 200 km and sniping anyone who comes past is NOT PVP, you may as well go play another game if thats what you want, they are un eurnd kills, no real value.
Anyone going/gone to the fanfest this year?

Thinking of going with a mate next year for a drink or two :p .
I was going to go, but I couldn't gurantee being able to get time off work, which I wasn't able to. But I know Tag and his mates Andy and Phil have gone. *shakes first*
Oh right,

yeah work could be a problem, gonna try and book it way in advance!

I hear their brew over there is really expensive!?
Wizzkidy said:
No, that would ruin the pirates

CCp cannot and will not allow them to lose a lot of there players with only warp to 15KM come on peopl, u know how many people would leave?
Not many, as 'in the old days' that's the best everyone had until BM's became common place. You go somewhere without BM's and that's the best you have.

People will adapt.. I already don't bother with BM's and make do with 15km anyway, just because I cba copying 100's of BM's, 5 at a time.

And dare I say it, TQ is too full.. so would do the game a world of good to have some people leave, and take their multiple accounts with them.
JC said:
I would like hardcore eve; no local, no instas, no 0km warp option and a nerfed map that doesnt show the number of active or docked pilots in a sytem. However to combat people blobbing up even more, afraid to fight in small gangs, i'd put a game mechanic in place that shows static camping gangs of >15 members on the map
You do realise it was Pirates who wanted pilots in space/docked added to the game, and not the carebears, right? :p (Originally you just had to use your nose to find targets)
VeNT said:
sure, but make gate sentry fire untankable and have a 300km range then so people are safe at the 0.4 gates ( safe ish )

egh I totally disagree, people should never be safe at 0.4 gates, it is already far too safe in lowsec 0.1-4

VeNT said:
tbh, you where never ment to be able to attack people without suiciding in 0.1-1.0 gates
all real PVP takes place in 0.0 or at belts. sitting at 200 km and sniping anyone who comes past is NOT PVP, you may as well go play another game if thats what you want, they are un eurnd kills, no real value.

egh, since when was pvp at gates in lowsec only about sniping, its far more fun to kill things under sentry fire. I hate sniping, and have never personally shot anything from outside sentry range in lowsec.

This is what Hybrid Syndicate do, (left click link to reach download page) 158mb Video showing HSY in PVP

Dj_Jestar said:
You do realise it was Pirates who wanted pilots in space/docked added to the game, and not the carebears, right? :p (Originally you just had to use your nose to find targets)

I'm not a "pirate", I fly anywhere, shoot anyone for any reason which includes acts of piracy.
Heh Heh

@ DW Muffin & DJ Jestar I think we must be in the same corp!

DJ is right about the Map showing pilots, it was so blobs could be tracked and targets found, with some degree of accuracy (30min rule) very helpful when your hunting wabbits!

@ Vent I assume you meant the sentries on 0.1 - 0.4 gates do this to stop low sec gankers who snipe? Have to agree with JC on this one, high damage untankable sentries on these gates with a 300km range (although I think the 249km max targetting is hardcoded into the game?) would effectively make these gates as safe as empire which they should not be.

I don't pirate myself but without it EVE would be dull imo.
Being a 0.0 resident, I am of the opinion that all systems in EVE should be 0.0.. however, having experience in previous MMO's where this is the case.. you'd see endless ganks of noobs, so perhaps high sec should just be greatly restricted to perhaps one region instead of the dozen or so there are today.

Sentries in lowsec shouldn't be untankable imo, they are a deterrant, not a guarantee of safety.

One thing CCP need to do is make high sec less appealing/profitable. Heavy taxes on sales and production, only low level agents, if any other than tutorial agents and so on.

As the game stands at the moment, it's too easy to get rich in empire, and whilst 0.0 is still very profitable, you have to work many times harder to achieve it.
I agree to an extent-

But like many MMOs what is the point of money after a certain point you reach critical mass of ISK and do nothing but stockpile it.

Im far from that, but while im running my lvl 3s and the odd 4 in highsec, im trying to get the skills to actually fit some mods and maybe be able to afford a few better T2 ships etc.

From what i assume large 0.0 corps are going to be nealry self sufficient in production and be able to replace ship loss from wars and what not.

