The *Official* Eve Online Thread

[TW]Fox said:
I can. We went into low security space to mess around. Got into a fight, we fired first. Didn't expect it to turn uber nasty as it was the first time I'd ever been in a fight with anyone, I went in a cheap ship expecting to be killed, but having got a feel for combat - until yesterday all I did in Eve was mine and stuff.

I had been shot and lost everything in 0.4 space a couple of times so stupidly assumed it was what went on there, and was thus acceptable

Ack.... big ack :D

Did it not occur to you to ask in corp about it? OcUK are nice guys, most of them know a bit of what occurs out in areas less than 0.5. If you want advice from a corp that primarily lives in 0.0 space, jump into the "STK Scientific" game channel. I'm sure plenty of my corp mates would be more than willing to offer advice to you guys, particularly if you're in OcUK.
STK tries to keep good ties with OcUK, Trev (Salgudar) in particular.

A rundown on how things really work in Eve:

anywhere 0.4 to 0.1 has minimal concorde presence, and they'll not retaliate to acts of aggression anyway. It starts to become a dog-eat-dog world, essentially. Anyone not known should be presumed to be hostile, and usually they are! You'll find NPC stations out in 0.4 type regions, but to be honest the main inhabitants of those regions tend to be kiddie pirates, who claim to be tougher than they actually are, given they're unprepared to give up the entire protection of empire and actually try it out in 0.0 space. They're also mainly taking the weaker targets, relying on ganking (seriously out-firepowering the target) or shooting down haulers.
0.0 is slightly different. In 0.0 space there aren't even guns on the gates, and no concorde presence. Its technically an anarchic society out there, no laws but the ones you choose to make. However 0.0 space is rich with high value ores (1m+ isk per miner II per hour mining out there, easily), high value NPC rats (lots of 1m isk bounty NPC battleships, along with extremely valuable named rats), and complexes (5/10 and all the way up to 10/10).
Oh.. and there are conquerable stations, which you can tax and take all proceeds from lab rental / repairs / factory rental etc. etc.

In very typical fashion, corporations work together to ensure their safety out in 0.0 space, forming alliances. STK, my corp, is part of the Ascendant Frontier alliance. ASCN holds three regions of 0.0 space, and by hold, I mean we literally fight (pvp) for it. Some that fly for ASCN are strictly carebears, others are purely PvPers. Me, I'm somewhere in between :D Whatever else happens, as soon as a call goes out that an neutral or war target has been spotted in ASCN space, tools are downed and PvP gangs formed to deal with whoever entered our area.
Generally Neutrals are asked to leave the area politely, but if they fail to respond, or continue to fly through claimed space, they are politely but firmly podded and podkilled. If they target someone in the area, they will most definately be targetted and podkilled. Incidents like that are then recorded and diplomatic peeps decide whether or not any compensation is due, or war action appropriate, particularly if the neutrals destroy an ASCN ship.

All I can say is, thank god you targetted who you did in our space and not an ASCN n00b. The guy you targetted is an extremely experienced PvPer.. I'd be reluctant to go up against him even if I was packing a significant amount more firepower than him! If you'd blown up the ship, OcUK could have been facing a war dec from the entire ASCN alliance (2000+ peeps).

Those rules we have in ASCN space differ very little from alliance to alliance. We're relatively lenient in that we generally query neutrals first. Most alliances will just kill any neutral in their space. Its not personal, its for the protection of their members.
You'd expect the British Navy to be monitoring the progress of any Russian submarine through British waters, wouldnt you? :D Same difference really.

Immediatly afterwards, I wired Aria Mortis the money to buy another ship, and profusely apologised. They were fine about it, and the guy with them said it would usually result in KoS but they would make sure it was noted as a misunderstanding, and that they appreciated my morality in giving them cash.

I cannot speak for Badmanedmundo but it was a genuine, hamfisted, noobie style mistake on my part, at least. I was a bit bored, wanted some more action, went off to low sec. The game has a huge learning curve :(

Might I suggest you speak first before trying PvP again :)
You did take the good option in wiring funds through though, smart thinking there. You saved a potential huge hassle.
If you want to get involved in that kind of thing there are corps you can join that'll give you a bit more PvP action, from Kinsy's one, Dansolo's one, or mine (stk). Its up to you.. the option is always available.
daz said:
So send an alt ahead to check for gate campers if you're travelling with an expensive cargo...

