The *Official* Eve Online Thread

He and two others did aggress.

Chielzzz was in a T2 Destroyer :p.

2005.09.12 18:30:00

Victim: BadManEdmundo
Alliance: Unknown
Corporation: OcUK
Destroyed Type: Capsule
Solar System: 9UY4-H
System Security Level: 0.0

Involved parties:

Name: Commander chielzzz (laid the final blow)
Security Status: 5.0
Alliance: Ascendant Frontier
Corporation: The Flying Dutchmen
Ship Type: Thrasher
Weapon Type: 280mm Howitzer Artillery II

'foxor gonadsak' and 'aakron'
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I would have done...

But at 7am when your just being told, i couldnt be arsed to goto the oc-ps forums \o/

Problem solved though...Foxor = [TW]Fox apparently LOL
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We were in 0.0 shooting cruisers, not aggroing anyone, the Chielzzz bloke locked, shot and podded me in about 7 seconds as I was leaving for home, I didnt pick the fight. Dont think I even fired a shot back.

I like PVP, if Ocuk want to chuck members out for visiting 0.0 on the other side of the map to isikano then maybe im in the wrong corp

You go into alliance controlled space, you're not a member of the alliance, you get shot. It's as simple as that.

Try it in any alliance controlled 0.0 space ANYWHERE in the galaxy. The same will happen.

Feek said:
You go into alliance controlled space, you're not a member of the alliance, you get shot. It's as simple as that.

Try it in any alliance controlled 0.0 space ANYWHERE in the galaxy. The same will happen.


Agreed, neutrals are KOS at your discretion in the North (IORN, G, IMP) space also.
AlienWhere said:
We were in 0.0 shooting cruisers, not aggroing anyone, the Chielzzz bloke locked, shot and podded me in about 7 seconds as I was leaving for home, I didnt pick the fight. Dont think I even fired a shot back.

I like PVP, if Ocuk want to chuck members out for visiting 0.0 on the other side of the map to isikano then maybe im in the wrong corp


also, OcUK corp is not a pvp corp. If you want pvp badly then your right in that ocuk is not the right corp for you, you would benefit more joining another corp that focuses more on 0.0 space.
Kinsy said:
Care to explain this Mr Dymetrie?

2005.09.12 15:18:00

Victim: BadManEdmundo
Corporation: OcUK
Destroyed Type: Punisher
Solar System: Sagain
System Security Level: 0.4

Involved parties:

Name: Aria Mortis
Security Status: 0.3
Corporation: Guild Of Miners
Ship Type: Capsule
Weapon Type: Gatling Modulated Energy Beam I

Name: Maxim Maximus (laid the final blow)
Security Status: -0.1
Corporation: Guild Of Miners
Ship Type: Tristan
Weapon Type: Phalanx Rocket I

Destroyed items:

Type: Radio S (Cargo)
Type: Warp Core Stabilizer I (Fitted - Low slot)
Type: Stasis Webifier I (Fitted - Medium slot)
Type: J5 Prototype Warp Inhibitor I (Cargo)
Type: Dual Light Pulse Laser I (Fitted - High slot)
Type: Dual Light Pulse Laser I (Fitted - High slot)
Type: 1MN Afterburner I (Fitted - Medium slot)
Type: Multifrequency S (Fitted - High slot)
Type: Multifrequency S (Fitted - High slot)
Type: Multifrequency S (Fitted - High slot)
Type: Warp Core Stabilizer I (Fitted - Low slot)

2 of your members aggressed one of our pilots which resulted in one of your guys and one of ours going pop.

This qualifies you guys for the KoS list automatically unless you can explain.

Im recently in the same corp as maxim and aria... been playing a while now and not seen any of you ocuk yet.. but im glad we are 1-0 up :)
Feek said:
You go into alliance controlled space, you're not a member of the alliance, you get shot. It's as simple as that.

Try it in any alliance controlled 0.0 space ANYWHERE in the galaxy. The same will happen.


I know, cheers, I didnt actually ever complain that he shot me, nor did I scream in anguish at the guy, I am merely saying that I didnt start any agro.

Byron5184 said:
also, OcUK corp is not a pvp corp. If you want pvp badly then your right in that ocuk is not the right corp for you, you would benefit more joining another corp that focuses more on 0.0 space.
I know, I really badly wanted to join STK but I wasnt allowed to because I was a member of Sententa corp for a short while after joining the game (not that I ever got a chance to do anything with that corp, and sententa are enemies of stk.

Dj_Jestar said:
Of course, aakron would know all this being an ex-Stain/MASS/SA member...
? I dont know what you mean :p
Kinsy said:
This qualifies you guys for the KoS list automatically unless you can explain.

I can. We went into low security space to mess around. Got into a fight, we fired first. Didn't expect it to turn uber nasty as it was the first time I'd ever been in a fight with anyone, I went in a cheap ship expecting to be killed, but having got a feel for combat - until yesterday all I did in Eve was mine and stuff.

I had been shot and lost everything in 0.4 space a couple of times so stupidly assumed it was what went on there, and was thus acceptable

Immediatly afterwards, I wired Aria Mortis the money to buy another ship, and profusely apologised. They were fine about it, and the guy with them said it would usually result in KoS but they would make sure it was noted as a misunderstanding, and that they appreciated my morality in giving them cash.

I cannot speak for Badmanedmundo but it was a genuine, hamfisted, noobie style mistake on my part, at least. I was a bit bored, wanted some more action, went off to low sec. The game has a huge learning curve :(
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[TW]Fox said:
I had been shot and lost everything in 0.4 space a couple of times so stupidly assumed it was what went on there, and was thus acceptable

Immediatly afterwards, I wired Aria Mortis the money to buy another ship, and profusely apologised.
The game has a huge learning curve :(

Been there, done that. I tend to treat anyone I meet in low-sec as suspicious after getting my first frigate blown out from under me on my first visit to a 0.4 system.

That said, I don't fire unless fired upon first, which brings fond memories of blasting a pirate into his pod, shortly after he destroyed my shuttle, and podkilled me while I was setting up insta's in a low sec system.
There are some areas of the eve galaxy where it is almost free for all fighting, but just need to be wary of who your target is incase you find a war dec next day. (Pure Blind region..)

If you really want a gander at pvp and keep on the safe side, arrange a fight in cheap stuff with a corp mate. You can shoot each other to high heaven and won't get punished (by CONCORD atleast) for it :)

Just remember, gang member and corp mate are not the same.. you'll be punished for shooting a non-corp member even if you are gangmates.
Low sec space is surprisingly safe... even if you run into a blockade or any campers, you've got instas and if that fails... we'll come back to get ya. :D
AlienWhere said:
some of us noobs dont have instas

So send an alt ahead to check for gate campers if you're travelling with an expensive cargo...

There are still sentries in 0.1 to 0.4 so they either have to snipe from outside sentry range or tank them. They also won't be able to leave the system because they will be aggroed, so you can come and shoot them with some mates if you can get someone with a covert ops. :D
I tend to setup insta's as I go. The tricky ones are the systems with 4 gates.... They take a bit of organising. I found the easiest way of doing insta's in Low-sec was to do them either just after downtime or first thing in the morning, less people on.
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