The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Archangelus said:
I'd heard that the bonus level of the level 3 angel ex was something specially difficult, but I gave it a shot in the domi, and the only problem I had, once I'd taken the frigs and cruisers out, was the battleship staying out of range of my guns, and firing torpedos that did serious EM damage. The Closest I've come to loosing the Domi was on a level 4 vengence mission. jumpgated into the second stage, and there were 5 webbing frigates 2k from the gate. Took me almost 3 minutes to turn to align with a warp point, and during that time, the cruisers and 2 battleships were closing in fast. I think I'd got 15 rats on me at that point, wasn't fun.

Anyone got any tips for soloing a level 4 duo of death mission? Setup is 5 250mm named rails, webber, painter, named recharger, 2 large batteries, large rep, med rep II, 2 rat specific hardeners, 2 1600mm plates, and a dark blood +22% to all resist mod, along with 12 beserker heavy drones. The duo close to within 5K, but there was also 3 sentry III's, and 2 rapid fire pulse units, and I'd get one bs down to structure, but I'd be almost down to structure myself, so warp out, repair, and by the time I get back, the rats have repaired.

A Domi is able to Tank the Rats on this mission easily, the problem is your set-up,
1. You havent got the Resistaces of the Armour high enough.
2. Whats the point of haing loads of armour if the ability isnt there to repair it.
3. Whats the Point og have loads of Cap id the ability to regenerate it isnt there.
3. Webbers & paints are not needed really, as drone take care of frigates, guns take care of rests.

I assume you are doing Matari Missions right? coz of the 22% to all ressies.

Look obn the EVE-o Boards for uber Domi Set-ups
Hint, drop the Webber, PAinter, Cap Batteries, Use Cap Recharer II's (5 of them. Drop the Plates, and medium repper. Add, 2 large Repper II. 2 Expo. 1 Kin, 1 Ther, Hardener, 1 Capacitor Power Rely.
Thias wont run for ever but it will run long enough to kill the 2 battleships.
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bigsteve said:
A Domi is able to Tank the Rats on this mission easily, the problem is your set-up

Look obn the EVE-o Boards for uber Domi Set-ups
Hint, drop the Webber, PAinter, Cap Batteries, Use Cap Recharer II's (5 of them. Drop the Plates, and medium repper. Add, 2 large Repper II. 2 Expo. 1 Kin, 1 Ther, Hardener, 1 Capacitor Power Rely.
Thias wont run for ever but it will run long enough to kill the 2 battleships.

Ok, good suggestions, only spoiled by my lack of skills to use the large rep II's, and a shortage of ISK, to buy 5 cpr II's. I'll give it a try with what I've got lying round (large rep, and some 17.5% rechargers) and see how I go. Is it worth doubling up on the thermal and kinetic hardeners, as I'm up against serps, and that's their damage type?

I don't know the missions you're refering to, but mine are fed navy, the +22.5% to all unit I've got is somethign I picked up on my travels.

thanks :)
Well, Steve's suggestion is good..

here's my Domi setup..

Hi: 6x250mm Railgun 2 (either Antimatter or Iridium depending on range)
Mid: 5xCap Recharger 2
Lo: 2xLAR2, 3xhardeners(rat specific), 2xCap Power Relay

22heavy drones & 11medium drones

That has a tank which is superb and keeps going FOR EVER!!

When I do lvl 3 missions then I change it slightly....

Hi: 6x250mm Railgun
Mid: 1xLif Fuelled Booster, 1xFleeting Propulsion Inhibitor, 3xCap Recharger 2
Lo: 1xLAR2, 3xHardeners (rat specific), 3xCap Power Relay

the Armourdillo enjoys itself :)
well the dominix looks like its got enough firepower, but looking at the loadouts you guys have posted it seems that it requires an insane amount of isk to be effective.
Skully :) yeah I've been scrambled before on Spy Stash by the two Pithi Nihilists or something along those lines :)

They're a pain to take out - I even had a bit of difficulty taking them out - well it took a minute or so longer than normal with my 2 x 150mm prototypes and 8 scout drones and a webber :)

For my lvl 3's I run a ferox with

5 x Named Heavy Launchers (soon to be T2)
2 x Prototype 150mm Railguns

1 x T2 Large Shield Booster
2 x T2 Hardeners (Kin / Thrm)
1 x T2 Passive Thrm Hardener
1 x Named Webber

3 x T2 Power Diagnostic System
1 x Ballistic Control Unit

So far managed to tank the entire second stage of spy stash - I accidentally aggroed everything.

For Level 4 support I run a Vexor with :

3 x 150mm railguns
1 x 250mm railgun
1 x Named Shield transfer

1 x 10mn AB
1 x Cap Recharger
1 x Named Webber

1 x T2 Medium Armour repairer
2 x Hardeners
1 x Cap Relay (I think)

that's to support bigger battleships in taking out close orbiting fast frigates :) works quite well, can also take out low to middle cruisers with the help of 3 heavy drones.
Skully said:
4 med pulse II's made short work of them :p.

hehe :) I bet they did!! I'm building up my second account now to use Amarr T2 lasers - just learning the basics atm - engineering, cap skills, electronics :)

Gonna use the account for PvP I think
dymetrie said:
Well, Steve's suggestion is good..

here's my Domi setup..

Hi: 6x250mm Railgun 2 (either Antimatter or Iridium depending on range)
Mid: 5xCap Recharger 2
Lo: 2xLAR2, 3xhardeners(rat specific), 2xCap Power Relay

22heavy drones & 11medium drones

I'll swear by this setup. I can even take on dual Angel Warlords spawns with this setup in comparitive ease (Angels are the hardest rats in the game, dealing all four types of damage and having good resistance generally) I only take anti-matter with me though because ratting always seems to occur <30km, not sure how it stacks out for missions. Only time I've failed a dual warlord spawn with this was when its supported by 4 cruisers like legionnaires or centurions. Even then it does a stirling job, enough to take out most of the cruisers before I have to warp out, let the armor reps (and cap) catch up again, and then warp back in for the finishing off. Unfortunately those spawns have to be destroyed rather than being able to be chained :( I would run Bliss as a cap transfer support ship, but Warlords change targets (so I've learnt as Bliss has been blown up whilst hauling)

If the rats your targetting have a damage weakspot, it might be worth switching the hybrids for projectiles, despite the poor ROF. Feek and I have had some success doing that and choosing damage type specific ammo.
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DanSolo said:
well the dominix looks like its got enough firepower, but looking at the loadouts you guys have posted it seems that it requires an insane amount of isk to be effective.

All battleships do, to a certain extent.
something I find interesting. Seems that missiles have a minimum damage on them, because I doubled up on my active hardeners, and it made no difference to the damage the same missiles did when i'd got 1 active or two.

Any comments?
Archangelus said:
Any comments?

Something is wrong.

I get hit for 3.9 damage on my shields from Devastator cruises. I don't think that's their base damage :p.

(90% natural explosive resistances own).
Im loving this game :D Had about 6 days out of my 14 day trial and so far all Ive done is mine :p

Gonna start paying for it, allthough I can see it taking over my life... Organised mining missions are fun, but what else does everyone do? Chase rats?
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