There are still sentries in 0.1 to 0.4 so they either have to snipe from outside sentry range or tank them. They also won't be able to leave the system because they will be aggroed, so you can come and shoot them with some mates if you can get someone with a covert ops. :D

I dont have various alts either :p
Anyway a lot of people seem to be ignoring the point and/or over-reacting a small number of people went to 0.0 space to a) see what it was like and b) shoot some NPC's. We went in cheap disposable frigates and promptly lost them.

If the OcUK corp doesnt want its members going into 0.0 for a wander and to see if our lowly frigs can take out some of the NPC's then it would nice to be told nicely

We're the blokes who lost our ships and we're not the ones complaining

We are still noobs and we'd like to learn the nice way


And secondly to make it clearer there are 2 separate incidents:

1, Fox and Badmanedmundo went to 0.0 and shot some bloke then bought him a new ship

2, Fox Badmanedmundo and me Aakron went to 0.0 and shot NPC's then got shot by ASCN dude :D
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AlienWhere said:
2, Fox Badmanedmundo and me Aakron went to 0.0 and shot NPC's then got shot by ASCN dude :D

This happened in Providence which is 0.0 I assumed earlier from the killmail that the system name listed was in ASCN space as I didn't have access to Eve or a system list. It's not. ASCN pilots generally won't engage non blue targets in non ASCN space unless a hostile act is performed on them first.

If you lock someone in 0.0, expect them to do one of two things.

Run or fight.

You may not have done what you considered a hostile act, but the pure act of locking someone who you don't know in 0.0 is considered hostile and for that you paid the price.

0.0 space and it's politics is a VERY steep learning curve. I think you're right at the bottom now!

AlienWhere said:
I dont have various alts either :p
Anyway a lot of people seem to be ignoring the point and/or over-reacting a small number of people went to 0.0 space to a) see what it was like and b) shoot some NPC's. We went in cheap disposable frigates and promptly lost them.
So why did you target an actual player? You'd probably have just got away with NPC shooting, though what the heck you expected to be able to kill in a trio of frigates in 0.0 space I'm not sure..
Even the weakest spawns I've seen down here have at least 2 cruisers in them and a minimum of 3 frigates. You'd have been WTFPWNED (to coin a phrase) before you could even fire off two rounds!
At the bare minimum, you'd need one frigate setup to tank and shoot, and the other two frigates to be purely support ships, supplying that first frigate with both shield and cap. I highly doubt even three experienced 0.0 players could manage this successfully, let alone three relative new players.

If the OcUK corp doesnt want its members going into 0.0 for a wander and to see if our lowly frigs can take out some of the NPC's then it would nice to be told nicely

If you'd have asked in OcUK Corp chat you'd have been disabused of this bonkers idea that you were tough enough to handle 0.0 space rather quickly...

We're the blokes who lost our ships and we're not the ones complaining

BUT, and this is a big but.. your very actions have knock on effects that could have caused OcUK some serious problems. You fly with a corp, they bear responsibility for any actions that you take. That another non OcUK member lost their ship after being attacked by OcUK doesn't mean they'll just KOS that player, they'll like as not KOS OcUK, maybe even war dec on the corp, messing up everyone elses game, just because you fancied it.

We are still noobs and we'd like to learn the nice way

Then actually ask in corp chat before you have these great ideas.

And secondly to make it clearer there are 2 separate incidents:

1, Fox and Badmanedmundo went to 0.0 and shot some bloke then bought him a new ship

Thank god they at least paid for the ship.. AND that they'd shot a fairly forgiving character. It could have been really bad for OcUK otherwise.

2, Fox, Badmanedmundo and me Aakron went to 0.0 and shot NPC's then got shot by ASCN dude :D

No.. tell the truth:
2. Fox, Badmanedmundo and you (Aakron) went to 0.0 thinking about shooting NPCs, then targetted an ASCN dude who promptly showed you how you really go about fighting in Eve.
Garp said:
2. Fox, Badmanedmundo and you (Aakron) went to 0.0 thinking about shooting NPCs, then targetted an ASCN dude who promptly showed you how you really go about fighting in Eve.

Thats pretty much it, yes. Aakron had left by then and got killed on his way home (I dont think he fired either). Then the guy came to the gate, Badman and Gonadsak (He is a seperate person and not the same person as me) targetted him and fired, he pod killed Gonadsak (Hardly suprising and I dont blame him) then I targeted and got owned as well :)

All in all, a lesson learnt I think :)

There were 4 of us (1 from another corp) in total and we did manage to clear perhaps one belt of NPC's :)
How about you get it right?