Also the warp to 0km thing, while damaging a few peoples playstyles is really going to open up the game to people that were a bit nervous of sniping gate camps, as you vets know tanking sentries and the alike really isnt that big a deal, so the false security u get from a 0km jump is only going to present you more and more people to shoot.

Local should be nerfed to not show people unless they talk, like a corp chan. As it is now you can see in 3 seconds whats about and run/hunt accordingly.

My views are obviously really skewed cos of my newbishness, and my annoyance with picking amarr all those months ago. :D

How does some noob in a navy raven with officer modules, constantly running missions hurt the economy really? other than raise prices on the ultra high end market that all these 24/7 mission runners want? there is always a % of people in MMOs that play purely for PVE and the wow look at my ship its so cool factor. THeir sub money is just as valid to CCP as anyone elses.

I blame the entire t2 bpo system and giving people a random chance to obtain liscences to make money. again my noobishness shines.

There is so much playing space in this game and so little is "really" used. for whatever reasons people identify.
Kinda like SWG was.

Really wish i played this game from day 1, not come into it in the mess its in now.
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I spend 99% of my game time in deep ish 0.0.
what REALLY bugs me is that when I do have to go to empire (to get skillbooks etc) I HAVE to go though 2 0.3/0.4 systems unless I want to make a 30 jump de tore and go though another choke point. now in the entire time I've played EVE, I've not ONCE been though these systems without there being a camp there. now if it was 0.0 I could return fire if I had the range but as its 0.4 I'd get ganked by the sentys. you talk about these places being "safe" well they are FOR THE ONES DOING THE SNIPING. for me PVP is about going up against another pilot, or another gang of people. not sitting 200km from a gate and sniping anything and everything that goes past. it just does not appeal.
Efour2 said:
I agree to an extent-

But like many MMOs what is the point of money after a certain point you reach critical mass of ISK and do nothing but stockpile it.

Im far from that, but while im running my lvl 3s and the odd 4 in highsec, im trying to get the skills to actually fit some mods and maybe be able to afford a few better T2 ships etc.
Efour2 said:
From what i assume large 0.0 corps are going to be nealry self sufficient in production and be able to replace ship loss from wars and what not.
large corps yes, to a point, but that meens that somone in corp has to mine. and no-one realy wants to do that.
my ONE issue with 0.0 is the market, there just ISN'T the supply or prices you can get in empire.
Efour2 said:
Also the warp to 0km thing, while damaging a few peoples playstyles is really going to open up the game to people that were a bit nervous of sniping gate camps, as you vets know tanking sentries and the alike really isnt that big a deal, so the false security u get from a 0km jump is only going to present you more and more people to shoot.
bubbles and Mobile warp disrupters make the whole warp to 0 km moot in 0.0.

Efour2 said:
Local should be nerfed to not show people unless they talk, like a corp chan. As it is now you can see in 3 seconds whats about and run/hunt accordingly.
corp chan doesn't do that, your thinking of alliance chat or normal player chans.
but yeah, do that but make the uber range system scanner easyer to fit to your ship so scouts can make use of it insted, and make it show who is docked etc.
Efour2 said:
My views are obviously really skewed cos of my newbishness, and my annoyance with picking amarr all those months ago. :D
theres nothing wrong with amarr.
Amarr isnt easy to pvp is it?? I much prefer talking to you guys here than those crap eve forums full of professional hate mongers.

the majorty of ships are "poorly slotted", but whilst this isnt a major factor for small gang fights, where you are really going to win anyway if its 3 vs 1, and the other bloke isnt in a "I win type ship ewar and all that crap does my head in"

People say this is going to be one of the lowest points in amaarrian history, big HP boosts for ships mean cap is really the deciding factor in a fight now. No cap-no tank cant even fire your laser with a very limited damage type.
no real drone ships to speak of (arbitrator hull variations are amazing but i cant be affording that lol, and rightly so)

It irks me to be told to fit arty or ACs to my BS if i want to be better than my own races guns in pve stuff.

Obviously i have extremely low/limited real pvp experiance but i cant see it being any much better?!

any of you guys play amarr and another race to compare the 2 side b side with no lies and real evidence. lol ;)
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