I never targetted another player. The ASCN bloke locked onto me and shot me without any act of hostility by me towards any other player of any corp in 0.0 space. It happened as I was approaching a gate on my own on my way out of low sec.

BUT, and this is a big but.. your very actions have knock on effects that could have caused OcUK some serious problems. You fly with a corp, they bear responsibility for any actions that you take. That another non OcUK member lost their ship after being attacked by OcUK doesn't mean they'll just KOS that player, they'll like as not KOS OcUK, maybe even war dec on the corp, messing up everyone elses game, just because you fancied it.

There were no actions that affect OcUK. We went to an alliance space, shot NPC's and got podded by a trigger happy ACSN guy that was keen to defend his space.

Even the weakest spawns I've seen down here have at least 2 cruisers in them and a minimum of 3 frigates. You'd have been WTFPWNED (to coin a phrase) before you could even fire off two rounds!
At the bare minimum, you'd need one frigate setup to tank and shoot, and the other two frigates to be purely support ships, supplying that first frigate with both shield and cap. I highly doubt even three experienced 0.0 players could manage this successfully, let alone three relative new players.

We successfully cleaned out 3 or 4 belts in that system with no losses.
Alienwhere, please calm down. Garp has played longer than we have, he knows the score, take his advice on board. If we go around annoying people in powerful corps, it's bad for our corp, mmmkay?
He attacked me before he had even met Muffin in that system and he targeted me

[TW]Fox said:
Alienwhere, please calm down. Garp has played longer than we have, he knows the score, take his advice on board. If we go around annoying people in powerful corps, it's bad for our corp, mmmkay?
I appreciate that he knows a lot more about this game than me..most of the people in this thread do. But they certainly dont know more than me about what happened then. I was not the agressor and none of my actions would have had any effect on OcUK corp.
Skully look at the times on the eve was at least 5 minutes if not 10-15 between him shooting me and then the fight with the other frigates
AlienWhere said:
none of my actions would have had any effect on OcUK corp.
Er yeah it would have. Even as a newbie I know that from past experience of MMORPGs. If one member of a guild/clan/corp does something to another guild/clan/corp like that, it always comes back onto the entire membership. It's just the way it is, if it wasn't like that we wouldn't all be under one banner aiming to achieve the same goals.
Read what Garp said if you don't understand that:
Garp said:
BUT, and this is a big but.. your very actions have knock on effects that could have caused OcUK some serious problems. You fly with a corp, they bear responsibility for any actions that you take. That another non OcUK member lost their ship after being attacked by OcUK doesn't mean they'll just KOS that player, they'll like as not KOS OcUK, maybe even war dec on the corp, messing up everyone elses game, just because you fancied it.
Actually Haly please read the thread, I am quite clear on the fact that had I attacked another player from another corp there would be consequences for OcUK corp, the fact is I did not target or attack another player when the ASCN bloke was firing at me I cant honestly remember if i fired back...but i certainly didnt start the engagement.

I would like to let this matter drop but different people seem to enter the thread and make their own comments. However I dont want to let it end at the moment because many people have the wrong impression.

Personally I am very interested in joining STK which is why I am not keen that what has been said is not answered. From this thread I appear to be inexperienced, arrogant, ignorant, and unaware that actions reflect on the whole corp.

Whereas I wont deny I went to 0.0 looking for a degree of action and fully prepared to lose a ship I certainly didnt go to attack the alliance I'd like to join, and whilst I am inexperienced in eve I am not stupid enough to attack a destroyer bearing down on me.

I can honestly say that I have committed no actions that affect OcUK corp. I was attacked by an ASCN ship in what I believe to be ASCN space, fair play to the guy, but I certainly didnt start the fight.

Skully I feel I am repeating myself, Chiezzz attacked me before he had even met any of the other OcUK guys.
Even the weakest spawns I've seen down here have at least 2 cruisers in them and a minimum of 3 frigates. You'd have been WTFPWNED (to coin a phrase) before you could even fire off two rounds!
At the bare minimum, you'd need one frigate setup to tank and shoot, and the other two frigates to be purely support ships, supplying that first frigate with both shield and cap. I highly doubt even three experienced 0.0 players could manage this successfully, let alone three relative new players.
I can take on dual 750K guristas spawns in my Retribution ;)
(I know it's an AF, but hey :D )
Skully said:
Muffin aggressed Chielzzz. He later saw more OcUK so considered them hostile (I'm assuming) so laid out a can of whoopass.

I did agress him after he killed AlienWhere, and he barley made it because he was into his structure when Fox went :p
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